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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Ashley

    Merry Birthday Farjat

    Happy Bday HB GOD :)
  2. Ashley

    Sade Bugged

    GM around to start sade?
  3. Ashley

    I'll Return To The Game Soon.

    AceHigh > Kyoko :P that really made me laugh , nice joke dude!! Sober faster plz ) apparently your response made me laugh too. good one :D Hey I've been doing just fine on Ace lately thank you very much :P It would be nice to see Kyoko back though! Rofl though, Ashley chases me around every sade! He's the best crowd-control Elvine player atm. sshhh ares cant know this little secret :ph34r: . Aim number 14 !!! Hes cancell dude ^_^
  4. Ashley

    Making A Return To Hb

    If you want your name get fame, and put ares in shame, in elvine you must remain :lol: Nice lyrics B) Let the Blue suit shine on you.
  5. Ashley

    Heyas " Oldies" :o

    We just need now, that all new players join elvine. I would like ares tp closed, but with a GM good propaganda we could be better. GM influence is very important for new players :) . Example of that is when Farjat announced opening of new server at Agentina. Everyone got curious since it was Farjat himself who told all, and Farjat is a strong icon in HB matters. He has many followers :) . So i think this can happen same way if GMs promote ppl to pick elvine city to make the server even greater than it is now.
  6. Ashley

    New Wand/weapon Suggestion

    you want warriors stop playing? activation wands?. Nice and let wars unable to use sets too, and pls yes reduce warriors weapons more since bbh always hits criticals even +0 :glare:
  7. Ashley

    Heyas " Oldies" :o

    Int revived xD. 130 players on for sades :) . And you know 130 at int worth 500 at arg. :ph34r:
  8. Ashley

    I'll Return To The Game Soon.

    Bring Kyoko back pls. Let ares feel terror again with Cancell :P
  9. Ashley

    Party Bug Feedback.

    OMG hax. Want to see that :) Amazing Job
  10. Ashley

    I'll Return To The Game Soon.

    Stay in elvine, ares are way too many now :)
  11. Ashley

    The Damage On This Server

    I personally dont like having a group of ppl to kill a mage player. I mean, you get very good items dm5+rod+bbh+3 or better and you still cant make it to kill a 50 dex mage using msshield+ tower and 100% shield and with only 15 seconds paralize its way too hard. But that mage can kill you without anything but blue pots and blizz, not mentioning that they get dk+15+ romg and more items and you go to see the faeries. The damage is bad only for warrriors. :( . Dk set on mages shouldnt have same def/ endurance as warriors dk set. Maybe lowering it a bit more so warriors could strip a lil bit faster to mages.
  12. Ashley

    Grats Squall/elguason

    Gratz to elguason. Btw where is Hunter? Vacations? Long time no see him, hoping hes well. Events next month PLZ :lol:
  13. Ashley

    The Damage On This Server

    No. Cuz drop rate is normal (bad) and making demons and ggs, hcs, tw more harder to kill then nobody will kill em for getting a row, df10, and the rest of crap items they drop. 2 days cleaning hole BF for a sharp baxe rep2 which it sux since axes here arent good. We killed 10 tws and we got like 4 fire pro necks, 2 light pro, 2 df10 and 2 rows. And it tooks us many, many hours for non good drops. :angry:
  14. Ashley

    More Players

    Pls also add to that email the Logo "Come join Elvine, The Spartan City" :lol: Promote more Elvine Town
  15. Ashley

    What Do Players Want?

    Im seeing server recovering slow but its getting more people indeed. More ares than elvs but well this is free will. A new GM would fill some emtpy spaces but if you Farjat say you dont have it, well lets keep waiting. I was wondering what happened to old GMs, they left and nobody knew why .The barrack system lvl 180 worked somehow and new players are hunting to get items asap which it means they are staying. Next month hope we get old events like Santas Suit, ruddy pits, Xmas scavenger hunt and Xmas wish. Really would like a campaing promoting to choose elvine town ^_^
  16. Ashley

    What Do Players Want?

    If this server were a banana server well yes, restarting it everyday wouldnt mind to anyone, but here its not the same. If you get and IE or an ABH very high stated you say OMG and everyone say OMG cuz it makes a difference from all normal items.
  17. Ashley

    What Do Players Want?

    Whipe yourself of this server Sweetexx <_<
  18. Ashley

    Question Regarding Abbadon

    But yet your not mention it that abby needs a lot of mages to die, since its regens are crazy. Last time we tried we used 4 mp slates and we failed to kill it even with Farjat cheering us :P . The best part of abby map is the profit you get from clearing the whole map. So f... abby, who needs Devastator anyways :D . MEEEEEE B)
  19. Ashley

    Dilr0y Is Back

    Welcome back old Cele player and Int too :lol:
  20. Loco why you still playing hb arg, come back to neme int. :) Give me your rogm i need it on SheModel :P. I remember everyone.
  21. Kat/Stryder/Dark-Vivi elvs. I played all those server you mention, come join elvine we need more ppl. Btw Fee and Locobans were playing here but left. Fee back to develop his own 3d video games, and Locobans is now playing HB-arg in elvine too. Good old times at HB-Celestial :lol:
  22. Ashley

    Idea For Events.

    The tipical FFA event is always fun, also you can make the team capes event which are also very good. Prizes can be 1 mer and 1 xel for winners. Events will make ppl to stay on to have something to avoid the daily rutine. :)
  23. Ashley

    What Do Players Want?

    Remove msshield wand, make paralize 45 seconds like it was made originally. Enable the "Priest" class in hb, its very fun and will make ppl to start playing again.
  24. Ashley

    Heldenian Bugged

    held bugged :(
  25. Ashley

    What Do Players Want?

    Recall at 10 sec of last hit in player's. Pls enable this for slow running people