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Posts posted by Mariano78

  1. well that depends on the type of the event.. im sure it wont be pvp, pbbly it will be some kind of event that will give everybody the chance to win.


    I know that and I also know that Hunter does not organize an event to favor some over others. I only say this because I do not see many chars playing the game to upgrade some of its items from 14 to 21 or 21 to 28 (that hopefully pass). Just look at the answers to see what % is being discussed.

    Beyond this, I think a great event but would only have to be raised otherwise.

  2. I think this time is an event that will only make the rich richer and further open the gap between the more and less have. I think something of this magnitude should be a special event like the Scav hunt or a unique event in the year.

    However, thanks as always Hunter.

  3. As elguason says in the post about the event in question and the creation of accounts to give rep: "I hope nobody is abusing, creating 100 chars to give rep or macroing it just to win! or the only thing you are going to win a -500rep or ban at every char!!!"


    only apply the law because people is the daughter of rigor.





  4. This post is not to suggest giving a new use for the rep, but to propose a change at the time of giving.


    The idea is that one can give rep only chars with level greater than 100. Since the original meaning of this is that you can give rep with a char every 60 min and that the barracks at 140 (and the exp given by the dummies), would be the same as a new character to get sell your rep for some gold to be level 51 or 140.

    This will be eliminating a subtle way that endless parade of travelers and citizens (chars that are then erased trying not to leave any record and that also tend to have unoriginals names as R23, R24, R26). That is, if one wants to continually rep to another char or macro used at your own risk or will have to logging and log out hundreds of chars that can not be deleted from the server are registered in these transactions.





  5. En espa?ol.


    Ma?ana por la ma?ana (25/05) se abriran las puertas de middlelands, drucian, dragonia, icebound, procella y los dungeons, para celebrar el cumplea?os de argentina.

    200 a?os wow!


    Los mounstros vendran en busca de asado, torta y cerveza. Por eso cuidado en la ciudad, no deje su personaje afk fuera.


    Esperamos se pueda unir a esta celebracion.


    Los players afk en shop y wh de cada ciudad, vestidos con los colores de Argentina, recibiran un zem como obsequio.

  6. I think it would be a huge help to make bars, like super coals, iron bars, ect., stack-able. Having every single bar count for one space in the inventory and in the warehouse makes mass producing very difficult. Make the bars much heavier to compensate if you have to but that would be a lot easier on the wh :wub:




    By this I do not think that making it easier to raise the skill beacuse would not change the characteristics and the same difficulty, only a little time would be shortened

  7. En espa?ol


    PVP Evento


    Premio se vuelve total rep-set. Se puede elegir el premio para uno mismo o se puede vender o cambiar a alguien.


    El ganador o el destinatario debe verificar a trav?s de un ticket, que quieren el restablecimiento rep.



    Domingo 30 de mayo despu?s de la Heldenian habr? a disposici?n de un portal en la iglesia del pueblo.


    Usted entra en el portal y llega a la arena .... no atacar a nadie a la espera de evento para empezar.


    Si usted ataca a alguien, golpea a alguien, etc. Se le enviar? a la c?rcel y no se les permite participar. No hay advertencias, no se har?n excepciones.




    Cualquier armaduras, armas ... incluidas las armas de activaci?n.


    Toda la joyer?a est? permitida, los ?ngeles tambien, wands, etc .. est? bien para equipar


    NO Invis de cualquier tipo Invis ning?n hechizo, no Invis scroll, Invis pot


    NO GH, no Food, no Pretend



    El formato es Elvine vs Aresden ?ltima permanente de cada pueblo gana.


    Usted est? jugando contra su propio pueblo y el pueblo enemigo.


    s?lo un ganador de cada ciudad va a ganar el premio restablecer REP.


    Las reglas pueden ser cambiadas sin previo aviso


    El portal del evento estar? disponible durante aproximadamente 10 minutos despu?s de la finalizacion de la Heldenian.


    Esto le dar? suficiente tiempo para reparar, repotear, y prepararse para el evento.


    Usted debe seguir cualquier y todas las direcciones del personal de GM. Si no lo hace, tendr? como resultado que de ser descalificado del evento.


    Si usted fallece, NO wispee a cualquier GM y pedir de nuevo a tp evento.


    Si se env?an desde el evento .. no cualquier susurro GM y se quejan, argumentan. Espere a que el evento sea


    y entonces usted puede hacer preguntas.


    ?Preguntas? publicarlos aqu?



  8. The accessory I thought this is a magical gem.

    I always wondered why there are different types of gems (for physical and magical damage, for better rec HP and HP) and no one to recover Mana.

    Therefore, the accessory will be a magic stone to recover Mana.


    Logically it would do the same as the other magical stones.

  9. El jueves a las 18:00 hora del servidor, habr? un evento para los mineros en el Middleland Mine.


    Los premios estaran escondidos por todo el mapa y los jugadores trataran de encontrar los que puedan.


    Advertencia ... este no es un mapa pacifico. Hay que tener cuidado con tu enemigo. Pero los mineros est?n acostumbrados a esto, ?verdad?


    Ellos pueden ser atacados mientras que realizan miner?a en todo momento.


    ok ... los premios son:



    Zemstones, Meriens, piedras Xelima




    Rub?, Esmeralda, Zafiro, Cristal


    Oro y Plata


    100% Gold bar




    100% Mithril bar


    Super Red Pots y Super Blues


    y el Gran Premio Sharp HP35% Pick axe

  10. Just as events are held summons in which often said they can reach any item droped especially in areas of CH or SHOP for new players could do the same in the farm area, with a summons to trolls or giants plants at most and without dummies, which would provide considerable experience to new players, with the addition of special drop. It is almost impossible to get older players do not go, but if done the day of Sunday where there are 60 minutes from raid, would be the least who left the raid option by a chain mp14 or hp21 item.





  11. Para un DK war, a mi gusto, estaria bien con 130str, 200 dex (o 190 y limate para tener angel +10), 59 int, 50 mag y lo demas a vit.

    Ya con Rodemon y DM3 pegas promedio arriba de 40 por golpe y con bastantes golpes consecutivos y eso para PVM esta lindo. Y si enganchas DM5 y Rodragon, por ahi algun crit se te escapa.


    Slds para todo.


    pd: Cabe, yo tengo mi warsito 170 str y con una linda Baxe (se que muchos diran que no por el blablabla que hay con esa arma) va como loco.

  12. Siendo mas que nada un jugador del neme int y poco del argentino (no pod?a no hacerme una cuenta y probarlo), quiero decirles a quienes est?n preocupados por el funcionamiento del server que simplemente tengan paciencia ya que solito volver? a la media normal de jugadores on.


    Y para que no suene a mas de lo ya le?do, sobre la actitud de los GM, la rotaci?n de los jugadores y dem?s, les dejo un claro ejemplo de lo ocurrido en el int.


    Al momento de abrir la sucursal argentina del Server, en el int durante la noche no ?ramos mas de 60 on y muchas veces menos de 50 personas (suponiendo que hab?a 20 afk entre las 2 ciudades, saquen uds la actividad que se ve?a en los mapas) pero haciendo caso a los gm y esperando como ellos dec?an, hoy d?a el promedio de gente on es tanto o mas que el Server argentino. Por eso gente no maquinen mucho y sepan esperar. Mientras aprovechen y junten ?tems, suban sus armas, suban sus angeles y esperen a que el ciclo vuelva a su etapa de crecimiento. Y de paso salgan a festejar a?o nuevo que esta muy lindo el clima para andar.


    Saludos y felicidades a todos/as!





    Watching for pigs on the wing.

  13. Well, although in my 31 years of life I have only just 1 nemesis and has always been on this server, I found a nice place to hang out and go routine.


    All we know is just a game but it is impossible not to take love, resentment, anger, etc.. to the other players because the interaction is inevitable.


    As Amon said, I am very happy with my guild and what we are doing. Because even the best player was new and someone had to explain. Even myself to keep learning every day. And I'm much happier with the people I've known (Fede, Juan, Emi, Ro, Nury, Ari, Lau, El Tano, Orlan and sure there are more but I forget the name) and I hope to continue hearing.


    The server has passed through many moments of Ares domain, Elv domain, stop playing people, people who returned to action, people who pass the Argentine HB and stood there and another back. But despite all these movements, we could have a staff that always try to follow up the server (even these days in the evening with 45 players on).


    And although this is a game and life goes far beyond sitting in front of the monitor, which is a free server where people live under "the dictatorship of Farjat" it is impossible not thank him, to all the staff for the effort the shaking stops without falling off the walls and everyone can still enjoy this entertaining pastime. The same for all players who have put their grain of sand.


    A greeting to all and have a great year in every way.

