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Posts posted by Mariano78

  1. Personally I think it would have to change anything.


    Or we could ask not to be able to use pfm or amp for 10 sec after taking damage and do all things that may have to kill another is almost as difficult to kill a slime.


    If you try to kill someone and this recall, insults to yourself and go find another to kill and tries to perfect your technique.




  2. Not a bad idea, but I do not see very productive, because it would only serve to any trade, because if for Trade rep need to be in the same map. Likewise there was already a post where many people (and I agree) complains about the amount of nonsense and other insults that are read, imagine what it would read the chat for all maps.


    Perhaps more useful to read only chat in the same city on every map, because in this way could encourage a more pvp action, since being in toh3, it would know that there is fight in IB, Dungeon, etc. .

  3. Hello

    My suggestion (if not available already) is associated with the luckypricetickets and the same is that as are available to get on the pots of hair, color, sex change, invitations, etc, also there is a chance one can get the pot to summon demons, unis and ww. Now available through the alchemy skill.


    Regards and thanks for read...

  4. For example, whit a char 130 str 200 dex and 200 vit and dk10+, i kill demons and not chug pot and kill somes gg?s runners (really take long time and you can die because mobs around).

    dont know how long take to kill a demon, depends its runner, your weap, neck and ring. But no more than 5/6 min.

  5. Ss

    Fijate con el boton derecho del mouse sobre la carpeta donde esta el HB que en propiedades no este tildado solo lectura, en tal caso destildalo y deberia salvarte las imagenes.

    Otra opcion es que crees una nueva carpeta y muevas todo el contenido de la actual a esta nueva y tambien deberia salvarte las imagenes (si no me equivoco esto lo lei hace un tiempo en un post de alguien que tenia el mismo problema que vos).





  6. Un detalle con el noobdungeon. Si bien se ve la entrada por farm, cuando uno intenta ingresar aparece el mensaje que solo pueden acceder chars del lvl 30 al 140 y por la entrada de pl se ingresa sin problemas.

    Lo demas barbaro, sobretodo las nuevas ciudades.



  7. Perdon que postee en castellano.

    fui a ver que onda el nuevo pit de los fish en el noobdungeon y note que la antigua entrada que estaba en farm antes del update que la movio a city no se ve, solo pude acceder mediante pl (salvo este en otras coords y no la vi). Asi mismo cuando sali y debia quedar en farm pero me llevo a lo que es la salida de D1 en elv.


    Lo demas al momento de 10 todo, gracias por el laburo que se mandaron!!!



  8. If you take the trouble to read the post a year ago to this date, will also see that there is post like this. At that time together with people on vacation, Argentina opened the server and people complained that we were a few ppl on. Then people went back and no one returned to talk about it. Just one year later read similar post. At this time there was people on vacation and that the server where people are testing it. Slowly go back and no one else will read post like this until next year where who knows what server will be on and how many people are on vacation.

    It's best to take this time few people, quiet train, get drops, upgrear angels, etc, etc, etc and be prepared for when people return and above all, stop complaining about a game and have fun.



  9. the rule 24 talks about the actions of Ares and ELVs and indicates that is not allowed to help a player from the enemy city to kill a player in your own town.

    From what I understand that there would be no problems making hunts together, including last week in the Argentine server, both cities organizes and killed Abby in a peaceful and orderly.


    Correct me if I'm wrong on the concept.



  10. Dear Rafa:

    Your idea appeals to logic and common sense. A the first halogen lamps that once you go out to wait for it to cool to re-ignite, no matter who has the lamp is always law (do not think anyone understand what I mean).


    But how can you expect people will agree if they kill your own mother to get an ek and not to mention the inability to use an item, even bought, a few times to feel more pro

  11. Mas alla de que comparto muchas cosas de lo que decis, no puedo evitar pensar que estas yendo al psicologo y no nos dijiste nada..




    Beyond that I share many things what you says, I cannot avoid think you going to the psychologist and you did not say anything to us..


    De un noob a otro...



  12. And above all, be very patient and resistance to the amount of insults thing you can come to expect from people who think that being good or better than the others have the right to insult people for making mistakes in the game As if they had never committed.

  13. Ahora bien, supongamos que los chars se pasan, con todos sus skills y sus items y supongamos tambien que el server levanta gracias a las "sorpresas" que nos puede traer el nuevo update, van a pedir pasar los char nuevamente o se van a aguantar el jugar con lag y delay teniendo un server que levanto y tiene la misma o mas cantidad de gente? Porque ademas imaginemos que siendo asi, muchos de los players del int podrian o podriamos pedir despues el pase de nuestros chars ya que si es para un lado valido lo puede ser para el otro tambien o peor aun, imaginemos los post de quejas por pedidos de pases de chars si un dia al guild koreano se le ocurre pedir pasar toda su guild, lo que tranquilamente podria ser un bruto desvalance aun con mas de 100 on todo el tiempo para un server relativamente nuevo. Por esto mismo y lo dicho antes por farjat es que no es muy factible esta opcion.


    Desgraciadamente no queda mas que esperar y tener fe en que el staff sabe lo que hace y toda gente que busca jugar en lugares serios y con algun tipo de dificultad.