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Posts posted by Oni

  1. Look, if you people want to find something to do with your massive amount of ek's, make more hero items, I'm not saying make them better, just change the color schemes or color patterns on them. Make them the exact same armor/dmg increases, and like Jaapy said, it's not the bonuses for the armor, it's the fact that you can show your efforts towards killing the other town. The hero cape was originally just in to show off your skills, it's like the mane of a lion. Just for show.

  2. Alrighty, this is more of a "I'd like to know" instead of a suggestion. But As some of you are aware I like to mess around with items/builds/stats/spells/etc. So I was wondering if it were possible to get a complete list of every dice for the item/weapon/armor/spell in the game(on this server specifically).


    something like

    Flamberge - 2d12

    knightflamge - 2d12+2 etc...


    Fire Strike - 2d4 (i have no idea the dice value) and then... 2d2 (the AOE effect)


    so like official durations on spells, the area it effects, the dice rolls on them... what have you.


    also some formulas for things...hp regen(minimum as well) the mana regens(minimum as well)


    the armor effective ratios (which armors get hit the most) the usual ratio is (body50%/head15%/legs20%/hauberk15%) Or something close to that.


    The PA formula for shields (usually it was something like 1/3 of the pa is transfered to the total number)


    you guys already have the drop ratios on the web page (not sure if they're fully updated yet or not)

    but having the ratios that things drop specifically (stat wise) like whats the ratio for an ancient weapon dropping versus a sharp one or critical or poison etc.


    That's all that I can think of for the time being.


  3. Here, I've done something similar to this (not an item exchanger persa, mostly a item for value exchange... anyway)


    Put in a force log out on it. This will stop tons and tons of complaints and even stop people from abusing log/trade/log duping. So please, before you put this in, have it automatically disconnect the said character before they're allowed to post the item.

  4. If we add it so that you can get EK's whilst the energy shields in town are still active, then people simply will not kill these shields to get a chance to raid for free.


    Yeah, it's unfortunate that that's the way it would work. Instead of just giving you a bonus of killing someone, while you are hard at work trying to destroy them (even though no one seems to try to defend the ones other then shop) seriously my mage at level 79 killed like 5 of them on her own...

  5. I'm all for bring back ek's and making them more justifiable (say you can get ek's in thier town as long as 1 mana shield still stands)


    but the crap about extra exp/drops/zerk dmg/mr is just retarded. You're going to take the town that has more power than the other one, and then give them even more power? Sorry, but that's not exactly how it's supposed to work.

  6. hunting from both towns why do that??.


    I wont ever let aresdens hunt with elvines or the other way round........ End of ^^ some nice ideas there but if you could repair away from bs theres no reason to ever use it more than once. Hard to say what im thinking but eh leave it as it is.


    ok, let me show you what I mean, once you hit level 180, how often do you actually go to the bs in the first place?.... uhh never? everything you use has 30000 durability. And if you do go there it's because you need to repair something that you bought from there, like a bow (like i said earlier) so if you go on a long hunt you wont need to carry 4 or 5 bows with you, just repair item + weapon and you're set.

  7. 13) Improving manufacturing items


    A) Alrighty, everyone knows that when you manage to get your manufacturing skill up to 100% you are probably kicking yourself in the nuts because you realize how much time you have been wasting on such a pointless skill (seriously, as of now, manufactured items are nothing more then more durability) and while that my be a reward of it's own, I think it should be worth more than that.


    B) I propose a completion % worth system.


    B1) For all manufactured armors, every 10% over 100% completion not only adds the orginal increased durability, but it ALSO adds an extra +1 defense. for a maximum of 10 extra armor


    B2) For all manufactured weapons, every 10% over 100% completion not only adds the increased durability, but also adds +7% hit probability. for a maximum of 70% hit probability


    C) People may think these may be unfair, but do you people real realize how much effort goes into making an item with 200% completion, it takes WEEKS to get something that good.

  8. how is it different to the paralyse spell... only para has a far lower mp useage (without damage) - and it lasts longer. As i said lower the damage of MS if you want... blizz would still be more effective


    and... when i say id like to see spells become more functional... i would... but i don't think it can be done without stuffing up the mage Vs warrior balance regardless of what you do someone will complain.. so i would suggest just leaving it as is - (Except LS really needs to have a damage overhaul)...


    Honestly, as much as everyone will cry about it happening, there are two options that I see available to fix this, first option is to remove the dk set; if you remove the dk set, that will get rid of the whole "armor can't be stripped by hammers" issue and "mages only take -1 damage with dk+100% shield+mshield." The second option, which I don't think people will like either is, remove the M.Shield wand; the dk set one seems more universal, but if you remove the M.Shield you remove the immortal tower mage formula.... Either way, I'd still opt for removing the dk set (or at least lower the duribility from 30k, holy shit, put it at something reasonable....)





    EDIT: Personally I'm not in favour with dicking around with the damage formula of blizz and/or the max mana level... I'd personally like to see spells become more functional rather than more damaging - ie say MS - put a 2 second para for a direct hit.. whilst this is actually making the spell more damaging its not really making a mage more powerful as it still probably wouldn't beat blizzard - increase the mana required / lower the damage or something if you think it does...


    I hope you're kidding about the 2 second paralyze, I'm going to assume it's a reference number, because if a mage could paralyze you with a direct shot, then as soon as you get para, it's game over.

  10. You have a valid point, and I think many players know this as well. I'd change it instantly if it would be possible. The thing is, no one wants that. Imagine us dropping the max level to 120. What do you think will happen to Nemesis? I think 90% of the players will leave and we would have killed ourselves. I suspect it to be suicide for Nemesis.


    Maybe it's an option for a WS2 server added to Nemesis? We could consider doing that... real oldoldoldschool Helbreath on WS2 with as much balancing attempts as possible.


    God I love you... Lol, but Yeah I know what you mean by that, on my old server we ran into the same problem with characters having too many stats to mess around with, so inevitably the server started to loose it's steam, since once you get so good, you get bored, if you have no chance of losing, there isn't really a point in fighting.

  11. Either way when a large group comes im forced to go into low detail mode anyway! I wouldn't like to go back to seeing pfa/pfm - I personally don't even like the clock much I miss the days of using my mobile phone lol :)


    I always used the timer in the log out screen.... it's much easier :/

  12. i too think Pure mages r a bit overpowered or a higher chance of beating a vitty war in a duel



    What i have to say is maybe we can put a fire effect...

    Think about it.... Fire Field and fire wall is pretty good

    but we can maybe add a *censored*e to the new element (Fire)

    This effect will lower your hp 1-4 during an amount of 15 secs =)


    I hope you guys like it :D

    that would be nice, but it would be more helpful for wars if firebow had a chance of adding burn dmg. this way a mage would have to pfa themselves every now and then, meaning they are left open for para.


    none of the bows need any more damage then they already deal, they're not intended for mowing down people, they're ment to aid in hunting (fire bow should be removed imo, or at least fixed, it's so stupid seeing somone para, then pull out bow and shoot the war next to them and then have para broken, that is just bullshit) the reason bows don't do siginificant pvp damage is this; if 5 warriors had bows, and could hit 50's-70's with crits, they will rape mages all day, full screen attack... can't cast.. .game over.



  13. ' date='Feb 17 2009, 07:30 PM' post='253550']

    what IFFFFF....


    each cast of blizz cost 300 mana AND reduced the caster's vit by HALF!


    yeee hawwww! Now that'd be a NICE spell tweak!


    and their fps is locked at 75. don't forget that part.

  14. Ok, Since I've been hearing a lot of hubris about improving the low level game, which I'd love to see, let me tell you why this is impossible. This game, was originally built around a level 120 system, and the levels were actually meaningful, at level 79 you were a ND raider, and you actually had a respectable part in the game, fending towns from invading your own. This part has long since been removed since the era of moving ND to the farm entrance (where if you get all the way through you could raid in town, vs being recalled instantly....) Since this game was originally built as a 120-200 system, you can see how there was no such thing as a GOD character, I've made it very apparent in designing god characters, and it's really easy to pull off.


    When they increased the level limit to 180, they negelected to realize "HEY GUYZ THE MAX STAT IS STILL 200, WE'RE RUINING THE BALANCE WE ONCE HAD LOL" like the dumb*censored*s that they are. When you increase things, you need to scale them, not change proportions. Let me give you an example, say you take an rectangle, and it's 3x4 inches (height x widht) and then all of a sudden, you take the height, and increase is by 33%, you now have a 4x4 rectangle, which is now technically a square, thus completely butt *censored*edthe entire point of having a rectangle, making it completely pointless and boring, but if siemtech wasn't retarded and made everything they would have scaled everything to this ratio.


    Another issue that increasing this level caused, is it makes every item in the blacksmith that was added before this update, COMPLETELY USELESS. That's right ladies and gents, completely useless. How often do you see a warrior going around in a chain mail and a Ancient Esterk, OH WAIT, YOU DON'T! that's because it's a completely *censored*ing useless item.


    This game was ruined balance wise, the second the put in the dk set, increased the level to 180. The BBH and Blizzard are perfectly balanced spells/weapons in the game, but having the extra 180 stats to *censored* around with, you have now ruined all hopes of balance, if you want a warrior that can use the massive damage, and stripping of the BBH you're going to have to learn to not dive head first into a pile of people, or your face is going to get raped. If you want the damage and cold from blizzard, you're going to have to pay for it.


    The way balance works, is it's a GIVE AND TAKE RELATIONSHIP. You can't just give tons and tons of damage to someone and not stunt them in anyway, that's called hand-outs, not balance. If you want to make this game balanced, put the level back to 120, and watch the true players stand out.

  15. Well, as being a low level enthusiast, I always loved lightning strike myself, the only issue with it is the damage on it is too low for the practical level of it, 123 is a lot of int for a mage if you want to have enough Mag to sufficiently level with it (instead of the only spells a mage needing is fire strike (break para) energy strike (leveling) blizzard (killing).


    Lightning Strike - This used to be a top tier move back in the day (level 120 limit cap) as same with all of the other spells listed after, the reason why this spell has become useless is the mana/dmg ratio becoming useless and shit after the level was increased, when you have an extra 180 stats to throw around (60x3) that's a ton of extra stats.

    Solution - Well, if you want to make this spell useable (for killing, or otherwise) Adding paralyse would be very practical, but unfortunately, way overpowered (or underpowered if you make a low %, then this spell is still shit and useless) Increase the damage AOE on this spell, and adding more damage, would make it usable for leveling up.


    Meteor Strike - An easily improved spell, the purpose of the spell was to do good damage ( the old school powerhouse spell ), So, just increase the damage, and adding a DOT might be decent, but useless, UNLESS you make the fire damage actually physically apply (say it does 10 fire dmg per second) and instead of just doing DOT like Poison, make it physically hit them for -10, this will do a minor stun (like being hit while running) thus improving the effectiveness of this spell. Obliviously people will cry because you can potentially can stack this spell onto someone and just stun lock them, and well, just make it non-stackable, end of story.


    Bloody Shock Wave - To be honest, I've never had the luck of getting my hands on this spell, but I like to use ideas that were good before, and can be used again, you can increase the mana cost of this spell (say to 150ish for the argument) and change it's damage to blizzard style (but not freezing, but the same damage, with a lower int cost... similar to ESW, just lower int.) The only issue that would come with this, is people that have it will cry about losing it, or w/e... AND ANOTHER ISSUE WOULD BE TO REMEMBER TO ADD ANOTHER BSW SPELL SO DEMONS DON'T RAPE YOUR FACE!!!.


    Mass Fire Strike - Just make it exactly like the Meteor Strike as mentioned above, it's basically a low int MS. But i don't think that it pieces PFM like MS does, so add that too.


    Mass Ice Strike - Another spell similar to Lightning strike, oddly enough it costs more INT and less Gold (that still confuses me). You can fix this in the same ways similar to LTN strike (incrase the damage and AOE for it, but another idea that might also help, is increase the cold duration.


    That's pretty much my opinion on ways to actually physically make the spells usable again, but I still think you should remove the STAT cap from 200, and put it at 300... 1: It removes god characters from pvp (a 300 mag mage will be severally gimped in the VIT area, so it will balance out...And it will make a DEX class usable maybe? granted the Low str Weapons will have to be revamped for this to effectively work though).

  16. Yea I want to add it, so I'll push for it in staff room :P


    Ahh, ok, neat. So wait, have you decided to make it individual items, or maybe, base it off of the manufacturing hammer (an extra option on it maybe?) if you do it with a permanant item like the anvil or a repair hammer that doesn't degrade, this will defiantly make manufacturing more abundant (or at least the skill% lol) and I won't need to be carring around 6 axes with me while leveling up (how ever, like most things in servers, [actually mine was an exception, we just added shit on a whim] this kinda thing is going to be added by time my warrior is already level 180 lol.)







    Yes manufacturing is relatively useless. That's why this repair hammer is a good idea to add to the manufacturing skill. This gives you incentive to actually train the skill, as practically no one does right now. Manufacturing is too hard to train and you get almost nothing in return.


    does that mean you're actually going to add it ?


    If you are, I'm going to have to lower a skill % lol,


    100% shield

    100% mr

    100% pr

    100% ls

    100% axe

    100% magic

    100% archery.... crap... I already have 700% skills :(


    Oh Btw, I may or may not be able to get on this weekend, my monitor died, so I stole my brothers other monitor and its max resolution and color schemes are something horrid. lol.




    and you sir, are an ignorant fool to even think something like that. Guess he doesn't get my character builds to understand it enough, oh well.

  17. HI all


    OK i am just letting you all know this now so you all know from the start.


    There is a char in game called TYRONE this is not my son but a real player. so please dont think this is my son.





    Wow, didn't know TYRONE was your son, thanks for the info.

  18. here's some quests for you that actually could be pretty neat, and helpful for training up trade skills...


    (for mining or manufacturing)

    "The town black smith is running low on materials for producing his items, he'd like you to retrieve (xx) amount of (pick a mineral), doing so would help the town, and you would be rewarded greatly."


    another option would be...


    "The town black smith is been very busy lately and has heard of your smithing (it would check skill or something) abilities, and would like you to bring him (xx amount of said item), doing so would help the town, and you would be rewarded greatly."


    Instead of experience, gold, or what not, how about bonuses to the skill %? like +1% to manufacturing, or mining.


    And for people doing alchemy


    "The shop keeper and been getting too many orders for potions lately and needs help rounding up alchemical materials, she has requested help from the citizens and has asked for someone to bring her (*spam* amount of said material), blah blah, yay town, piss off."


    Like stated before, this could improve your alchemy skill.


    Mind you the amount of time you would have to spend to get said skills up enough, and how long the materials as well, just some ideas. Unfortunately this would take a while to get all of the numbers right.



  19. Yes manufacturing is relatively useless. That's why this repair hammer is a good idea to add to the manufacturing skill. This gives you incentive to actually train the skill, as practically no one does right now. Manufacturing is too hard to train and you get almost nothing in return.


    does that mean you're actually going to add it ?


    If you are, I'm going to have to lower a skill % lol,


    100% shield

    100% mr

    100% pr

    100% ls

    100% axe

    100% magic

    100% archery.... crap... I already have 700% skills :(


    Oh Btw, I may or may not be able to get on this weekend, my monitor died, so I stole my brothers other monitor and its max resolution and color schemes are something horrid. lol.