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Everything posted by Autumn

  1. Autumn

    Morning Sade.

    is bugged. so if theres a gm on that could start it that would be awesome =).
  2. Autumn

    Should Raid Time Be Everyday?

    i disagree to this. Just because the server started out with just weekend raid time so those who have FH already worked harder then the people who are going to be getting fh with the raid time being everyday. Just my opinion
  3. Autumn

    A Good Suggestion

    Tired of all the trash talking that i get and hearing all the trash talk that everyone else gets. So thinking maybe we could do something like /tooff but make it so it mutes w/e you want. i.e /tooff townchat - Disables blue chat /tooff citychat - Disables red chat or if possible but i think its a little too complex /tooff guild-Inevitable (something to tooff a guild that talks to much and yes they are out there -.-) would be nice to actually have some peace in game. Hate getting on and having a headache from a hard day of work and then getting mutilated in town chats -.- feel free to input dislikes and likes. Thanks
  4. Autumn

    Hbtop 50

    sad. that site has always been a good resource to me and many others. Also i found nemesis through that site =x
  5. Autumn

    A Good Suggestion

    yeah i found out it shuts off both. But what about making it so you are able to choose which chat you want to turn off. I never have issues with my own town its usually just the opposite town. So being able to just turn the red chat off would be amazing.
  6. Autumn

    A Good Suggestion

    i ment just tooff a certain guild not my own guildmates lol. that was just an example. theres certain guilds in elvine that like to whisper me or find me and talk about of jibberish -.- when you turn off shout does it turn off just the red chat or both the red and blue chat?
  7. Autumn

    Logs Down Again?

    cant seem to log in but the website says the servers up. Any news?
  8. Autumn

    Sade Bugged

    again =x why is it always bugged when im on for it =(
  9. Autumn

    Server Down

    as for the server. i dont think it will be going up anytime soon because most of the gms are sleeping =(
  10. Autumn

    Some ... Suggestions?

    well thats the issue. is that it does over power. but i still find my hp84 sharp flam better on my bmage then a +15 would be. i still hit way more then some bmages with +15. But yeah i think it would be fun to have something to level for. I am 169 str for Lightning Blade but have nothing else thats worth using.
  11. Autumn

    Some ... Suggestions?

    turn your sound off and you wont hear it lol =p. As for your ideas i like the idea of adding more swords but not too many(sort of makes stated weapons uselsss) But as for typical items like Baxe and Rapier i think it would be a good idea to make them Dk and able to go up to +15. Also the partying thing was cool. It would be awesome to actually fit everyone in to one party so its not a fight to get the kill between your own group =x. As for the xp in party it would be nice to have it raised a little but not too much.
  12. Autumn

    For You Jaaps!

    agreed. thank you so much jaapy. Im pretty sure everyone really appreciates your hard work
  13. Autumn

    Happy Birthday Jing[gm]

    happy b-day =)
  14. guess its your choice not to believe me. was just proving that it could be done.
  15. Autumn

    Speed Bug Abusers

    i hope your not 99% sure =x. ran it with a macro with shield on and it did not work. sooo theres your answer. it works with all the Fkeys when magic is bound and hands do have to be free to cast as elguason said. but yeah maybe if when you cast it makes the cursor act likes its aiming at a character it would stop the bug. Awesome idea elguason. :D
  16. wyvern can by downed by 1 person =/. takes a nice mpset zwand+1 and around 50 big mana pots took me around 8 minutes using Autumn
  17. Autumn

    Speed Bug Abusers

    definitely what ever they do will change the game. The main issue that i see with taking the tab key away is the bump/not seeing yourself issue where you have to change mode 3-4 times to get out. certainly having to click the key (sword key) that fast then click to where you have to go will take alot longer to get away from that bug and probably making you more vulnerable to die to it. If there is some way to make it so when you use the F keys it would be like making it so right before it casts the spell it auto Right Clicks so it makes you stop where you are before the cast? That i think would be the best way to solve it and im pretty sure jaapy can find a way to make this work =x.
  18. give me a magin diamond 90+% and i'll solo wyv =x