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About LightMage

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  1. LightMage

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    1st *Illussion Plate* - Cuando se activa, le da el efecto de Illussion Movement a la persona a la que le peges. - When it is activated, it gives the Illussion Movement effect to any person that is hited by the person using the *Illussion Plate*. - Da la misma defensa que una Knight Plate Mail. - It has the same deffence of a Knight Plate Mail. - Dura 90 segundos. - It last 90 seconds. - Drop de Illussion Dragon. - Drop of Illussion Dragon. 2nd *Healing Plate* - Cuando se activa, recupera el 10% de tu maxima vida cada 5 segundos. - When it is activated, it restores 10% of your max hp every 5 seconds. - Da la misma defensa que una Knight Plate Mail. - It has the same deffence of a Knight Plate Mail. - Dura 50 segundos. - It last 50 seconds. - Drop de Minotauro, Fire Wyvern y Abbadon. - Drop of Minotauro, Fire Wyvern and Abbadon. 3rd *Master Mage Hat* - Cuando se activa, recupera el 15% de tu mana maxima cada 5 segundos. - When it is activated, it restores the 15% of your max mana every 5 seconds. - Da la misma defensa que el Wizzard Hat. - It has the same defence of a Wizzard Hat. - Dura 60 segundos. - It last 60 seconds. - Drop de Lich, TigerWorm y Abbadon. - Drop of Lich, TigerWorm and Abbadon. Sorry if i translate wrong :P
  2. LightMage

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    (English) Santa[GM]it has been very difficult to make my post because i have had a lot of problems with my acc(i dont know why), but now i can, so here is my wish: I think that i have behaved very good this year and i have tryed very hard at school, so I wish that you give an "Earth Shock Wave Manual" to "Artanis".
  3. LightMage

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Santa[GM]!! me a costado mucho poder postear xq estava lleno de problemas mi cuenta(no se xq) pero aqui va mi deseo. Creo que me e portado muy bien este a?o y me esforze en el cole siqe te queria pedir q le des un "Earth Shock Wave Manual" a "Artanis". Saludos, LightMage, WhuiteSoul y Artanis.