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Posts posted by JingGM

  1. While in theory it makes sense, ice rapier would dominate too much. The rapier has too far of a crit distance.


    I agree with Synz here, the rapier just has too far of a crit range for something like this.


    I'm not opposed to the idea of an Ice Axe, however. It has a shorter crit range, so it could slightly more damage to make it more of a balance.

  2. Moved to Beginners & Questions Forum.



    =D Decided to just do quest on a war I made recently, lol kill 15 trolls in garden, contribution +7... Ms14 +1



    Haha, very nice! The other day, on my warrior, I actually managed to make 5 necklaces in a row with all the stones and necks I had been saving up. Talk about luck! :blink:

  3. If this is the same thing that happened once before, our coders probably know what's happening, and it's not too hard to fix, so don't worry too much.



    There MAY be a short roll-back due to people duping a lot of items, but we may not have to. We'll see about that.





    I'm going to start clearing out some other topics, so I'll just leave this one open.





    Merged two of the topics to keep everything in one place.

  4. Ok thanks mate.

    Atm there si a bug, when i log out my shard is not saved...:S


    Our staff is working on fixing that bug right now, don't worry. ;)



    Shield, Magic Resistance, and Long Sword are three very good skills for a sword-using warrior to have, definitely get those. If you don't ever want to get more than 130 strength, don't worry about Hammer. Archery is another skill that might be good to have, and so is Magic. Having 100% Magic makes you cast faster than normal, so every mage and quite a few warriors get 100% in it.

  5. well for 1, ma and mr break at the same rate w/ AB or BBH it doesnt matter.


    I don't think what timma says is true, but someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. As far as I know, you have to actually do damage to the person for Armor Break to affect their armor's endurance, but, like I said, I'm not sure on that. So, you can't "strip" someone in safe zone, or if they are AMPed/PFMed. If someone has a lot of MR, you're going to miss more often with AB than if they just have regular MA, and they won't strip as fast. No?

  6. GBH damage is shit as is, I don't see how +3 can hurt. It's not an obscene amount of damage added, but it does help enough to warrant it being implemented.


    Have you ever been hit by a GBH while playing a mage?


    If so, you wouldn't have said that. :P It does hurt, and it strips a heck of a lot more than a normal bbh.

  7. can a gm staff please ban Solrav's account already. All he does it talk trash on every single topic he posts in. it's pretty ridiculous. he runs his mouth faster than a kid with ADD


    I could say the same thing about a few other people, but this is not the place or the time to do it.




    Cut the spam in this topic, all of you.

  8. I think its stupid and it wont achieve anything besides giving someone a ban.


    Will this event be open to those who do not speak english? I would hate for some of our lovely friends who insist on abusing us in other languages to miss out on this glorious event.


    It will make people think before they speak, won't it? Who wants a 1-month ban?


    We are offfering this event to draw attention to the matter and encourage


    all of you to keep the chats clean and insult-curse free.


    Yes, it will be open to those players that don't speak English. Everyone on the GM staff speaks English, but a lot of us speak other languages as well.