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Posts posted by JingGM

  1. HP Slate as it is now = 20 Minutes of Merien Shield effect, but able to cast/use normal weapons.



    What he wants = Instead of Merien Shield effect, just give the person 99,999 HP for 20 minutes, and let them be hit as normal but not be able to die.





    P.S. I thought it was supposed to be 10 minutes, not 20 minutes, or was that a typo?

  2. Its like increasing some of this spells will only benefit Bmages, which is actually a hard class, that need lot of work. But i think it needs to be like that.

    Anyway, some of this ideas are bad if we consider we are going to release Hellfire, a high damage fire magic, and MAYBE we can check the thor one, which is light magic.


    Improving these spells also make way for different builds of mages, like Support Mages with high vit, and also leaves a lot of room for improvement in PL Mages as well.

  3. Okay here goes.


    Obviously, as most already knew... you can upgrade a normal item to +7 and a manufactured item to +10 max.


    The Helbreath Nemesis chances to upgrade items are:


    to +1: 30% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 10)

    to +2: 25% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 10)

    to +3: 20% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 20)

    to +4: 15% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 20)

    to +5: 10% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 20)

    to +6: 10% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 20)

    to +7: 8% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 20)

    to +8: 8% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 20)

    to +9: 5% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 40)

    to +10: 3% success rate (for manu items: +X%, where X is Completion / 40)


    So the same list for a manu item with completion 160%:


    to +1: 30 + (160 / 10) = 46%

    to +2: 25 + (160 / 10) = 41%

    to +3: 20 + (160 / 20) = 28%

    to +4: 15 + (160 / 20) = 23%

    to +5: 10 + (160 / 20) = 18%

    to +6: 10 + (160 / 20) = 18%

    to +7: 8 + (160 / 20) = 16%

    to +8: 8 + (160 / 20) = 16%

    to +9: 5 + (160 / 40) = 9%

    to +10: 3 + (160 / 40) = 7%


    And yes, the ORIGINAL success rates are much higher for low level upgraded items and much lower for higher level upgraded items. I don't know why. Original base rates:


    to +1: 90%

    to +2: 80%

    to +3: 48%

    to +4: 24%

    to +5: 9.6%

    to +6: 2.8%

    to +7: 0.57%

    to +8: 0.05%

    to +9: 0.004%

    to +10: 0.00016%


  4. Ask HighTimes???? I can prove to u that DK15 templar sux... even if u have xel ring + dm5.

    I have 2 DK15 Templars... and im sure of what im saying.


    I dashed a 180 DK Mage (he was wearing full DK set) for a 60 tonight (zerked, of course), with just my Dragon Ring on, no damage neck.


    ...It sucks? You can get the same damage as I did tonight with just a DM+3 Neck and an Ogre Ring, both not too terribly hard to find.


    People think that it should hit like BBH, it shouldn't, not on this server anyway. Sure HBUSA, make it hit like BBH, they have low exp and DK15 there is a huge deal. 128 majestics here is not. For a 130 strength weapon it is very powerful, just remember a 130 strength warrior is not made for massive damage, its made for survivability.


    Vampyr has a very good point, here. DK15 doesn't need to hit as hard as it does on HB USA, because it really doesn't take NEARLY as long to get it here as on HB USA.

  5. Ok...after using a DK15 war for roughly a month now, I must say it's perfectly fine as is.


    With a Dragon Ring+DM4, I can make mages eat quite a few pots after a while of fighting them (Ask Vampyr or possibly HighTimes for proof), but only if I keep myself zerked. The key to using the DK15 is not the crits...it's the normal swings. The crits range on it varies insanely in PVP, I can do usually do more average damage while zerked. I generally just save my crits for breaking someone's cast or attacking a paralyzed goldie.


    DK15 is fine as it is, especially since it only needs 130 Str. As for WitchDoc's post, yeah, I've hit a CRITICAL! in PvM before. :P

  6. What if we opened up a 2nd server to test this stuff and balance things out (WS2)? Let's see if it's really fun and if everyone really likes it? It will be more effective than discussing specific stats here.


    We could also use this server to test-deploy some patches before putting them live.


    Well basically I figure that it will be a fruit server (uberhigh exp, copy existing character over there, 1g for everything in BS/Shop/wzdtwr, maybe high drop) so it will probably turn out to be that no one will play server #1 and everyone will play #2, that would suck. Need to figure something out to prevent that. Thinking of limiting this server to specific times being up (short time frame 1 week before deploy?) and just putting up a map or 2, everyone in the same town or disable EKs, dunno.


    I'll discuss with farjat about this.


    Leaving it open for a week or 3 days would be good in my opinion. Gives the people who want to test it a chance to.


    For 1 day server like that will be interesting after cant play it anymore, Any1 who played nem1 testmode before it was closed, knows exactly what I mean.


    If you're talking about the main server going into a "test" mode, then I disagree. On paper, it sounds good, and if we had a smaller population at Nemesis I would agree with this idea completely. However, with the amount of people that play here, putting our main server into a test mode and then having a rollback would annoy too many people, I think, because not everyone has a lot of time to play.

  7. LOL so If I was like "Hey kerunt, my weiner is like really really big and I think your mom is really hot what is she doing tonight? Also your sister


    Would I get muted for that? Sexual mayo pzl


    Yeah, I might mute you for that. Kids play this game too, and we don't like people cursing or making comments like that.


    Question #2 -

    GM's Editing characters. Ok so I knew farjat from a long time ago, I thought he was a smart guy I THOUGHT SO, but what is this bs about him editing a character and giving him ESW and all this just because he helps finance the server?


    I'm not trying to start an argument about this, I just Honestly want to know, because that says alot about the Kind of Staff thats here (Just a simple Yes or No Answer works for this one)


    There is one edited player on this server - the owner of Boy/SLYONE. His mother, SexyBitch, is the actual OWNER of this server, and the one who keeps it free for us to play. There are no other edited characters beside Boy and SLYONE. Not even us GM's get edits on our players...all our items we have to hunt/trade for. Jing[GM] has a bunch of edits though, and they're fun to play with when I'm alone. :P (They're all bound to Jing[GM], though, so no one else can use them even if I gave them to someone)


    Question #3 -

    GM's banning someone for logging out in PVP? Why would you need a GM to interfere with this unless they were using a Log out hack?


    We'll ban people for pulling the plug on their modem, or exiting HB, because that's not part of the game. Logging is, and we won't ban people for that.


    The reasoning behind it is that if people pull/use another way of getting out of the game without taking damage, they're basically cheating the game to avoid dying. To logout you need to go 10 seconds without taking damage, an original part of the game. Pulling gets you out within 2-3 seconds, and cheats death.



    Farjat I have a question for you, you said this in another thread about a playing logging out....


    "Its very Easy. If u DC in a Box means u have lag or u pulled.


    But if u are unlucky and DC in a Box and we see it, and u dont log back, PULLED.


    Ask DmgSux for more info..."


    So if you get DC'd and you were boxed, you want players immediately to log back in in front of like 4+ people with Para precasted so you can instantly die? Any player whose ever PVP'd knows that if you get DC especially if you're a mage, you NEVER log back in instantly, you'll just get immediately para'd/pfa'd.


    How is that a good way to decide if someone pulled? Nobody would ever do what you're suggesting they do unless they want to lose a zem and give some noob a free EK.


    Because there is really no way to tell if they just DCed because of lag or pulled, unless they log right back in. If you're boxed, you're gonna die anyways unless you pulled, so you might as well log back in and save yourself a mandatory week-long vacation from the game.


    Last Question - Anyone play quakelive?


    Not me.


    I don't think i'm breaking any rules just by asking a few questions to the players and GM's right? So I don't see why you would need to lock/delete this thread, I just want some opinions from people :)


    Rakarth is a big handsome man


    No need from what I can tell, but it's not my server to run. ;)