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Posts posted by JingGM

  1. I'm so sick and tired of seeing marcock and his sausage buddy Alright sh!t talking in every topic that isn't even relevant. Can you guys please just ban them for like 6+ months so they can walk out and experience the real world and finally see sunshine for once in their life.


    I'll take that into consideration.

  2. Making mages more powerful than they already are? Come on, Zwand migth not hit a lot more than dk15 but even with pfm always makes 50+ dmg, unlike dk15. With Zwand you can focus only in making your ang+10 cuz no matter what zwand will always get the same dmg. You can take down an enemy faster with zwand than DK15 in many ways. Ex your fighting a war with Zwand but hey! he got ie neck, with Zwand you can EWS him with very powerful hits, or AB him and this will make a good chance to kill him faster than using dk15. Cast Fireball with zwand on a pfa war and youll see it hit 40+. Dont understimate the power of that wand. Remember Static using zwand and ESW making most hits 80+ 5-6 hits with ESW + armor going to hell in seconds.


  3. You guys just need to be patient. Stop worrying about what might or might not happen, and just play the game.


    People come and go, we lose some old blood and gain some new.


    Just give it time...things will work out, eventually.


    As the Admins have said several times, we WON'T let Nemesis Int die.


    So...SHHH! Enjoy the easy hunting while you can. :P

  4. Bueno, como ahora tenemos 2 servers usando el mismo foro, pense que seria util senalar esto.


    si NO quieren ver el foro de Neme int o el de Neme arg, lo unico que tienen que hacer es clickear en la flechita


    IPB Image


    Entonces, se vera asi:


    IPB Image


    De esa forma, no van a tener que bajar toda la pantalla para encontrar el tema que andan buscando.

  5. My average ping MS for Arg:


    200 MS


    Average ping MS for Int:


    67 MS




    I usually get around 42 MS on the Int server, my internet must be laggin today. :huh:




    As for my opinion, yes, it's always nice to see new blood come to HB. If it doesn't hurt the main Nemesis server much, I'm perfectly fine with it.

  6. Isn't that how Long Swords should be, though?


    They have nice crit range - 3 spaces, yet the crits don't do as much. Hammers, on the other hand, have a lower crit range and high damage.


    But then, where does that leave the Battle Axes? In-between both? And why is there no "Rare" Battle Axe, besides the Xelima Axe?

  7. I definitely agree with the SG Necklace, but I'll keep quiet about the Liche Necklace because I have one. ;)


    Demon Slayer is fine according to you?


    What about the Blood Weapons? I used a Blood Sword for a while, but never really in PVP. It was fairly decent, but I think the DK15 overshadows it quite a bit.

  8. but you can kill more than 100 cyclops in the time it would take to kill 100 beholders...

    so i wonder which monster would be a better choice, kill 200 cyclops and only 100 beholders.... you get x2 the chance?


    That's always the question, now isn't it? :D

  9. Different maps have an increased drop rate, and different monsters also drop things more often than others.


    For example, in Middleland there is a 9% higher droprate for both towns, but there is no increased droprate for Promiseland.


    Also, if your town has won the Heldenian, you'll get another 9% increase in drops.


    Lastly, if you're looking for rare items, the harder the monster is to kill, the better chance you have at getting a drop. For example, you'll have a better chance at getting a Cancellation Manual from killing 100 Beholders rather than killing 100 Cyclops.