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Posts posted by JingGM

  1. The point of "Donating" is to give a free gift to the server because you want to support it.


    The point of farjat's new donation page is to give those who have a lot of money a gift for their donations. The prices are to discourage things like town changes from becoming too common, and to keep the rare dyes rare.


    As for slates, how many slates have you made in your time here at Nemesis? I've made about 5, but that's because I've played on a mage for a long time and done a lot of hunting with him.

  2. I say keep barracks level 180 until I get my bmage to 180 over Christmas break! :lol:




    Nah, but seriously, I like the perm-raid. But, as mentioned above, if we keep perm-raid and lower max level of barracks, then we need more pits for the goldies to hide in. D2 or RH/EF would be great places for those, IMO.

  3. You know what might make players stay. If some of the players here were constant *censored*ing dicks. Im talking about people like Marclorc who does nothing but abuse people over town chat. If i was a new player and saw the way marclorc speaks to pretty much EVERYONE on the server, I wouldnt even bother play.


    There are others, Im using him as an example because I just spent 10 minutes listening to his rubbish in town.


    He has a point, you know. That's one thing that always turned me off from Aresden while I was still active in-game - there were a lot of idiots talking big just because they want to stroke their ego online.