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Posts posted by JingGM

  1. Decreasing PA on DK armor would totally kill the bmage class.


    It would be like killing a lvl 140...


    There's 2 types of DK Armors, Knight sets and Mage sets. Even the legs and berks (if I looked at it correctly) have different names.


    Looking at that, the coders can probably change the stats of 1 set and leave the other alone, and bmages usually take knight set I think. My bmage has a knight set, at least.



    I love the ideas in this topic though. Keep them coming!

  2. my bad elgua =)

    anyways, did any1 send lew a pm?


    Cero News


    I just sended an email to Lew to the address i took from game database. But his address dc.porten@adelphia.net returned error.


    Try xxxxxxxxx, he used that e-mail for his Frost[GM] forum account.


    I don't see any other e-mails for Lew in the forum, though..



    Here's another e-mail I found for Hunter, if you wanted to try it:




    It's one he used for the Justice forum account.

  3. The enclosed area also has no obstacles. (unless it did, and then I apologize because I did not play at the time that event happened)


    It didn't.


    I died to 4 warriors the other day with merien shield, DK, mshield wand on, from full hp. I was stunned.


    Just because they were using Dk swords and one was a hero and I was silly enough to amp myself (causing myself to stop long enough for them to get coordinated crits off - and yes I shield casted).


    To be honest, I don't think 90% of warriors work together enough or do enough to ensure they get eks.


    Many don't para even when a mage is out of pfm (and don't time), none coordinate with other warriors to say, box a mage and attack simultaneously from invis, and very few save their crits for one mage.


    As Maynard pointed out 1v1 theres many warriors I can't kill, I couldnt even kill some warriors with 3 mages if I tried (and we have before), and that was even when we landed PFA's.


    Very good points but at the same time, do we have to have 4 wars dumping crits into 1 mage just to down them?


    And honestly - I agree that the warriors don't always work together very well, but there doesn't seem to be anyone helping them, either. I try to give times every single time I get them - yet not everyone responds.


    As for the unkillable wars - that's with sets, items you have to find/trade for, am I right? With a mage, it's hit 180, maybe train shield to 100, and grab a tower shield from BS and you're now very hard to kill as long as you time your own AMPs.

  4. pfft

    the thing is this is supposed to be mass player fight

    witho no tower in mass fights mages are almsot useless


    And with them, they can survive 8 wars critting them. I AM talking about mass players fighting mages - and the mages running away, laughing because a tower solves all their problems.


    As for Merien Shield, then leave it at 40 str, but lower the normal defense on it accordingly.


    Towers add 35 defense - higher than any neck you can craft, and the same as the newly raised DF of the "RARE" Stone Golem Necklace. Yes, I think it needs a change.

  5. Now this is just something I want to see opinions about, not something that will necessarily be changed just because it's a GM suggesting the idea.



    Now I used to always play as a mage and had no real idea of how it was as a warrior, but lately I've been playing my warrior a lot more. I notice that hey - it IS pretty hard to kill mages once they throw up a tower and m.shield, even without 100% shield that some dex mages have.


    Many people have suggested removing or lowering the defense on DK sets, and I see their point of view, but it seems a bit drastic to me. As another idea, I offer this - raise the required Strength on shields.


    My suggestion - raise the required Str of shields.


    Tower - 100 Str

    Kite - 74 Str

    Lagi - 65 Str

    Iron - 50 Str

    Blonde - 40 Str

    Targe - 25 Str

    Scooterm - 20 Str (No change)

    Leather - 10 Str (No change)

    Wood - 8 Str (No change)



    What would it do? Well for one, it would make Light% shields a lot more useful. Another thing, it would limit shields to Battlemages, PlateMages, and Warriors - People with low vit (Battle/Platemages) and (some of) the ones who Tank (Warriors).


    It's a bit less drastic than removing DK sets, but still serves to help the ultimate goal - making mages less overpowered. Because yes, even though I still love my mage, I didn't really die very often on him while raiding, outside of sades/helds. And yes, I finally agree that they are a (little) over-powered.



    Please give an explanation of your "I agree"/"Don't agree" answer, if you can. Always helps, either way.


    Current Str requirements on shields can be seen in Blacksmith.

  6. Hmm Crashed, any ideas why?


    Probably the Detectors.


    Anyways, farjat had the server fixed within a couple minutes, and we were able to finish the PVP Event with no more DCs. Pics to come soon.



    Congratulations to Gamny, Persefonea, Alright, Blizzy, and Gimlin for making the top 5, and Congratulations to Gamny for winning Dark Executor!

  7. This may be a stupid question, just i haven't participated in this kind of event before, do you drop anything when you die?


    There are no stupid questions, don't worry. As MJ said, no, you don't drop anything in Arenas (where this PVP event will be held), or Bleeding Island.

  8. Make ur ml ur pl 180. there are plenty of ares or elvs in ml and ib. Its not 100% necesary to raid only town. There are mass ppl on at the moment and there are nice figths :D


    Yeah but what's the point? There's no need for pvp exp on what is no longer a pvp server.


    This is a PVP server...just not with hundreds of little goldy free EKs running around. Hit 180, join a guild, and start fighting - it's worth it.

  9. Raid time is perfect now, from friday to sunday you got lot of time to go raid, and you can look for fights every day in ml/ib/dung/ etc.



    ib there's usually daily fights


    I seem to find several fights in ML/IB every week now, it's pretty nice.