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Posts posted by JingGM


    mages are the first ones to aim in mass fights, they dont get inmortal with items , etc etc



    something most players on this server can't grasp :rolleyes:


    Wars just get harder and harder to kill with the more items they get (and it's not hard to find 1-2 low MR or MA pieces), while mages really just get more MP and easily strip-able HP sets.

  2. The thing is, new people does not wanna start server thats alrdy stacked with items and where 99% of the players has alrdy gotten ALOT, since most args left to neme arg, nemesis int player base has dropped ALOT and new players are incredibly hard to get.


    From my point of view theres 2 ways of fixing this situation:


    1. Full wipe... for the commited nemesis players it seems like the world is ending, but to the rest 2000 hb players out there its a possibility to start over in a reliable stable server that is being administrated well.


    2. A BIG change that makes gameplay more fun... changing the shield str req's, wiping m.shield wands and making them rare, decreasing dk set defence or even removing dk sets is a change to better direction, but I doubt even change this big isnt enough to attract new players.

    Maybe some, but not alot.



    I personally think nemesis needs both of these options.


    1. Absolutely not.


    2. We'll talk about it.

  3. yeah so then people who share accounts could find a nice surprise when they are working for 30mill exp for their next mp lol


    Exactly...it really only takes us about a minute to do it, so it doesn't bother me to do it.


    Actually, if you send a ticket on the main website, we'll reset your EXP to 0 for you.


    However, be warned that if you want to reach 141, you'll have to re-gain all the EXP back by yourself. We won't help with that.


    IF u do that u stay with ur upgraded DK items so u can use them back when reaching lvl 180 again?


    By "reset your exp to 0", I basically mean making your character stay at the current level it is, but with 0 exp. You don't lose any levels, just EXP.


    For example, let's say that I have a PL raider that I just leveled to level 140. I send a ticket, asking GMs to reset my exp. My exp WAS at 3 million or so, now it's at 0, and I'm still level 140. To reach level 141, I have to regain all that 3 million exp before my exp % will start to raise back up.

  4. Actually, if you send a ticket on the main website, we'll reset your EXP to 0 for you.


    However, be warned that if you want to reach 141, you'll have to re-gain all the EXP back by yourself. We won't help with that.

  5. I think the main reason we haven't wanted to do this in the past is because of the economy of the server.


    A lot of times I'll get a drop or see an item someone is trading that is W, but I need M. Sometimes I'll get one and try to trade for the same item in M, or just trade for another item I may need, but the variety is what helps fuel the economy. If we could change the gender on armors, I would never need to trade my nice W item drop, because I could just change it to M and use it.


    Also, there wouldn't be as much of a need for sex change potions, either. If I ever found a REALLY nice W item, I might consider changing my character's gender, but then I would need more pieces that are W, making me trade more items to get them.


    In my opinion, I don't think we need the option to change the gender of armors, even if it's extremely difficult to do it.


    Maybe, (MAYBE!) as an event prize we could change the gender of one piece of armor for a player, but other than that I don't think it's necessary.

  6. Dang you guys are fast! Hahaha thanks everyone!


    HAPPY BDAY MAN!!!!!!!


    Hope u get a nice one!!! get drunk for me plz! =)


    The legal age to drink is 21, I'm only 20 today. :P


    wooooot, since when u follow the law Jing? :lol: :lol:


    Only since I became a GM, shhh!

  7. Lvl 140 max is a complete waste imo. Should be for all levels.


    And I am well aware of the abbadon maps but I was just thinking like a small change, something to make use of the spiders as well as pr items. And the map clear could be like a mini event every once in a while that doesn't need 30+ people to do and would be different from the weekly abbadon routine. Just an idea though ;)


    Maybe we could set a TP to it as a prize for whatever town wins X event? Or just randomly make a TP to it in one of the maps every once in a while, and announce it in-game and in forum, etc.

  8. I'm just thinking aloud, but it think it would be really cool to have a kind of Spider-Dungeon that would be ideal for leveling in the pits near the entrance but then really great for hunting deeper into the dungeon.


    Maybe like a range of spider monsters from the equivalence of a Giant plant to possibly a Hellclaw or better with a few intervals in between; all scattered throughout the map.


    But what I thought would be really cool would be that spiders would have a very high poison level that breaks through the 100% pr skills barrier and could maybe make pr armor of some actual use in Helbreath.


    Also maybe there could be a certain day of the week or month or some period of time that the dungeon is completely swarmed with spider-monsters and once all cleared a spider queen (or something) would spawn that would be almost as hard as abbadon, and have like a 7 tile drop with 1 100% rare item drop(obviously rares ascending from most common to least common and able to drop more than just 1).


    But again these are just a few ideas I was thinking of out loud ^_^


    Let me re-phrase myself - I hate (large) spiders.


    But the idea isn't bad, except we already have Abaddon maps. What if we made a Max lvl 140 map with something like this? The boss wouldn't have drops as good as Abaddon, but it's still a thought.

  9. i cant agree with you guys :/ u should be able to wear hero armor and still have good defense why sacrifice a little defense for damage? its not something from BS its an achievement in this game and a little more defense ration on it would be kool so fullheros can actually wear it at all times.... my point is we work hard for the fullhero so why not up the Defense on it just a bit! :D


    Because you can already get good defense from DK sets. It's like using an MP set on a mage or statted armor on a war - you don't wear it all the time, because you know someone (usually wars) can rape you if they catch you with it on. Yeah, you get the benefit of the stat - MP, HP, MR, MA, PA, DR, but with all but PA and DR you sacrifice defense for some kind of other boost.


    Yes, you work hard for hero set - you also have to work for statted items, by trading or hunting for them. The point is, you get a bonus - but it's not "God" armor. You get that stat bonus in exchange for less defense, and that's how it should be.


    Taking damage? Switch back to DK - because that's what it's for.

  10. not agreed. Hero set is based on high hitting prop and damage, but not defence. FH have a more endurance than armor from bs, so is harder to strip. FH is painfull awesome.


    I agree with Emke here. You get the bonus of +4 Dmg and extra Hit Probability, but at the sacrifice of losing some defense. Mage hero is like a paper bag sometimes, yeah, but it's good for that bit of extra damage when you catch someone in paralyze.


    As for war full heros, just aim for them. It may have good endurance, but it still strips. ;)