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Posts posted by JingGM

  1. Here is the list for Week #2 of Jing[GM]'s Scavenger Hunts! First person to post in the forum or Facebook page with all of the items in one character wins. Topic will remain open until both prizes are won (even if it takes a long time!).



    I need you to find me the following items (secondary stats do NOT matter):


    1500 Slime Jelly

    Ancient Dagger

    Ancient Short Sword OR Main Gauche OR Gradius (bring me ONE of these three in addition to the other items on the list)

    Ancient Rapier

    Ancient Esterk


    1st Prize:


    Booster Pack (x1 of each Booster)

    Stones Pack ((x1 Merien, x2 Xelima, x3 Zem)


    AND choose one of the following weapons (permanent!):


    Ancient Rep+7 OR HP91 Esterk, Rapier, or Gradius



    2nd Prize:


    MS20 CP30% EXP20 Wand

    Stones pack (x1 Merien, x2 Xelima, x3 Zem)




    **Weapon must be something that can naturally be dropped with stats (I.E. Battle Hammer, Giant Sword, etc.). Weapon cannot be something that does not normally drop with stats (I.E. BBH, Devastator, etc.).


    For more information (and translations), please go here:






    "Helhounds and Cyclops. One has blades for hands, the other has a nasty tongue. Such strange creatures."

  2. To those people who keep telling me in-game that the drop rate seems lower than Nemesis 2 (not people in this topic, really), please look at the auction house and tell me that this is lower than before. Thanks!



    On-topic, White has a point with the event items. I'm doing my scav hunts for items that will disappear because they are not going to be insanely hard, but possible for anyone (each week will be different!). Once White has the bigger system in place, I will work to design some truly difficult and worthwhile scav events. ;)

  3. If it will dissapear after 20 hours why bother ? :glare:


    Why not a week?

    The time only counts when you are logged in and it is in your bag. Timer doesn't change when it's in WH or on the ground, or if you're logged out with it in your bag. Next week i'll probably give an option for the type.

  4. Here is the list for Week #1 of Jing[GM]'s Scavenger Hunts! First person to post in the forum or Facebook page with all of the items in one character wins. Topic will remain open until both prizes are won (even if it takes a long time!).



    I need you to find me one of each of the following items (secondary stats do not matter):


    Critical+5 Dagger

    Critical+6 Dagger

    Critical+7 Dagger

    Critical+8 Dagger

    Critical+9 Dagger

    Critical+10 Dagger



    1st Prize:


    Limited (Disappears after 25 Hours of use) Critical+10 HP+21 Weapon** of your choice

    Critical+7 Weapon** of your choice (permanent!)


    2nd Prize:


    Stones Pack (x1 Merien, x2 Xelima, x3 Zem)

    Exp Booster x3




    **Weapon must be something that can naturally be dropped with stats (I.E. Battle Hammer, Giant Sword, etc.). Weapon cannot be something that does not normally drop with stats (I.E. BBH, Devastator, etc.).


    For more information (and translations), please go here:






    "I like jelly. Do you like jelly?"

  5. Jing[GM]'s Weekly Scavenger Hunts!



    Time to start Jing's weekly scavenger hunts! Every week, sometime on Sunday or Monday, Jing[GM] will post a new scavenger hunt list and prize in the forums. The first prize will be one of the following types of item:


    - Limited (Disappears after X amount of hours in your bag)

    - Corrupted (disappears in X amount of days after prize is given)

    - Or Fragile (cannot repair the item, will disappear after reaching 0 Endurance)


    The type of prize will be listed in each event, or will be given as a choice to the player. Second place prizes will be consumables - Potions, Boosters, maybe even a dye or two.


    Each list will be able to be done by ANY player - but that does NOT mean they will be easy! Each list will be different from the last. I will not announce the time I will post the topic, only that it will be sometime on Sunday or Monday of each week.


    To win, you must collect the items on the list and put them all onto a single character - in your Warehouse or Web Warehouse. After that, either post in the forums with the name of the character that has the items (best way), or post on one of the HB Nemesis Facebook pages with the name of the character that has the items.


    First person to post with the items wins, HOWEVER, the same person CANNOT win the first prize two weeks in a row.


    However, in cases of close calls, the GM team reserves the right to check item logs to see who actually collected the items first.


    Good luck to everyone! First list will be posted on either Sunday, November 24 or Monday, November 25.




    Note: Rules of the event are subject to change at any time, without notice, at the discretion of Jing[GM] or other members of the GM team.

  6. We should remove heldenian and actually make an event that is actually playable for all players. Heldenian just blocking 3 bridges is pointless because no town have held down the fort longer than an hour. It might be possible now for next heldenian because Aresden 1:3 or 1:4 ratio with elvines in this event.


    Possible idea is separate Elvine and Aresden to identical maps to take down mobs or destroying buildings and npcs of some sort. This seems more ideal for all levels and this haven't been made yet that I know of except BF siege. Heldenian is probably the worst event at this time and point in this server.


    I have been a GM for multiple servers years ago. Been playing HB for over 10 years and I have quit and played on n off. I am not saying I should be GM but just giving out ideas that GM should be discussing.


    Can you expand the idea of having maps and players needing to destroy mobs/buildings into a new topic in Suggestions forum?

  7. GM.. Just take a walk in Aresden during different time zones and check out WH, Shop, BS, etc... At night time in California... Elvine is way more active.


    Daytime, Aresden is more active than night time but Elvine is even more active. I think the server was balancing itself out really. I saw more Elvine characters that stayed to level 180 versus characters in Aresden.


    Second, there aren't enough players to even play heldenian and crusades just get outrun just like the first time when server opened... Elvine overpowered Ares then Ares was a bit over powering Elvine but Elvine got a lot of the rares. Now, its back to stage 1. Aresden will fight... but it won't last long. Oh yeah, where are all the Elvines? Constantly, trying to find me and EnjoyLife lol! I loved how you guys try to box where I logged off. I logged back in and walked away from the box. Major success MaynarD... I don't know why you are logged on GM and character and at the same time you ended up at Middleland server after I kept shouting where are the elvines... Logged off twice with my DeCay and you guys knew where I logged off too. Amazing...

    If you think a GM is abusing their powers, put it into a ticket not in the forum.