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Posts posted by JingGM

  1. having just 1 dk set flamb wars are useless in 1 vs 1, any war with strip would end up killing em as u would strip plate and he wouldnt =/




    Also, if you can find a decent Hammer (156 Str), that will really help with mages that like to use mp/hp sets.


    If you can get a decent gis and half-decent hammer, I'd say it's worth it as I have both, and enjoy it very much.

  2. Agreed completely, DK crits SUCK in PVP, even with DK15.


    I used a Crit+5 HP21 GiS for a while, and I have to say it's pretty good. The crits are noticeably better than DK15, but still not extremely high every crit.


    If you go for GiS, I'd say use DK15 for normal swings on mages, and have the crit gis ready for critting, or for use on wars.

  3. well that depends on the type of the event.. im sure it wont be pvp, pbbly it will be some kind of event that will give everybody the chance to win.


    I know that and I also know that Hunter does not organize an event to favor some over others. I only say this because I do not see many chars playing the game to upgrade some of its items from 14 to 21 or 21 to 28 (that hopefully pass). Just look at the answers to see what % is being discussed.

    Beyond this, I think a great event but would only have to be raised otherwise.


    Those players with the really high % armors aren't necessarily going to win.


    Who knows, it could be a goldie who just started playing on this server who wins!

  4. Or instead of having them in town, move it to farm like you were going to for one of your recent events? Reduced exp, less chance of over-leveling.. just a suggestion, it's really up to you :)


    i dont think there's gona be a big diff between doing it in town and doing it in farm


    Actually, there's a HUGE difference. Hunter did a summon event for Levels 140-179 in farm once, and it wasn't exactly slow, but it was a HUUUUUUGE decrease in EXP from normal.


    Still, a lot of people got levels during that event and it was nice for them.

  5. As most of you probably know, Helbreath just isn't a new game anymore. For this reason and several others, we're slowly losing players, and we're doing our best to bring more players to the game.


    For this reason, I want to ask a favor of the older players - be nice to the Newbies that come here. If you see another Goldy running around asking a bunch of "stupid" or "dumb" questions - be nice and answer them. You probably remember how it was when YOU first started HB, knowing absolutely nothing but just wanting to play.


    If you have time, just explain to them the different stats, and what builds are good for a newbie playing as a mage or warrior. If you don't have time, find someone in your guild who can help them, especially if they don't speak your 1st language.



    And for you guys working on Hero Sets...If you see a bunch of Goldies running around the enemy town, please don't kill them 50 times. Unless they actually fight you, be nice and just let them run by every once in a while. Getting killed 10 times in 1 hour is horrible, and makes them not want to play!




    So in all, please, just be nice. We all want more players, and being mean to them and/or killing the Newbies 50 times a day won't help us get more players!




    (If someone could translate this, that would be GREAT!)






    여러분이 알다시피 헬브레스는 더이상 새로운 게임이 아닙니다. 이런 이유와 다른 동기들로 인해 우리는 플레이어들을 잃고있고, 더 많은 플레이어들을 이 게임으로 데려오기 위해 우리는 최선을 다하고 있습니다.


    그래서 저희는 기존 유져들에게 부탁하고싶습니다. - 여기에 온 새로윤 유져들에게 잘 대해주세요. 만약 당신이 바보같은 질문들을 하는 노랭이들을 주위에서 보더라도 잘 대답해주세요. 당신들도 헬브레스를 첨 시작했을때를 기억할것입니다. 여러분도 아무것도 모른채로 플레이 하고싶었던것을..


    만약 당신이 시간이 있다면 새로운 유져들에게 전사나 마법사로서 어떤 스탯이 좋은지 설명해주세요. 그럴 시간이 없다면 당신의 길드원들중 도와줄 수 있는 사람을 찾아주세요. 특히 새로운 유져들이 당신의 언어를 못한다 하더라도...


    [그리고 영웅셋을 위한 작업을 하고 있는 여러분에게... 만약 여러분들이 적 마을에서 노랭이들을 발견했을때, 그들이 당신에게 덤빈다 하더라도 50번씩이나 죽이지 말아주세요. 잘 대해주고 매번 그냥 도망가게 내버려두세요. 1시간안에 10번씩이나 죽는건 끔찍합니다. 그건 그들을 더이상 플레이 하고싶지 않게 하는 일이에요.


    그러니까 잘 대해주세요. 우리 모두는 더 많은 플레이어들을 원합니다 그러므로 새로운 유져들에게 무례하게 굴거나 하루에 50번씩이나 죽이는 것은 더 많은 프렐이어들을 얻는것에 전혀 도움이 되지 않습니다.



    Thank you for reading


    Translation by -REX-

    one of hwarang guildman...




    Como a maioria de voc?s j? sabem, Helbreath n?o ? mais um jogo novo. Por esse motivo e v?rios outros, nos estamos vagarozamente perdendo jogadores, e n?s estamos fazendo nosso melhor para trazer mais jogadores para o jogo.


    Por essa raz?o, eu quero pedir um favor dos jogadores mais velhos - sejam legais para os Newbies(novos jogadores) que entram aqui. Se voc? ver um outro "Goldye" correndo a sua volta perguntando um monte de quest?es "estupidas" ou "burras" - seja bondozo e responda-o. Voc? provavelmente se lembra como isto era quando VOC? come?ou no HB, sabendo absolutamente nada mas apenas querendo jogar.


    Se voce tiver tempo, apenas explique para eles os diferentes status, e qual builds s?o melhores para um jogador iniciante tanto quanto mage ou war. Se voc? n?o tiver tempo, procure alguem na sua Guild que possa o ajuda-lo, especificamente se ele n?o falar sua 1? l?ngua.


    E para voc?s que est?o trabalhando nos Hero Sets... se voc? ver um grupo de novos jogadores correndo dentro da cidade inimiga, por favor n?o os matem 50 vezes. Ao menos que ele lute com voc?, seja bondoso e apenas deixe eles correrem de vez em quando. Morrer 10 vezes em 1 hora ? horr?vel, e faz com que eles n?o queiram mais jogar!


    Por fim, por favor, apenas sejam bondosos. N?s todos queremos mais jogadores, e ser mau com eles, matando os novos jogadores 50 vezes por dia n?o vai nos ajudar a ter mais jogadores.


    Translation by Ricardo

  6. ' date='May 22 2010, 12:56 PM' post='320115']

    kill them before they log...if they take dmg, log out stops


    nothing wrong with the way it is now


    Poison works wonders! There's other things you can do as well, but I'll let you guys figure them out.

  7. Aren't DK15 crits equally bad? :P (PvP) Or did you mean str130 warrior in general?


    Du^^, do you actually have anc hp91 flam? :S


    I meant DK15 specifically. Swings = good, crits = bad.



    Jing:My compare to dk8/dk15 is that dk8 is hp more ?or im wrong.And dk15 is more dmg then dk8 and looks pretty :).

    Rabbi: Yeh I do, I have that flam for a long time got a it from friend that dont play more :( . I had play it as in ampwar/Bmage/now war 200str with bbh+ and anc flam hp91 good combo for pvp.


    Jun: Jun have flam+3+7 end of story lol


    I think DK15 has more HP than DK8, but I'm not sure on that. I dont know if DK15 > HP91 Flam in HP, HP91 flam might be better in HP.


    I agree, DK15 looks very pretty. I just got it on my mage now too. :D

  8. la idea es que se pueda ver el tiempo de raid time que te queda, creo q seria muy util


    yo pense que el comando sea /raidtime o nose, digan otro





    alguno q lo pase a ingles! :D


    "The idea is to be able to see the amount of time you have left to raid, I believe it would be very useful.


    I think the command would be like /raidtime or something, or post ideas.







    Estoy de acuerdo, seria muy util en mi opinion, baquitah.


    I agree, in my opinion it would be really useful.

  9. Anc Flam Hp91


    end the story




    But how does it compare to DK+8/DK+15? After using a 50 mag 59 int DK15 Warrior for a while, I think that the damage is too low for 1v1 in PVP. In a large group, it's not bad. Swings are good, but crits suck.


    As far as PVM, it's GREAT.