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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    Safe In Recall Points

    I've said it before, but we do listen to the players. No, not everyone will like every feature but we do appreciate it when (like you just did) you guys give a reason WHY you don't like it. Thank you for your input, even if it was how you don't like it. :)
  2. JingGM

    Previous Accounts

    Yes, it has. Unless you played the beta for this launch, everything has been wiped. If you played the beta, then your account is still here but characters are wiped.
  3. JingGM

    Fastest Way To Bite The Dust Hunting.

    Happened to me ALL THE TIME in Nemesis 1. It was horrible!
  4. JingGM

    Ctrl+E For Event List

    I know already, I've done some back in Nemesis 2 :p Just can't do locations outside of towns.
  5. JingGM

    Ctrl+E For Event List

    Idea: Have ctrl+e make a pop-up window in-game with a list of upcoming events including summon, crusade, heldenian, and other events. Those three would appear automatically, but also allow GM's to add in events manually in-game, such as PVP or hide and seek events. GM's could add date, time, and name to the event. Along with times, I'd suggest there to be a countdown when it is less than 24hrs to the event through the pop-up window and on the global messages at the top of a player's screen. Maybe the same way summon events have a countdown. Thoughts?
  6. I am but even when it showed as 24k, it only took about 3-4k from my bag. Maybe prices aren't doubling as they should? I'm not able to get in-game right now so I can't check.
  7. Edited first post. What else should be added?
  8. JingGM

    How To Fix Invul + Tp+ Boxes

    Can't recall if a Cyclops or Golem is blocking your char and you can't move.
  9. JingGM

    Drop List Statistics

    I've always thought as a player sinxe i began playing hb int that it was more likely to find a rare like cancel manual from a beholder than cyclops simply because obviously players will kill more cyclops than beholders. It's logical, but may or may not be true. And yes, I know cancel wasn't in hb int, that was just an example.
  10. JingGM

    Arena Events - Preset Toons And Equipment

    That would be interesting, what kind of armors would you suggest? DK or just Knight? Manu? What weapons? Any rares? Any rare spells?
  11. Same thing with forum and tickets, if you want a staff member to understand your post, please post in English or use a translator! All of us speak at least 2 languages, but we ALL understand English. (Also, please try to continue the original language that a topic was started in, even if it was NOT English!)
  12. JingGM

    F9 Screen Disappearing

    Normally, when you move F9 screen down out of sight, next time you exit it and put it back on, it will move back up high enough for you to drag it back up into sight. Tried that tonight, and it stayed down there until I restarted HB. Even tried switching characters, but no luck.
  13. That may be a bit much to add for in-game, but maybe I could at least link to it. Unless White or Farjat have a better idea for it!
  14. JingGM

    Please Read: How To Make A Good Suggestion

    Example of a good suggestion! :) (Now make a new topic in here with that post!)
  15. Here's how to make a good suggestion that the GM's, Admins, and other players will probably listen to: - Give a good reason WHY to change it. Just saying "this is bad" or "I/we/most players don't like it so it should be changed" are NOT good reasons. What will be the benefit? Who will enjoy it? What will it change? - Don't make it a complaint! Make it reasonable, give it a purpose. (Re-read above!) - Explain it well if you can. Even if you don't know much about coding (like me), you can still give ideas! - Be willing to give lots of options! Especially if people ask questions, be willing to come back to your topic and check it for new posts. Suggest alternatives, suggest changes, be active! Yes, we do read every suggestion, we do read every complaint. However, if you post it in the form of a positive suggestion, we are MUCH more likely to respond to it (even if we don't change it)! Enjoy posting!
  16. THERE WASNT MAP OFF! I didnt fixed any map, and white is away from PC! Happened to me too, farjat. Was on my GM, tried to /goto your character in Aresden, and got DC. Tried to log back into my GM account, immediately got "Connection Lost" when I hit enter after putting in acc/pass. Then tried to login to my normal account, same thing (though I was not logged into it all day). Not just one character, but both my accounts.
  17. hmmm.. Sometimes I miss things, too. Don't blame him! :P
  18. Definitely will include rates, but that's a good point...
  19. JingGM

    Fail Ek-Ing

    Please read farjat's last two posts in this topic here: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34292&p=391374 Polish people as well as people from every country are welcome here, but people who are stupid and create characters to spam/insult the server and/or GMs/Admins are NOT welcome. That, and please re-read rule number 2, quoted here: 2. IMPORTANT:Sharing accounts and items of Helbreath Nemesis is at your own risk. If you share your belongings, you also share the responsibility of them. Any action that is committed through the use of your account and/or your characters is responsibility of the owner of the account. If the account is blocked, it is not going to be unblocked and we will not recover any items from it, even if the BAN was applied to another person using the account. In the case of an infringement that we are required to ban an IP, we could also ban all IPs related with that account and/or characters. WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE SHARING YOUR ACCOUNT AND/OR ITEMS! http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/rules.php
  20. These are good ideas, keep them coming please! Right now F1 is pretty much what it's always been in HB, I don't remember if Nemesis ever really updated it much! My goal is to make it USEFUL for players, new and old, to HB Nemesis!
  21. JingGM

    Fail Ek-Ing

    It won't continue, no worries. We check logs much more than what is posted on the website. We catch everyone. Period.
  22. Not now. :p Other ideas?
  23. JingGM

    Fail Ek-Ing

    Hahahahaha wow....yep he lamed quite a bit. All characters involved are now banned to 2030.
  24. Shouldn't need this anymore. Unpinning.
  25. JingGM

    Game Update 08/09/2013

    Cool update, regarding Invulnerability IMO it still needs to be fixed further but this essentially means GM's are listening to players suggestions and I appreciate that alot As I said in another topic we do listen to the players. . . It's just hard when a lot of it appears to be whining/complaining.