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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    How To Have A Guild Section

    Here's how to request a guild section in the forum. Send me a PM here on the forum with the following information: - Guild name - Forum name of main Guildmaster - FORUM name(s) of any othrr moderators you wish to have (pin/close topics in guild forum) - Password for your guild section If you ever need your forum password changed, just send me another pm. Thanks!
  2. JingGM

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    Theres still the argument that other servers have had no mim in magic shop and mages did just fine. Not trying to disagree or argue, but what servers besides Olympia had no mim?
  3. JingGM

    Angel Upgrade Requirements?

    Enough. There are ways to suggest changes without it sounding like a complaint. There are also ways of suggesting WITH it sounding like a complaint. Either way, from now on please try to read what you write before you post. If it sounds like a complaint, re-word it! Give us a GOOD reason to change something - don't just whine and say it's bad! We DO listen to what the players say (even if you don't believe me), but when it congress in the form of what seems to us to be whining, crying, complaining, etc., it's much harder for us to take it seriously. In short, give us a good reason to change something that is NOT just "It's bad" or "I/we/most players don't like it", or it probably WON'T be changed. Enough is enough. Topic CLOSED.
  4. JingGM

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    Poll here (do NOT post in the new topic, please): http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34275
  5. JingGM

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    What if we just removed it for a short test period, say, a month with it not in wizard shop or manual just to see how pvp goes without it? Then we can see for real how mages fight with no mim.
  6. JingGM

    Please Read Before Posting!

    This forum should be used for in-game bugs, not for character stuck in X map. Please use the ticket system for those types of bugs. Remember: - Be detailed! Explain everything you can. - Please post in English! Use an online translator if you need to, we dont mind! - Please check back on your topic until it is fixed in case we have more questions for you. The more you help us, the better it will be for everyone!
  7. JingGM

    New Bug Reports Forum

    Please post all new bug reports in the NON-Beta "Bug Reports" forum: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showforum=329 I moved a few topics, but other GM's please feel free to move any more you see.
  8. And if your internet connection/ip address doesn't change, the next time you connect it will take much less time!
  9. JingGM

    Item Protection

    Sounds interesting but why? What would it be for?
  10. JingGM

    Add Pgp And Spgp To Alchemy Lists

    From what I remember it was in the code to make those pots for a long time in Nemesis, but I could be wrong.
  11. JingGM

    Giant Frogs

    Couple suggestions about Giant Frogs: - Add them to the "Summon Creature" spell at 100% Magic (if possible, without removing anything else). They are not overpowered, and have no magic, so it would feel like a stronger Skeleton. - Add more to the Elvine ML pit. When I played in HB Nemesis 2 after the two Frog pits being added to ML, it was nearly impossible to train at any good kind of pace in the Elvine side because of the nature of the cliffs and big area of the frogs. Add 2-4 and it should be a very good mid-level speed pit to train in (at level 180 or lower). - Add them as a random spawn to D2/D3. They don't hurt that much, but would make leveling in those places a little more fun. - Give them a single armor statted drop - either Hauberk or Chain Hose. Make them more useful to fight!
  12. JingGM

    Giant Frogs

    Not in dungeons, but there's two in ML.
  13. JingGM


    They were doing a lot of tests today so it will be and down until the official release tomorrow.
  14. JingGM

    Toh 3 Teleport Pad To Dc Bugged

    5. Is it while you are still on the ground that you "receive" damage it when you stand up? Does it just appear above your head? And yes, I think it is intentional for those to stay active when switching maps. White may say different, though.
  15. JingGM

    Party Quest Bug

    "I don't know if this was reported yet :p We were hunting tw doing the party quest, nut when someone in party died or someone new joined the quest bugged and didn't record kills for anyone. We had to relog to make the quest work again."
  16. JingGM

    List Of Bugs I've Found

    Sorry if there's any repeats! 1. When putting Angel into upgrade window, my Elvine Hero plate was unequipped but still showed on my character, even when changing mapscreens (i.e. inside CH to outside CH). It appeared in my bag, but on F5 screen it was not there. I could re-equip it from bag. Later, happened with a Cape while upgrading DK+8 to DK+10, instead of plate. 2. When I killed a crop, it's name was still there even though the sprite for the crop was gone (and area I could click the dead crop was much larger than original crop size). Disappeared after about 7-10 seconds. White[GM]: There is no "dead crop" (corpse) sprite, it would be confusing to put the normal crop sprite when it's dead. 3. "Reaching High" quest - typo: "Congragulations" as first word instead of "Congratulations". 4. I think Farjat already posted this, but Elvine Hero Hauberk for my M character showed as a W hauberk when taking it. However, it was just the sprite in the window as it DID give me the correct M hero hauberk. White[GM]: Got notified already, I've applied a fix, only need to push new client to the public. 5. Beholder neck shows invisible GM characters as well as invisible normal characters. White[GM]: Known "issue", not that bad, but this has no priority to fix it right now. Nobody in nemesis 3 will own a beholder neck for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. By that time i'll have the "GM-bit" implemented. 6. When doing quest 803 on my war, I was training Longsword using DK+15. Raised 1% LS, completed quest, and 1-2 hits later on another monster it gave me another +1% LS message (I don't know if it actually raised twice). 7. When changing maps, sometimes hotkeys are lost (not sure why or what pattern there is). 8. After completing a quest, if you do not accept the reward but continue to walk/run it will keep refreshing the "accept" screen until you hit accept. White[GM]: Depends on the quest, if the quest is an auto-complete quest then you must accept the quest. If you don't it'll keep refreshing it on every step. This mechanism will be changed later on in an effort to reduce lagg when running. The mechanism will be made so every 5~10 seconds your position and quests are validated (checked for new auto-assign quests, quest completions or quest progress for observe-quest types). 9. If you die as a level 20 civilian, it will say you lose exp and then not give a %. (Will post SS later) White[GM]: True, as farjat explained already, you would in theory go "back" to level 19, but we're never reducing your level. So you've actually something like -0,01% exp, so the bar just shows 0% for convenience. Once you kill some mobs it'll start growing over 0% 10. Mercenaries from the enemy town kill civilians (OUTSIDE of crusade), but they appear as blue (neutral) color. White[GM]: Will need to look into this, they also got strange names outside crusade and I think I'll change it so they're always named Mercenary. When doing that, I'll look into this neutral thing also. Btw, you were a civilian yourself, or you were a combatant? of the same, or enemy town as the Mercenary? 11. When completing a quest in CH, if you drop an item with the "rewards" screen open (with multiple rewards to choose from), the screen will blank out. The "accept" button is still there, though. Did not try clicking accept. Did this with quest 803, dropping Big HP and Big MP pots on the ground. Tried it several times, same result. 12. Website shows Crusade as in progress even though the crusade log said Elvine had already won. White[GM]: I'm aware of the issue, there is something incorrect with the timing of the events on the website. Still trying to figure out what's off-the-hook. 13. "You won the Auction of 'Xel+Quest' for 499.00 on the Auction House." I didn't win it, I sold it! Created a packet to sell, and it said I won instead of sold. EDIT: If I do a spell-check on quests, do I get a prize for that? :D (Noticed small typos in two other quests) White[GM]: For spell-checking I'm not gonna hand out a price lol, It's possible that all the current quests will be put in the trash can and get replaced by new ones. But if you feel like writing quest-stories, then I'll hand out some price for writing me a couple of these stories.
  17. JingGM

    Game Update 19/08/2013

    New NPCs in farm that give quests up to level 140.
  18. JingGM

    Game Update 18/08/2013

    Questions: 1. How high do those low-level quests go? 2. What's the max level for recall to farm? Unless it is already this, I suggest those quests and farm recall should be max level 140, same as Pl/Md max level.
  19. JingGM


    English: Hey all what's up, I played this test (too much ahjajjaa) and did not find any major bugs ... just a few little things for example when you're a traveler and you run out of sp stamina bar looks like you have a bit of sp, the invulnerability works well I just do not like when you use the recall tp in your city you have at some point "vulnerability" (but now I know where I'm going to camp ..: P) The only thing that bothers me a bit is that sometimes I want to change the character and I have to use the updater all over again. Another thing is that the repairs are extremely expensive xD any repair comes up to 10k + + and the gold is in short supply: P already there quest to make more but taking in that there are between 15 and 25 on in the beta and the repairs are between 20-30k, I cannot imagine when there are 300+ on : P well I hope you do well and are no more bugs or anything because I have really wanted to play the official = P good luck!
  20. JingGM

    Phase 3 Commencing August 11Th?

    Not sure if there's anything in particular to test, but White may know. Basically, we want you guys to try everything - skills, maps, quests, drops, hunts, etc. to see if anything needs to be changed/adjusted/removed. Any suggestions you have from the old server, post them in the Suggestions forum! Test our bug fixes, new quests, and modifications to make sure they work as White and farjat want them to. Give us feedback on new quests, difficulty, etc. Tell us how things work in PvP that changed. All that, and whatever else the admins suggest!
  21. JingGM

    Phase 3 Commencing August 11Th?

    I don't know for sure, but it may be because too many people are enjoying the fruity items and not testing things. :P Or it could be related to things White and farjat are working on in the coding, etc. As White says in the Time Schedule topic: "Please beware that any given ETA time is still subject to change at any given moment. Certain phases can be extended for the better purpose of the server. We won't always notify if a phase is extended or removed."
  22. Blame farjat, I say. :P But still, I agree! Beta is for testing, and we need more of it!
  23. JingGM

    Little Raid With Guild To Elvine

    Agreed. He gets the point, enough talk about edited paks.
  24. JingGM

    [Not A Bug] Bug Heldenian

    Are you sure they don't just move? Because in the held in Sunday I saw some that were in different spots, but didn't notice if someone had casted MMM on them.