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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    Scavenger Hunt Event. [Finished]

    Good luck to you all!
  2. JingGM

    Lvl Stap

    Exactly...it really only takes us about a minute to do it, so it doesn't bother me to do it. IF u do that u stay with ur upgraded DK items so u can use them back when reaching lvl 180 again? By "reset your exp to 0", I basically mean making your character stay at the current level it is, but with 0 exp. You don't lose any levels, just EXP. For example, let's say that I have a PL raider that I just leveled to level 140. I send a ticket, asking GMs to reset my exp. My exp WAS at 3 million or so, now it's at 0, and I'm still level 140. To reach level 141, I have to regain all that 3 million exp before my exp % will start to raise back up.
  3. JingGM

    Lvl Stap

    Actually, if you send a ticket on the main website, we'll reset your EXP to 0 for you. However, be warned that if you want to reach 141, you'll have to re-gain all the EXP back by yourself. We won't help with that.
  4. JingGM

    Magic Gem Colors

    Ruby is the correct color, red, and Sapphires can be many colors in real life, if I remember correctly.
  5. JingGM

    Donations Repricing

  6. JingGM

    Donations Repricing

  7. JingGM

    Dc Bugged. Gm Help

    It's easier and quicker for us to help you if you send a ticket, because that way we can find your character right away.
  8. JingGM

    Happy Birthday Elguason!

    It's your 100th, right? :P
  9. JingGM

    Armor Change

    I think the main reason we haven't wanted to do this in the past is because of the economy of the server. A lot of times I'll get a drop or see an item someone is trading that is W, but I need M. Sometimes I'll get one and try to trade for the same item in M, or just trade for another item I may need, but the variety is what helps fuel the economy. If we could change the gender on armors, I would never need to trade my nice W item drop, because I could just change it to M and use it. Also, there wouldn't be as much of a need for sex change potions, either. If I ever found a REALLY nice W item, I might consider changing my character's gender, but then I would need more pieces that are W, making me trade more items to get them. In my opinion, I don't think we need the option to change the gender of armors, even if it's extremely difficult to do it. Maybe, (MAYBE!) as an event prize we could change the gender of one piece of armor for a player, but other than that I don't think it's necessary.
  10. JingGM

    Happy B-day Jing[gm] !

    Ahhhahaha I don't think so...:P
  11. JingGM

    Happy B-day Jing[gm] !

    The legal age to drink is 21, I'm only 20 today. :P wooooot, since when u follow the law Jing? :lol: :lol: Only since I became a GM, shhh!
  12. JingGM

    Happy B-day Jing[gm] !

    Haha no...only 20.
  13. JingGM

    Happy B-day Jing[gm] !

    Dang you guys are fast! Hahaha thanks everyone! The legal age to drink is 21, I'm only 20 today. :P
  14. JingGM

    New Monsters?

    Maybe we could set a TP to it as a prize for whatever town wins X event? Or just randomly make a TP to it in one of the maps every once in a while, and announce it in-game and in forum, etc.
  15. JingGM

    New Monsters?

    Let me re-phrase myself - I hate (large) spiders. But the idea isn't bad, except we already have Abaddon maps. What if we made a Max lvl 140 map with something like this? The boss wouldn't have drops as good as Abaddon, but it's still a thought.
  16. JingGM

    New Monsters?

    I don't like spiders...
  17. JingGM

    New Monsters?

    Heldenian > Command Hall > Take Sorceress Summon Scroll
  18. JingGM

    New Monsters?

    Download their sprites and upload the new monsters for us, we could talk about them.
  19. JingGM

    Sound Effect For Ice Storm...

    As long as it's a quiet sound effect, that would be pretty cool. Why a quiet sound effect? Because whenever I see 1 Ice Storm, I see about 10 more within a few seconds. :lol:
  20. JingGM

    A Question

    Moved it to suggestions forum, btw.
  21. JingGM

    Full Hero Change

    Because you can already get good defense from DK sets. It's like using an MP set on a mage or statted armor on a war - you don't wear it all the time, because you know someone (usually wars) can rape you if they catch you with it on. Yeah, you get the benefit of the stat - MP, HP, MR, MA, PA, DR, but with all but PA and DR you sacrifice defense for some kind of other boost. Yes, you work hard for hero set - you also have to work for statted items, by trading or hunting for them. The point is, you get a bonus - but it's not "God" armor. You get that stat bonus in exchange for less defense, and that's how it should be. Taking damage? Switch back to DK - because that's what it's for.
  22. JingGM

    Full Hero Change

    I agree with Emke here. You get the bonus of +4 Dmg and extra Hit Probability, but at the sacrifice of losing some defense. Mage hero is like a paper bag sometimes, yeah, but it's good for that bit of extra damage when you catch someone in paralyze. As for war full heros, just aim for them. It may have good endurance, but it still strips. ;)
  23. JingGM

    New Teleports

    Agreed on both points. ;)
  24. JingGM

    Making Shields Heavier

    Now this is just something I want to see opinions about, not something that will necessarily be changed just because it's a GM suggesting the idea. Now I used to always play as a mage and had no real idea of how it was as a warrior, but lately I've been playing my warrior a lot more. I notice that hey - it IS pretty hard to kill mages once they throw up a tower and m.shield, even without 100% shield that some dex mages have. Many people have suggested removing or lowering the defense on DK sets, and I see their point of view, but it seems a bit drastic to me. As another idea, I offer this - raise the required Strength on shields. My suggestion - raise the required Str of shields. Tower - 100 Str Kite - 74 Str Lagi - 65 Str Iron - 50 Str Blonde - 40 Str Targe - 25 Str Scooterm - 20 Str (No change) Leather - 10 Str (No change) Wood - 8 Str (No change) What would it do? Well for one, it would make Light% shields a lot more useful. Another thing, it would limit shields to Battlemages, PlateMages, and Warriors - People with low vit (Battle/Platemages) and (some of) the ones who Tank (Warriors). It's a bit less drastic than removing DK sets, but still serves to help the ultimate goal - making mages less overpowered. Because yes, even though I still love my mage, I didn't really die very often on him while raiding, outside of sades/helds. And yes, I finally agree that they are a (little) over-powered. Please give an explanation of your "I agree"/"Don't agree" answer, if you can. Always helps, either way. Current Str requirements on shields can be seen in Blacksmith.
  25. JingGM

    Making Shields Heavier

    There's 2 types of DK Armors, Knight sets and Mage sets. Even the legs and berks (if I looked at it correctly) have different names. Looking at that, the coders can probably change the stats of 1 set and leave the other alone, and bmages usually take knight set I think. My bmage has a knight set, at least. I love the ideas in this topic though. Keep them coming!