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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    Caught Being Good Program

    Please, absolutely NO spam in this topic. If you could translate it into your own language, that would be great!
  2. JingGM

    Welcome Myth[GM]

    (Or Jing will start suspending accounts for long periods of time)
  3. JingGM

    Miner's Event Thursday

    Added Czech and Estonian translations to first post. Thanks so much guys! You all rock!
  4. Hey guys it's that time of year again, time for Jing to clean up the forum a bit. This weekend sometime I'm going to be deleting any Guild Section that hasn't had a new post in over a year, so if you want to save your guild section...message me or just post in there before this weekend. Thanks, Jing[GM]
  5. JingGM

    Miner's Event Thursday

    Added Spanish and Malaysian translations to first post. Thanks, guys!
  6. JingGM

    Remove Dk Set

    It already works against DK sets. AB works against any piece of armor (thought I'm not sure about shields) unless it misses it.
  7. Things are fine as they are. For one last point, it's MUCH easier translating from a foreign language into your own language (reading it) than trying to speak it. This is why replies are sometimes in a different language than what the original topic was in. http://www.freetranslation.com/
  8. JingGM

    Forum Bug?

    Sorry bout that, was testing something. Fixed now.
  9. JingGM

    Flood Control

    1. I don't remember where the setting is to change it, and 2. It's really not that long of a wait. It also saves me a whole lot of trouble later on, if another spam bot gets through. :wub: You'll get used to it.
  10. JingGM

    Welcome Myth[GM]

    Myth will tell you guys who he is if he wants to. Welcome, Myth! Very nice to have you here.
  11. JingGM

    Possible Server Merge?

    Like it or not, he has a point.
  12. JingGM

    Happy Birthday Junonh

    Happy Birthday Jun! I miss you and your nakedness. :P
  13. JingGM

    Dk Set!

    With respect to the DK set, when you want to take a new one for whatever reason, like if you lose it or change sex, etc., you need 200 contri and you have to send a ticket. However, it sometimes takes a long time, and it would be better if the players could re-take their DK set only by going to CH and typing /dkset, or if the "regular" GMs would be able to let the players re-take their DK set. Elguason's reply: Yeah, if we could have it be able to be done automatically, that would obviously be better. It's not a priority right now, but it would be good. We'll see how to make a command that erases your old DK set and takes the 200 contri automatically. For now, send a ticket and wait for farjat to see it to take the 200 contribution and allow you to re-take your DK set again.
  14. Hey guys, just letting you know that I activated a "flood control" on the forum. All it means is that you cannot post more than 1 time every 180 seconds (3 minutes). The reason was because of a spam bot that was accidentally validated for a forum account and spammed about 15 topics within 2 minutes, and I just want to prevent that from happening again. Sorry for any inconvenience! Jing[GM] (Can someone translate this to Spanish, please? I want to post it in the Arg forum as well, but I can't translate from English to Spanish very well ;))
  15. JingGM

    Flood Control For Forum Posts

    Thanks a lot!
  16. JingGM

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Probably no more than a week after the event ends. Creo que no mas que una semana despues del fin del evento.
  17. JingGM

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Quick questions: Is the dagger an activation weapon or just passive ability (always works) weapon? For the wands: are they spells, or activations? I love all these ideas, guys! Please, no spam in this topic.
  18. JingGM

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Couple questions for details: For the wands, are those effects only on physical attacks, or magical as well? For the hammer: Do the Fire Prot/Ele necks decrease damage? If yes, all the damage, or just the extra fire damage? Nice ideas so far guys, keep them coming!
  19. JingGM

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    Pffft, that's why you check first! :P I fixed it for ya.
  20. JingGM

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    Added Portuguese translation. Thanks, Brothers!
  21. JingGM

    Sleep Mage

    If I ever got Sleep, that would be me every 1/30 times in ML. :sleep:
  22. JingGM

    Suggestion To Make Nemesis Better!

    Not all goldies carry 2 hp pots and have 50 vit, you know.
  23. JingGM

    Suggestion To Make Nemesis Better!

    Have you ever actually used a Kloness weapon here on a character with very high rep? It hits hard. Very hard. Anc GiS crits don't suck, they're better than a DK15. Get a Sharp or Anc GiS with Rep or HP and you've got a weapon that does good normal swings and better crits than a DK15 - I know this from my own experience. However, I agree about the Righteous weapons. I don't know if they work properly, but if they did it would be very nice. 2. I don't think we need to see +3 HP49 SBHs, IMO. 3. I think it's fine the way it is. This way, at least people die a little sooner than before.
  24. JingGM


    Just a note from my own experience - 8 person mage parties are the best in Elv Garden! Have one person lure everything, everyone else be invis, then when you get a HUGE group start spamming Blizz. Not always the best EXP, but you get more drops and it's a lot more fun than going solo.
  25. JingGM


    Lowering the number of them I wouldn't disagree with, but I agree with Hunter, they need to stay there. It adds excitement, IMO.