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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    Flam Warrior/dk Sword

    Agreed completely, DK crits SUCK in PVP, even with DK15. I used a Crit+5 HP21 GiS for a while, and I have to say it's pretty good. The crits are noticeably better than DK15, but still not extremely high every crit. If you go for GiS, I'd say use DK15 for normal swings on mages, and have the crit gis ready for critting, or for use on wars.
  2. JingGM

    Down With The Barracks!

    This is an old topic, back when barracks were max level 180 for a month or so.
  3. JingGM


    Send a ticket for account amnesty. If it's not permanent ban, wait it out.
  4. JingGM

    Iten Evento

    I know that and I also know that Hunter does not organize an event to favor some over others. I only say this because I do not see many chars playing the game to upgrade some of its items from 14 to 21 or 21 to 28 (that hopefully pass). Just look at the answers to see what % is being discussed. Beyond this, I think a great event but would only have to be raised otherwise. Those players with the really high % armors aren't necessarily going to win. Who knows, it could be a goldie who just started playing on this server who wins!
  5. JingGM

    No More Dummies At Events

    i dont think there's gona be a big diff between doing it in town and doing it in farm Actually, there's a HUGE difference. Hunter did a summon event for Levels 140-179 in farm once, and it wasn't exactly slow, but it was a HUUUUUUGE decrease in EXP from normal. Still, a lot of people got levels during that event and it was nice for them.
  6. JingGM

    A Better Armor Break

    There ya go.
  7. JingGM

    A Better Armor Break

    Moha suspended for 5 days. I don't care if you guys don't like a suggestion, but don't INSULT it. Disagreement is fine without flaming.
  8. JingGM

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    Hahahaha nice job!
  9. JingGM

    Hb Nemesis As We Know It

    Farjat has already said he will NOT close HB Nem Arg. Final.
  10. JingGM

    2010 Nemesis Scavenger Hunt List

    Yeah some people in our guild were preparing for this event like 6 months before it started. I got on too late to be of too much help, but I did have a few items. Congrats again!
  11. JingGM

    Summon Event With Raid 15 Mins

    I managed 2 EKs on my mage before I died!
  12. If we force them to be civilians until 141 that would help them survive longer, but kill any PL action. Would we want that? It would stop the server splitting into 180 and 140 raiders, and we can always change it.
  13. JingGM

    Goodbye Nemesis

    Sad to see someone leave, but at least it's for a good reason.
  14. JingGM

    Happy Birthday Argentina Event

    Btw someone please translate this! :lol:
  15. JingGM

    Cant Log Out

    Poison works wonders! There's other things you can do as well, but I'll let you guys figure them out.
  16. JingGM

    How Do I Get Dk Set?

    Yeah...we wiped DK sets and set it so you can only take it once. If you lose a piece, you can re-take by either getting 200 contri, or paying $25 and sending a ticket.
  17. JingGM

    Flam Warrior/dk Sword

    I meant DK15 specifically. Swings = good, crits = bad. I think DK15 has more HP than DK8, but I'm not sure on that. I dont know if DK15 > HP91 Flam in HP, HP91 flam might be better in HP. I agree, DK15 looks very pretty. I just got it on my mage now too. :D
  18. JingGM


    "The idea is to be able to see the amount of time you have left to raid, I believe it would be very useful. I think the command would be like /raidtime or something, or post ideas. Thanks!" Estoy de acuerdo, seria muy util en mi opinion, baquitah. I agree, in my opinion it would be really useful.
  19. JingGM

    Flam Warrior/dk Sword

    But how does it compare to DK+8/DK+15? After using a 50 mag 59 int DK15 Warrior for a while, I think that the damage is too low for 1v1 in PVP. In a large group, it's not bad. Swings are good, but crits suck. As far as PVM, it's GREAT.
  20. JingGM

    Weekly Iten Event

    Hunter check the staff room ASAP.
  21. JingGM

    Pvp For Rep Event

    Working on it now. :P
  22. JingGM

    Issues With Update

    "Observe the enemy" quests are still old quests. Did you actually add the new quests, farjat? If you did, maybe they're not working properly.
  23. JingGM

    Sever Status

    Please post them in this topic: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=28106