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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    Epic Pvp Battles This Saturday

    if the enemy has to wait for your blizz, and you dont have mp he will regen his hp.. so you might need mp pots If you don't have MP when it's your turn, the other mage will blizz. Constant blizzing. No stopping.
  2. JingGM

    Epic Pvp Battles This Saturday

    logs ya im pretty confident logs work really good, but if im not wrong checking logs of everyone in the arena is kinda difficult, i might be missing something tho Nah not really.
  3. JingGM

    Dagger Vs Fireball Pvp Event!

    Daggers have 300 end. Bring extra daggers! :lol:
  4. JingGM

    "view New Posts"

    They ARE seperated....maybe a GM put it in the wrong section?
  5. JingGM

    Ice Elemental Wand

    Trying to get back on-topic...
  6. JingGM

    Happy Birthday 400 Aka Wenye!

    Happy Birthday man!
  7. JingGM

    Ice Elemental Wand

  8. JingGM

    Ice Elemental Wand

  9. JingGM

    Happy Birthday!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEDE!!!!!! Te quiero mucho tambien! ;) :lol:
  10. JingGM

    Made A Donation How Long Normally Does It Take?

    If farjat isn't away (which he's back home now), usually only a day or two if he's not busy with other stuff.
  11. JingGM

    Explain Your Character's Name

    People have used that joke for years on me. :P
  12. JingGM

    Explain Your Character's Name

    wutafreek - Name I've used for a while. Pronounce it like "what a freak". Muta - Character from an Anime I like, "The Cat Returns". Pronounce it like "moo-tuh" (soft "T"). Jing[GM] - Jing, King of Bandits is a Manga I really enjoyed. Pronounce like "Ring" with a "J" instead of an "R".
  13. JingGM

    Design A Flag Contest

    BUMP! While server is restarting, think up ideas for your flags! We need more entries!
  14. JingGM

    Abby Down

    took some hours for procella... we did it with 5~8 mages... took almost 2 days for abby map... but we never managed to get more than 10 ppl usually we were 6... btw Jing what do u mean by saying "9 chances" ,the drops of abby? Abaddon drops up to 9 drops, right? So that's 9 different tiles for a rare item to drop on.
  15. JingGM

    (SERVER UP!) Server Down For Like An Hour.

    Ouch, maybe I won't stay up tonight. :P Oh well, better performance = more fun later on. It's worth waiting for!
  16. JingGM

    Abby Down

    Annnnd a suspension.
  17. JingGM

    Abby Down

    oh my f4ck1ng God ! isn't easy and fast to clean the apoca's maps , thats things (the final drop) makes ppl leave game .... :sleep: Abby STILL has the best drops in the server. You could hunt GG for a month and get nothing, or hunt Abby and have 9 chances PER WEEK for four weeks for a rare drop, and probably get 1-2 rares.
  18. JingGM

    Abby Down

    How long did it take you guys to clear Inf, Proc, and Abby map?
  19. JingGM

    Too All My Friend Of Hb...

    in the list is doest matter..u the best buddy i ever have. u the best fighter i ever play =P sorry i forgot to put ur name in that list... but ur name already in my heart :wub: :lol: Awww you should know I'm joking! Haha I am sad you're quitting but, well, life DOES come first. Have fun in the real world!
  20. JingGM

    Too All My Friend Of Hb...

    I'd be sad that you're quitting if you didn't forget me in your list of GMs. :sleep:
  21. JingGM

    (DONE!) Mini-PVP Event In 15 Minutes

    Congratulations to Lord_Wu, the last Aresden, and Lorenzo~, the winner of the event! Thanks for coming!
  22. RULES/REGLAS: NO Invis, PFM, AMP, GDS, Heal, Food, NO Armors, Shield, M.Shield NO Resu, Slates YES Activations YES Angels, Necks, Rings Portals open in CH in 3 minutes.
  23. JingGM

    2 Guildmaster

  24. JingGM

    Gms Paid Rumor

    Well you better be nicer to Jaapy!
  25. JingGM

    Gms Paid Rumor

    What? It's not considered payment?!