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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. Thanks for the translation, Ricardo!
  2. JingGM

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    All translations added to first post.
  3. JingGM

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    Not really. There's going to be a LOT of hammers that you have to pick up, because the statted hammers will be under the normal Blacksmith hammers.
  4. JingGM

    Party Bonus

    1. His 1st language isn't English 2. "Persons" can be correctly used as the plural for "Person" sometimes. Back on-topic: You'd be surprised how many people DO care about EXP...not all of the players can spend 8 hours a day training in pits, and an EXP bonus comes very nicely when they're trying to get DK15 or a ++ Angel.
  5. JingGM

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    Ahh I'll be on vacation, hope you guys have fun! Someone win that Anc HP21 BH for me! :lol:
  6. JingGM

    Party Bonus

    I asked players recently they say theres none ? There is, we've recently changed it to match (I think) HB Korea's party system with the EXP. This way, instead of dividing the EXP for every person added, the total for 8 people is 250% (?) Experience, divided by 8, instead of 100% divided by 8.
  7. JingGM


    wtf man, YOU ARE SO STUBBORN...Fede is completely right...IW is "supposed" to drop those items...and it NEVER dropped em...with more than 5 years of gameplay (nem 1 and nem 2) and it NEVER drop a rare....and u can't compare IW and unicorn because IWs are killed everyday and lot of times...Uni is just killed rarely... And fede didn't talk about FW....FW is fine....but from my point of view...IW isn't.. However, just to make a point, Unis are a lot easier to kill than Wyverns. Raiding, amount of people, MP sets needed, etc. all make Unis a lot easier to kill.
  8. JingGM


  9. JingGM

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    OMG! I wanna come!!!
  10. JingGM

    Laming Ban

    Because you're the Admin! I probably know more than farjat, to be honest, and I only know MAYBE 60%. :lol:
  11. JingGM

    Laming Ban

    Ok I'll close it.
  12. JingGM

    Laming Ban

    If we started doing this, how many people would complain? Some people have lost some VERY good items because they lamed, and if we changed it to where we DON'T wipe everything, they'd whine and complain to get their items/spells back. In other words, no.
  13. JingGM

    (no Pfm, Amp, Pfa! Time Change!) Maze Of Death

    If you let all run at once, I think you'll have a couple winners...but I could be wrong, depending on how hard it is. :P
  14. JingGM

    Removing Links For Avatars

    Done. Upload new avatars from your computer if your avatar is gone.
  15. Starting next week, we'll disable the ability to use a URL for your avatar, you will have to have the image on your computer and upload it to the forum. Why? Because using a link, the forum can't control the size of the avatar...some users have avatars that are 10 MB big, and 10 users with that = hell for slow internet connections. So my point is this: download whatever you use for your avatar and upload it manually before next week, so you won't lose it. Jing[GM] ~ Forum Admin
  16. JingGM

    (no Pfm, Amp, Pfa! Time Change!) Maze Of Death

    i missread, i thought it was on 4th july hahah, sorry. PD: It will be a great event! I'm glad it wasn't 4th of July, that's USA holiday!
  17. JingGM

    Red White And Blue Event

    Hahaha yes! It was really fun, Hunter, I think we all enjoyed it a lot. Thanks so much! P.S. I REALLY enjoyed the fireworks! :lol:
  18. JingGM

    Red White And Blue Event

    Yep, it's been going on all day. The Critically Poisoned monster will spawn at any time now.
  19. JingGM

    Servers Get Together!

    People who play on Nemesis Arg will NEVER play on Nemesis Int, and the same for Neme Int players. If Neme Arg closes/merges with Neme Int, Arg players will just find another fruit server to play on with 0 ping. Same with if we moved Nemesis Int server to Argentina, players in USA will just find another fruit server to play. Farjat has already said a couple times that he will NOT merge the servers...for the reasons above. In all honesty, if Nemesis Int ever shut down/merged with Arg and moved host to Argentina, I wouldn't play there probably...maybe just on my GM, but not as a player.
  20. JingGM


    Where are you thinking, ML? D2? If we did this, I wouldn't mind it being in ML, maybe around ToH Isle?
  21. JingGM

    Red White And Blue Event

    But you know, he MIGHT have meant Monday night, not Sunday...it's not hard to write the wrong day. :P
  22. JingGM

    Removing Links For Avatars

    Hmm...it's on your computer, right? I'm not too sure, I'll check if there's an option that allowers animated gifs.
  23. JingGM

    Red White And Blue Event

    He said "AFTER" 6pm server time...not right AT 6pm server time. So start searching!
  24. JingGM

    Super Bug

  25. JingGM

    Gms Attitude.

    How big was the population on the servers you were a GM on? Because I know that sometimes here at Nemesis I've gotten 10+ whispers from 10+ DIFFERENT people AT ONE TIME. It can be a lot of work, ESPECIALLY when running an event. Hunter has been around here longer than most of the current Staff, and he's always done his best to provide the players with events, and trying to be helpful. Sometimes, people complain, and it gets on our nerves as GMs. I don't mean a single comment like "Oh, I don't think this was the best idea", but I mean whining, complaining, etc. etc. That, along with people repeating questions when he may be busy answering someone else...it can get bothersome. So, I apologize if Hunter has been a bit snappy with you, but hey, it happens. Especially when people complain about his events almost constantly, when we do this all for FREE. :sleep: