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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM


    It's like the lottery, spend all your money for 1 in 100000000 chance prize. :lol:
  2. JingGM

    Kill A Gm Event! August 21st!

    Mmm...I think he'll still get the drop, Juno.
  3. JingGM

    Sadetype Enemy Marks Always

    I think learning to always use safe is part of the fun, because if you accidentally blizz someone of your own town you might crim on them! And that red ring just bothers me, I don't know if I would like it always on. But maybe...
  4. JingGM

    The Recall Spell

    What if there was a way to add the 10 sec recall timer ONLY on level 180s? That way the Goldies would still be safe, yet the 180s would be forced to run safe/run for 10 sec without damage/use a scroll... And personally, I'd say test it with 5 sec no damage and see if that works well.
  5. JingGM

    Kill A Gm Event! August 21st!

    But you won't get anything from the drop if you crim on him, and we'll ban you for helping enemy town. :P
  6. JingGM

    Armor Attribution

    So wait...then why do people do more damage on Knight armor than DK armor? Does DK armor have hidden PA in it? Because if DF makes them miss, what makes them do less damage to DK armor?
  7. JingGM

    Connection Lost Problem

    Haha yeah was about to tell you to make sure you've got the newest update...lot of people miss that, don't feel bad. ^_^
  8. JingGM

    "Cash Marketplace" Forum

    Yeah that's fine. I just want the "Cash only" topics in the Cash Marketplace and the "Trade only" topics in the original Marketplace.
  9. JingGM

    "Cash Marketplace" Forum

    In the Cash Marketplace, yes. I'll put the link in the first post. http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showforum=299
  10. JingGM

    "Cash Marketplace" Forum

    Bump (Bumping this a lot to make sure people read it)
  11. JingGM

    "Cash Marketplace" Forum

    Me too. :P
  12. JingGM

    About Selling Accounts On Forum

    For now until we decide: Para ahora, antes que decidimos sobre este: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=29387
  13. JingGM


    The natural PA should be slightly higher than DK plate.. Keep a DK plate in your bag. Defense problem solved. Merien Plate already breaks weapons, it shouldn't have higher defense as well. You get a special ability, but sacrifice some defense. Same concept with Hero Items.
  14. JingGM


    It's like DK set VS. Hero set - Hero set adds Dmg+Hit Prob, but has lower Defense than DK set. If you want special stuff (dmg+hit prob), you gotta sacrifice something (defense) for it.
  15. JingGM

    Lvl 141 Mag

    Stone golem pit. It's right inside D2 coming from your town's D1. Ask someone to show you where it is, I know someone will be willing to help you.
  16. JingGM

    Drop Jumping?

  17. JingGM

    Drop Jumping?

    What if the other person stood on it with amp+m.shield for 60 secs? Or Merien Plate? Or Merien Shield? Or just pfm+constant invis? Just saying, some people might do that..
  18. JingGM

    About Duriancity Server !

    DC maps will be up next week, don't worry!
  19. JingGM

    Kill The Gm Event

    Still waiting on a few other GMs to reply.
  20. JingGM

    180.. And What Next?

    no i dont think you will lose the spell upon removing the angel. the spell will stay but u'll be unable to cast it unless with angel equipped Yes, I think I remember us adding an update about that. As for taking Warrior Hero set, I know some mages who have earned 700 EKs, then used Majestic points to change their stats to a warrior. It takes a long time to get that many majestics, but it's been done before.