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Everything posted by JingGM

  1. JingGM

    Ie Neck

    Because IE Sword pierces Necklaces. :) That, and it's the only way to be frozen with IE Neck - people need SOMETHING to slow down IE Neck users.
  2. JingGM

    Ie Neck

    I'll be sure White[GM] knows. Anything else you guys can notice?
  3. JingGM

    Anyone Out There

    This. I'd make a longer reply, but I got class now. Miss ya, Draggy!
  4. JingGM


    Recall scroll has a limit - You can't use it unless you have taken 0 damage for 10 seconds before using it.
  5. JingGM

    Xelima Stones Ae Bugged?

    This, or try upgrading using a different character. Some days I can make about 3 successful upgrades in a row, other days I fail 3-4+ in a row. It's all about luck!
  6. JingGM

    Preview Of Fury-of-thor

    How is Sleep different? We tried to copy it exactly from what we know about HB Korea's version of it. I know that in HB Korea if you use Sleep+Xelima weapon, it's a 1-hit kill, but White[GM] fixed that here easily. But maybe that changed in HB Korea, too...
  7. JingGM

    Preview Of Fury-of-thor

    We removed Guards in Nemesis for some reason I can't remember, but I don't think HB USA or HB Korea removed them..
  8. JingGM

    Weekly Ek Broken

    Don't worry, farjat has said he'll try to figure out what's wrong and fix it this week. B)
  9. JingGM

    Preview Of Fury-of-thor

    I'm guessing it's just a DK15 Wand that looks slightly different because of the SS or edited paks, but I'm not sure. Probably an Invisibility Potion, I know at leasn on one server (I think USA) they changed the colors of the Alchemy potions to make them more noticeable in your bag. As for Yellow Tail, I haven't heard of that yet. Any chance anyone can get a VIDEO of Fury of Thor? I love pics, but White needs a video to re-create it, unless he already has one.
  10. JingGM


    I posted a topic for discussing it in the Staff Room, we'll let you know once we decide on something. (Change something or keep them the same)
  11. JingGM

    Server Time Change -1 Hour

    But the server's time didn't change until November 7th! :P True, but the time DID change for european players for 1 week, and after that week the server changed times so that involves another time changing occuring for european players ;) So next time YOU can make a topic for European players and I'll make one for USA players. ;)
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time Last Sunday (November 7), the time in the United States changed BACK 1 hour. Please look at the server time on www.helbreathnemesis.com to check what time it is in YOUR country, compared to the new server time.
  13. JingGM

    Server Time Change -1 Hour

    But the server's time didn't change until November 7th! :P
  14. JingGM

    Crusade For Tuesday

    daylight saving hour again? :D Yes, the server time is now 1 hour EARLIER than before. Sorry for not posting a topic about it, I'll do that now.
  15. JingGM

    Halloween Event

    No problem. And I like Elguason's idea, whoever gets the MOST parts by Sunday night wins the prize, even if they don't get ALL the parts.
  16. JingGM

    What Dragon Drop ?

    Also, they ONLY drop weapons of their own color! Earth Dragons will NOT drop Psn/Sharp/Anc weapons, Illusion Dragons will NOT drop Psn/Crit/Sharp Weapons, etc.
  17. JingGM

    Query On Exp Items

    I'm pretty sure EXP Tablet/EXP Weapons only work for the person using them, and only if THEY kill the monster. But please, test it and find out!
  18. JingGM

    Medusa Sword

  19. JingGM

    Next Patch 5.22 Features

    It's late and my brain isn't working well, but I will say this: We will NOT be adding statted BBH's unless we lower the damage first. Their dmg is NOT the same as HB USA/HB Korea, it's much higher. I also think we're already talking about adding different quest prizes, but maybe not...Like I said, I'm tired!
  20. JingGM

    More Admins

    Yes, we need ideas for some of these automated events! Tbone is right though, they're not meant to replace Hunter, just give him an option to personally running events all the time when he's here. And for us to run, when he's not here!
  21. JingGM

    Arena (maps)

    I know we changed one arena to use for the Soccer event, so there you go. :P The last map is just the Heldenian map, I believe.
  22. JingGM

    Welcome To Our New Coding Forum!

    This is an open forum for the discussion of any Helbreath-related coding, including ideas, questions, comments, etc. Feel free to ask any questions you want, but know that we will NOT disclose the Nemesis source code! ANY language is welcome in this forum, but English and Spanish will probably be used the most. No flaming!
  23. JingGM

    Just Asking

  24. JingGM

    Just Asking

    If either one says yes, I'll make it.