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Everything posted by cor3a

  1. cor3a

    Not Losing Items Till +3 And Above.

    of course i'm unable to see whats going on in the staff room. i admit that i did not read the updates on the test svr but plenty of people are talking about this being released in the next patch in game. it might not make sense to u but IF it is to be released, i believe it'll make total sense
  2. cor3a

    Not Losing Items Till +3 And Above.

    edited my post to show my suggestion. if thats what u wanted. :)
  3. cor3a

    Hello Guys

    hohoho. greetings! Alejandro- here btw.
  4. cor3a

    Open Challenge For Shmee-

    hi andrea. me miss u many many :wub: humburgesaaaaaaaaaaa
  5. cor3a

    Open Challenge For Shmee-

    Joe for president :excl: :excl: :wub:
  6. cor3a

    Whats Ur Highest Zerk Damage To Mobs?

    WOW ZERK NORMAL HIT TO DK SET HIT CRITICAL? what is your stats. STR? im talking bout mobs. but thanks for sharing damage on players :D 182str 200dex 50int , 50mag. rest vit. i use int9 angel to zerk before switching to md to hit. sorry. i mean i critted those players.. not a zerk norm hit. didnt read the topic well. my bad. i've done a few CRITICALs (zerked, normal hit) with the above mentioned items on frosts before.. ww too.. mobs are always easier. (:
  7. cor3a

    Whats Ur Highest Zerk Damage To Mobs?

    are u talking about hitting on mobs or humans? fh , dm5 , ring of xel , magic diamond 98% , abh+1 rep6 = CRITICAL on a full dk set 200dex warr , -157 on a naked 200dex warr. both are done during non-sade.
  8. cor3a

    Forum Event, R10 - The Myth

    messi owns. big time.
  9. cor3a

    Happy New Year! And Good Bye!

    happy 2011 everyone! have a blast! cheers!!
  10. cor3a

    Merry Christmas 2010!

    But me have no moolahs to take taxi ):
  11. cor3a

    Donation Idea

    abh+7 rep+6 :D
  12. cor3a

    Xr Xblade Ie Xr

    u just need to ctrl+2 recall. :D
  13. cor3a

    Click! Click!

    im lost. why do we need colour xfer when u can get the dyes in shop?
  14. cor3a

    New Donation Item

    i cant recall Yuma's set.. i know he had gbh + ie neck.. owned.
  15. cor3a

    Active Weap

    pardon me if i've got the wrong idea.. but u wanna imagine xr/xb/xbaxe with unlimited crits?!
  16. cor3a


    i dont think u can still use any diff skins these days. they made some configurations so that everyone uses the same standard skin. some pak edits are allowed thought... like big items pak. there's a thread stating whats allowed and whats not. im just too lazy to browse :P find it!
  17. cor3a

    Ie Neck

    if u got your info from the portal than its wrong. how i wish its 100% protection from ice dmg as well!
  18. cor3a

    Happy Bday Nemesis Dad!

    happy bday farjat. free items for all pls :D
  19. cor3a

    Ie Neck

    Uploaded with saw this on nemesis portal. ie neck isnt 100% immune to ice dmg right?
  20. u'r not alone. just that it doesnt matter if any of my family connects the net along with me (im using a wireless router) .. im still having mass network traffic lag. i believe most of the asians are facing this.. usually during night time for us (GMT+8). so dear beltron.. We'll walk this road together, through the storm Whatever weather, cold or warm Just lettin you know that, you're not alone Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road! :D
  21. cor3a

    Ie Neck

    i think info on the liche neck is wrong on the portal too. liche neck is ms20 now right?
  22. cor3a

    Rep Abuse?

    heard people talking about rep abuse. whats the exact meaning for it? since we'r unable to rep chara between multi client now.. what if i park a char on my laptop and crea8 diff char to rep the char. is that considered rep abuse? or if i park one char on my laptop, and play another char on my desktop.. than i constantly trade rep between the 2.. isit rep abuse?
  23. cor3a

    Hi Again... Tell Me What New Happened

    Nice ;D is there 2 partys from elivnes raiding aresden? high hb and hachis once in awhile.. and prolly arg and hwarang the most.. anw i saw Zoro logging quite a bit months back.. but went MIA again since ):
  24. cor3a

    Rep Abuse?

    yes fixed also. max rep is 9999. if u get a rep+ it goes to 0 what about negative rep then? if i get -9999 and i get one more negative rep i will be 0 ?
  25. cor3a

    Rep Abuse?

    i think its -10,000 rep. lol. or smth