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Everything posted by cor3a

  1. cor3a

    Suggestion Donation

    best words from blueberry ever. (y)
  2. cor3a

    Strength Bonus

    thats exactly what i'm talking about. lets say a flame will hit -100 max with 130str, it'll exceed 100 if i'm more than 130str right? what i'm trying to know is lets say i'm 160str and i use a flame.. is there a max amt of damage capped at how much it'll be?
  3. cor3a

    Strength Bonus

    just want to double check again. there is a cap for the str bonus on each weapon right? for example fs of a flame is 130str. there's a cap on how much the dmg will be regardless of how much str u have?
  4. cor3a

    Gold Reward For Completing Quest.

    times of inflation in hb nem... the value of gold increases in the hb world... things are expensive.. but farjat gives a 20% discount off the hb nem store :P gogogo
  5. cor3a

    Gold Reward For Completing Quest.

    loving my gbh :P
  6. cor3a

    Client Does Not Occupy The Entire Screen

    its the graphic card valky. i had the same prob after reformatting my pc... did some tweakings to the graphic card settings and things were ok after. try it! ;D
  7. cor3a


    god...! Myth: 'this factor is not built in 2-3 days... elv spent months of time building it..' FACT: ELVO BUILT NOTHING. ITS JUST A MATTER OF ELVOS HAVING MORE NUMBERS IN 90% OF THE FIGHT i dont know which sever have u been playing blueberry but dont mix it up with nemesis ffs.
  8. cor3a


    LOLUMAD?! This aside, sometimes i wonder why do the elvos dont get it. Every single sade, held, raid day (or at least 90%) u see the ratio of elvo:ares is 3:1. It's horrible playing 3:1 in any way. Of course Ares do the same when they raid too, its just a matter of numbers. The funny thing people say like 'Ares dont fight, they only safe and recall'. U dont wanna know how many times I've seen elvos doing the same thing. Denial is futile, wake up. PS: 5 SB > 5 HF (taking into account that even a ma9-9-9-9 + emmy ring + fire protect + pfm owns the hf with sb)
  9. cor3a

    Why Mobs Don't Drop Those Items

    there's stated leggs on the sever.... maynard has a ma9 one if i remember
  10. uh so basically its allowed? because it happened again in today's held.. but oh well... just very stupid! but we'r all metrosexual. peacezzzzzzzzzzzzz :wub:
  11. cor3a

    Strength Bonus

    thanks for the clarification. so basically every str counts and its not like what people said, it only goes in 10 20 30 40 50.
  12. cor3a

    Strength Bonus

    but its for every hit right? and not just crits?
  13. its as good as giving the held away if the church is boxed. elv outnumber ares by a ton (at least) these days. so practically, if the church is boxed, then there's no way ares can get to 'battlefield' for held. oh well... before any elvos wanna start the 'ares quit crying' thing... :) :wub:
  14. cor3a

    Strength Bonus

    white, is this the one for hb nem? if it is, then basically every +1str counts.
  15. cor3a

    Strength Bonus

    so basically if im 182str, it doesnt matter if i use +8 str or +10 str since the bonus will be capped at 190 and 200 right?
  16. cor3a


    thankfully u said GROUPS of players... because seriously, no elvos does 1v1 these days... *coughs hhb coughs* i guess im just dumb enough to assume 1v1 still exist these days. (:
  17. cor3a

    Special Bows?

    just mass spam xstones on direct/de bow... same dmg as anc direct bow :P
  18. cor3a


    inner is no longer the same... used to have tons of backups in fights... mercy/jr are missing in action... donovan is always sleeping in cityhall...HAHAHAHA. i cant even fight these days... hhb outnumber the fights... it'll take me another 5 years to get my full hero.. sigh...
  19. cor3a

    Goodbye Nemesis

    there are 2 roys around babes~ weehehe. its about time we leave this sever (despite the numerous time i've been back playing). so probably, u never know we guys will cross paths again when there's a nemesis 3? or maybe some fine day we feel the adrenaline to play hb again, i'll definitely start buying and pimp my char up again. great playing with all my mates, and hell yea.. just accept it... shit talking makes hb fun. if there isnt any shit talking, i think hb would have been dead boring. cheers people. (: ps: yes Julieth/jesper, if u'r reading this i did said i'll BUY if i ever return. u can blame me for having $ to spend if u'r reading this. may good luck be with u (: best regards, Roy (cor3a, Rawkstar) (2nd user of DeathNote) (previously played on: Alejandro-, Vintage, ~K~, DarkAres, Videl)
  20. cor3a

    Make New Nemesis Awards

    where do i cast my vote for best talker? if julieth doesnt wins, i'll food my sb.
  21. cor3a

    Angel Back To Majs

    can things like majestic scrolls be a drop? not gona do things like 10majestic points scroll. make them in like 1-3-5? i think it would be good. people could trade them or maybe invent a system for majestic points to be traded? to many lazy ppl around (yes im one of them)
  22. cor3a

    Make Hero Cape Useful!

    and herocape +1 will be another +1 dmg? that means fh is +7dmg in total
  23. cor3a

    Exp Wands And Weapons Upgraded From 20% To 50%

    100% gold?! :S basically every mob u kill drops gold? who wants to be a billionareeeeee :P btw what char are u playing on these days?! i know u sold valky off. :angry:
  24. cor3a

    Discussion: Mage Vs War Pvp - Dk Set & Strip

    basically if we'r talking about a war vs mage pvp, any war without a good mr set isnt gona survive the pvp. berks and hoses break in no time and there arent alot of high % plate or helm around. i disagree with increasing ab's armor breaking rate. people might be saying that bh/bbh strips the end fast.. but if u do not have a good mr set while doing a pvp against a mage, your ma set will be gone in no time. no need for ab after that soon... just mmm or meteor against those with ie/ip. end should be added to dk chain.. but definitely not more than dk plate. if dk chain is to be 8k end, then a dk plate's end should be about 9k. just my 2 cents worth.