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Everything posted by cor3a

  1. cor3a

    10 Consec Wins

  2. cor3a

    Donations Repricing

    i thought there is a 50% reprice? so 75 for crimson cape is alr repriced value?
  3. cor3a

    Donations Repricing

    half price as in? so how much is a crimson dye? payable via paypal?
  4. cor3a

    My Swan Song :d

    i've been playing hb nemesis for years.. from nem 1 to nem2 and i've made loads of friends and enemies along the way. lol. i've decided to call it quits for now .. putting a fullstop to my chara aka cor3a and my days in hb nem. i've sold my acc away to a rl friend of mine which i made a huge financial lost when i dropped ms20 hp91 and hp77 shield to koreans when i was without zem during my last raid. lol. big thanks to all hb nemesis staff for giving me such a wonderful gaming exp. and to my friends ( Alright , MaynarD , Medic- , EeViA , YumaWar and the others ) , Keystone Kratocracy guildies, it has been really nice playing with u guys. haters tt hate me for running , i promise to run again if i ever come back to play. (: cheers all ! laters :D
  5. cor3a

    My Swan Song :d

    thanks all. anw , im not quitting becos i dropped my items. lol. im getting a new job and i think its time for me to take priority in trying to establish my career. lol. wont have too much time to play but i guess i'll log onto my friend's char when im free. (: cheers ppl ! long live nemesis and KK guild ! xD
  6. cor3a

    My Swan Song :d

    oh yeah !! i remember this !! hahahaa ! classic thanks mate !! :D i got something for u before i quit ! will log these days to give it to u :D
  7. cor3a

    Merry Birthday Farjat

    happy birthday and many more ! :D
  8. cor3a

    I'll Return To The Game Soon.

    AceHigh > Kyoko :P that really made me laugh , nice joke dude!! Sober faster plz ) apparently your response made me laugh too. good one :D
  9. cor3a

    I'll Return To The Game Soon.

    AceHigh > Kyoko :P
  10. cor3a

    Cic % Effect.

    i was told by a few that the cic ( crit increase chance ) % effects only goes up to cic 15% max . is that true ?
  11. cor3a

    What Do Players Want?

    farjat .. so is there going to be a sever wipe ? i really hope no.. i worked hard for my items :mellow:
  12. cor3a

    What Do Players Want?

    this will kill off the remaining that stayed .
  13. cor3a

    Raid Time Bugged.

    thanks. appreciated. :D
  14. cor3a

    Raid Time Bugged.

    raid time's bugged again. :sleep:
  15. cor3a

    Question Regarding Abbadon

    but u'r not allowed to recall right ? which also means no repotting ? :/
  16. cor3a

    What Do Players Want?

    whats priest class ?
  17. yeah .. ever since arg svr started , mass lag and bugs in int svr became such a comming sight..
  18. cor3a

    Therapist: An Update

    Blindeside = I4N1
  19. cor3a

    Therapist: An Update

    good luck and best wishes sam .. it was nice playing with u and knowing u. cheers :D
  20. cor3a

    Better Pvp War

    u will need dex 10 angel if u'r on 181 dex.. or u'll still get pwn in pvp with a war u will need dex 10 angel if u'r on 181 dex.. or u'll still get pwn in pvp with a war
  21. cor3a

    What Do Players Want?

    how long will the lvl 180 bracks thing last ? :mellow:
  22. cor3a

    Protesting Against Hb Arg

    yeah.. im from asia and i did try to get my nem1 friends back to int svr.. they went to the int web and saw players online : 20 .. they thought i was kidding with them .. :(
  23. cor3a

    Nemesis Int

    ppl arent joining probably because they gets turn off by the amt of players on too. its 50 (int) - 430 (arg) now.
  24. cor3a

    Nemesis Int

    +1 +2 .. we worked hard to where we are today.. :)
  25. cor3a

    Nemesis Int

    shall probably wait and see if the crowd in int will rise again.. loads of ppl are leaving thats for sure.. seeing lesser and lesser ppl on these days .. and those that are on are usually afk .. sigh..