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Everything posted by cor3a

  1. cor3a

    Sade Starting Earlier?!

    grrr serg! :angry: Avril Lavinge is cool :wub:
  2. cor3a

    Sade Starting Earlier?!

    held is usually like 4am my time for me.. lol.. so having to work the morning, i dont play helds and thus not realizing it. omg.. i didnt knew i was that shallow that i knew nuts about this daylight saving thing. *embarassed* :huh:
  3. cor3a

    Sade Starting Earlier?!

    so is it gona be a perm or temp change?
  4. cor3a

    Question About E-mail Change

    hi so lets say Im to buy account xyz123. so what and to what email add should xyz123 send before i make the donation for the email change. and also if i pay for the donation via credit card, how long will the confirmation take?
  5. cor3a

    What Type Of Pvp Event Do You Want?

    so the war's that are 200str 50mag dies first? makes no sense at all.. at least to me. :sleep: :rolleyes: and to add on bs flame and flame+3 looks the same though.. u able to differentiate them? (: ps: Junoh will pwn in this event im sure :P
  6. cor3a

    What Type Of Pvp Event Do You Want?

    its a cool thing but i reckon arg and hwarang probably gona pwn the rest :S would love to do maybe a 2v2? or the team cape event we had awhile ago. i think that was probably a good one. i'll see u in the octagon for that :P
  7. Hi GM/all, I have a chara which retook his dk set with 200contri points. I am thinking of changing the s3x of the chara and in this case I'll require the dk set of the opposite sex. Would like to check if i will have to pay for the new dk set or am i able to still take it for 200 contri or so? Please help. Thanks & cheers.
  8. cor3a

    Retaking Of Dk Set.

    thanks elguason! much appreciated. :)
  9. cor3a

    Retaking Of Dk Set.

    Hi Hunter. thanks! so i dont have to pay any cash for it right? because i saw some retaking of dkset thing in the donations list,
  10. for sure! your good health > everything. xD
  11. Its always nais to have Hunter back. (: Awesome events to bring in fresh blood! :P More players/new players to be back too pleaseeeexzxz.
  12. cor3a

    Dk 6 --->dk8 Wand

    oh yea.. probably.. its quite weird to see warr's with dk15. lol. xD
  13. cor3a

    Removing Worthless Items From Drop List.

    someday, when one of the GM starts this " 1st to collect 1000 platinum rings and sapphire rings " event , u'll start to see ppl fighting over the rings. LOL
  14. cor3a

    Racist Talk?

    I dunoe wut to say about this. Racist talk? or Izit nationalist? GMs?
  15. cor3a

    Du^^ Ares Fh Ampwar

    no i do care! :P ps: gimme that anc flame instead of to the new owner :rolleyes:
  16. cor3a

    Hey Noobs!

    Hope everything is going on well and smooth for u Hunter! Hang on tough man! We'll be waiting to see u back in game :D
  17. cor3a

    1 More Question

    A flam is 2D11 , 2 will always stay '2', D is like saying '*', 11 is the max dice so it will roll from 1 to 11. 2D11 = 2*(1~11) = 2~22 Ancient Flam= 2D13 = 2~26 DK+15= 2D10+17 = 19~37 It doesnt means you will hit always from 19 to 37 with a DK+15, you are not counting your Str bonus, necks, rings, PA from the armor being hit, zerk, etc CAD= Consecutive Attack Damage or Critical Hit Damage? Rep works at normal hits and critical. It only works when you success on consecutive hits. CHD works only at criticals. tyvm for enlightening. cheers :D
  18. cor3a

    1 More Question

    pardon me for the ignorance but im a noob at reading the codes for dmg.. (eg: 2d big/small).. sorry really got no idea about that. but if u compare a dk15 dmg to an anc flame n/s?? and weapons statted with cad = every hit plus the amount stated? (eg: cad+7 every hit+7 dmg? be it crit or normal hit)
  19. cor3a

    Happy Bday Duuuuuu

    happy birthday :D
  20. cor3a

    Next Update?

    one round of ww/ogre/ig/clops pit = many many gold xD Ive seen people selling zem for 1mil gold anw.. :S
  21. cor3a

    Dk Set.

    I understand that it takes 200contri for a dkset.. so lets say if I've alr used 200 contri to take a W set and I decided to change to M... can i use another 200contri for it? or do I have to pay for it?
  22. cor3a


    Hi all. Does rep affects damage of gbh? I've heard people saying gbh hurts more when the user have low rep. Any gm or gbh users can help clarify? Thanks.
  23. cor3a


    apologies Juli. will take note of it in future.
  24. cor3a

    Happy Chinese New Year To All!

    happy chinese new year all. HUAT AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  25. cor3a


    does tower+3 have more defence then a normal tower? or isit simply more endurance?