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Everything posted by cor3a

  1. cor3a

    Forum Bug?

    im wondering if there is a bug on the forum? i posted my trade list and i cant edit it now. cant find the edit button to it.. there used to be one at the bottom right of the ppost i remember. :/
  2. just use a online translator at most. i dont speak spanish and i dont understand spanish.. but if this post or this comment interest me, i use a translator. i mean like some of the peeps above said, it might probably be due to not being able to express themselves to the best in english.. thats why they have to reply in spanish. or u can probably get a spanish speaking friend to translate the text to u.. thats what i always do. (:
  3. cor3a

    Contribution Pts

    exchanging eks for maj points will be good.. but of course not something as ridiculous as 10ek : 1 maj. i seriously rather do eks than lvl majs for my dk15 :S
  4. cor3a

    Welcome Myth[GM]

    welcome aboard the nemesis! :D hope u enjoy your stay here! :lol:
  5. cor3a

    You're Addicted To Helbreath When...

    We apply HB code on night ALWAYS with my old friends! We raid Pubs. We say "hey, watch that Elfs Spawn" " Noo shes an Ettin! " My friend Poker for example, is Lamming EKs with his EX Girlfriend atm. Thats the way i think! if u get new chiks, then thats an EK, get 700 and u ll get FH! if u fuk the same chick again and again then u r lammin eks! And ex girlfriends.. well we all hate Stalkers dont we? ;) Soon, there will be a mass Argenlandia raid in Corrientes, get ready for that one. 3 may is newspaper 50 years annyversary. After that, came ANY weekend. My house is like middleland and i live alone. I can set some fixed spawns for u if u want to lame! But bring Elgua or no deal. Ohhh u gotta deal my friend. elgua and juli will raid Corrientes. get ready for 2 pros.. and plz put a Blacksmith cause i will need to repair my Di** jajajajajaaj get a shop ready as well because juli needs to re-condom instead of repot. weehee.
  6. cor3a

    1 Sugerencia

    RESET?! NO PLX :sleep:
  7. cor3a

    1 Sugerencia

    someone enlighten me on whats going on here :rolleyes:
  8. Hai. I was wondering what about having quests to be done in groups instead of individuals? I know there are quests like gg and dd.. but maybe we can have like tw/hc quest or something? or something like kill 20 demons in inf.. or kill 20 minotaurs in procella.. maybe we can also have other form of rewards other than contri points upon completion of quest? quests like tw, iw or inf , procella quests will be good for guild bonding :D just my 2 cents worth though. :)
  9. cor3a

    Possible Server Merge?

    merging the severs will be good. i dunoe how much lag an arg can but judging from the lag i get, i believe its about the same as me. im in asia and my 50mag 100% magic makes me cast like 10 mag 20% magic most of the time. :S
  10. cor3a


    another way is to get the coder to tell us the answer :P whiteee we are waiting for uuuuu :D
  11. cor3a

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    lol? feeling like stealing my idea, dont u ruutu? -------------------------- Apr 10 2010, 02:34 PM Post #13 letrita Ettin Group: Members Posts: 747 Joined: 25-August 09 Member No.: 16,527 Warn: (10%) BerserkHammer Light blue colour (same as berserk wand) with the shape of a regular hammer, it might shine as well Damage its the same that a regular ancient hammer hp 42 or + (good hp). same stripping. here's the catch, its a single handed weapon and CAN be used with shields! hope you like it! ps:of course its a very rare drop. :) Havent even checked the other ideas, just threw my own ideas in. And my suggestion is completely different. making a 1h hammer with high hp and anc hammer dmg would be freaking overpowered. Theres no reality in ur idea. +1.
  12. cor3a

    Raid Time Last Till Monday Night

    i dont even see u and andrea around on weekends! lol
  13. cor3a


    hey MJ. cic is capped at 13%? feels diff when im on cic20%.. its like faster :s
  14. cor3a


    i think cic is not capped at 13 or 15.. probably somewhere 20?
  15. cor3a

    Raid Time Last Till Monday Night

    Indeed. but then, the new players will be complaining about the raid days.. because they dont get to lvl in peace.. :/ its just tough luck that u have to work on weekends mate..
  16. cor3a

    Contribution Pts

    cant wait! ive like maxed out 700+ contri points and i dunoe what to do with them :s crafting's too much of a risk these days.
  17. Im not code-saavy.. kinda complicated. but well, Im from asia and I have cast delays all the time.. Imuuned to it :P
  18. cor3a

    Happy Birthday Junonh

    happieee burfffdheyyy !! mayyye euuu happpieee oowwayss!! wiissh maannee manneee cummm truuuu!! sorrriee, mieee nooo sppicckk iiingglisshhhh
  19. cor3a

    The Next Update

    when hellfire's casted, i doubt any warrs can get eks ( as in all of them aiming the same target ) . the graphic covers up the entire targeted area that the warrs have got no idea where to click. lol. but then again, i managed to steal one with sb. huhuhuahuahuaheee
  20. cor3a

    You're Addicted To Helbreath When...

    thats when power green potion is needed ;)
  21. cor3a

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    so wat do we have for this week hunter? :lol: ps: im sure the efforts u put in to create event is greatly appreciated by all nemesis players. thank u
  22. cor3a

    Best Weapon Suggestion Ever?

    thats why i made a char when back at the days where u can lvl in barracks till lvl 180 just for uni hunting :lol:
  23. cor3a

    Who Has The Excalibur?

    Excalibur is up for trade now. can pm me for offers. :D
  24. cor3a

    Who Has Bloodyshockwave Manual?

    some korean have both spells on his chara too. was it Mcs? or Hello? cant remember the name but i think he's one of the few with the special colour hero cape thingy..
  25. cor3a

    Hellfire Ftw! Fresh Drop From Gg!

    Do I sound like I'm blaming u? I'm not. I'm just suggesting that u can do tt. :)