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Everything posted by cor3a

  1. cor3a

    Goodbye Nemesis

    had a good time sharing plenty of fun moments with u in KK. cheers mate. all the best.
  2. cor3a

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    white. i thought there's x neck for +100 hitting prob alr? :/ imagine having both hitting prob items= +200plus hitting prob. omg.
  3. cor3a

    Happy Birthday Argentina Event

    Long Live Hunter... :D
  4. cor3a

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    Ring of Ice elemental. since there's ie neck and ie sword, why not an ie ring :D Looks: alike Ring of Dragon (but blue instead of red) Ability: When equipped, every attack u use(with a crit) will freezes enemy - if hits. When attacking with non crit, enemy will not freeze even if ring is equipped. +3 physical dmg when equipped. *I mean I never believed in activation rings and necks and if Im to say this ring has the ablitiy to freeze people when equip, then ie sword will probably worthless. fyi: the crit im mentioning above is the one where u get 100% skills and u hear the yeah yeah yeah sound when u attack. in other words, ctrl+ alt when attacking.* Drops from: Frost, Nizzies, Tigerworms. Necklace of Awakening. Looks: i suck at designing so im gona just use the design of a kloness neck but gold in colour? or maybe pink or some bright colours. Some designers or GM can probably come up with a design if its gona be implemented :D Ability: Simple. ANTI ILLUSION! When equipped, all illusion spells will not affect u. Mass Illusion movement.. mass illusion.. illusion... blah blah. Drops from: Illusion Drags, Black Drags, Abby. Magic Moonstone Looks: Like a moonstone? lol. No idea again. Brilliant designers.. please :D Ability: Works just like the other magic gems.. purity /5. This one's for mp recovery. Since ruby's hp recovery.. lets have a mp recovery as well :D Drops from: No monsters drops this. Attained through mining and crafting just like other gems. Moonstone -> moonstone-ware -> blah blah. Oh yea.. in other words, gota create a Moonstone and a Moonstone-ware as well. lol AngelicPendant (Kloness) Looks: alike all other angels (dex,str,mag,int) but white in colour. Ability: i know not many will want this but some might actually like this. :D We all know that kloness is about rep+ everytime this angel goes to a +1 , it gives u 10 rep+ (which also means x10 the amount the angel is + ; +2 = 20 rep+, +3 = 30 rep+, etc.. ). when it reaches +10, it gives u +100 rep. I know this might be a pointless one but for people who have kloness items and are lazy to get the reps, this might help abit and probably for those who have negative rep, just put on this angel against kloness/righteous weapons users. :D same amount of majs needed to take the angel.. same amount of majs needed to upgrade them. Drops from: No monsters drops this. Able to retireve it at command hall with the same amount of majs need as the other angels. Cursed Cape Looks: probably a pure black cape (not like the dye in shop) with a gold coloured kloness logo (the pendant on the klonessneck.. the two wing thing) on it. Ability: +5 physical dmg when equipped. When equipped, it drains your hp fast.. ( probably 60sec to empty a 200vit warr. With hp sets and enough time to chug reds to regen the hp, i think its gona be fair. If its just pure +5 physical dmg, then the cape's gona be IMBA.. so the automatic deduction of hp makes up for the privilledge given to players who equipped the cape. Drops from: Abby, Black Drags, Unicorns (since unicorns are like so holy and its a sin to kill them, u'll probably get cursed :P, Demons, GG) Jinxed Boots Looks: Black boots with some gold design on it? bahhhh. Ability: +3 magical dmg when equipped. When equipped, it drains your mp fast. (probably 60sec to empty a 200mag mage.) Since the cursed cape's more for a warr, then it'll be fair if we have one for the mage as well. Drops from: Abby, Black Drag, Unicorns, Demons, GG DISCLAIMER: 1 design for each accessories (neck,ring,gem,angel,cape,boots). I have not read through this entire thread. I apolgise if any of my ideas clashes or resmebles similarity to any of the others. Do not come and flame me for copying yur idea. Im just playing my part of making suggestions as well as having fun in this event. cheers all. :D
  5. cor3a

    Item Event Week 5-23-5-30

    this is good! the other time round we were playing for stones i remember.. and yea.. ma9 plate's gona be cool xD
  6. cor3a

    Recall Delay

    put up or shut up.. well said. :D if we gona change things to like 10sec before recalling, that also means boxed = 10000000000000000% die.
  7. cor3a

    Pvp Event Sunday

    muahaha. then everyone will start creating 140s to go for the event.
  8. thats hbkorea if im not wrong.
  9. cor3a


    I dont think u need 100% magic or anything like this. u just need to keep putting the ingrdients in that bowl to up your alchemy % CONCLUSION: u need 100% at finding ingredients for alchemy and 200% patience to do alchemy :P :wub:
  10. cor3a

    Remove Dk Set

    LoLuMad ?! so we will all wear mr set to tank tw in future :D we will all wear ma set to do pvm for majs :D
  11. cor3a

    A Minor Suggestion.

    it is? i never found it confusing tbh. but well, using pretend cropse in pvp is lame.. as lame as using MIM. boohoo
  12. cor3a

    Naziri Out

    good luck with life dude. may all go well for u :D
  13. cor3a

    Buy Stones/necks With Contrib Points.

    good idea but since quest are like that easy.. higher contri points to exchange pls.. u dont get stones from every wyv drop.. u get jackpot at times:P gota work for it
  14. cor3a

    Using Merien On Shields.....

    tower +3 = more endurance. no extra def. i asked about this sometime ago.. and this was like the conclusion i got
  15. cor3a

    Issues With Update

    idk if its my problem or all sb users prob.. at least me and 400 ( a char name) have been experiencing them. situation: we run.. we get bump.. and we dc with sb in our hands. we relog-in and hb game crash. so the next time we open client and relog-in, sb will not be equipped on our hands. i've redownload the full hb nemesis thing.. but its still the same. any idea?
  16. cor3a

    Sever Status

    is sever down due to an upgrade? any new stuffs that needs to be downloaded? will be good if we can get the estimated time needed for maintenance. :D
  17. cor3a

    Sever Status

    farjat.. i need to redownload the full client for my laptop. unable to get it working. Not Found The requested document was not found on this server. Web Server at
  18. cor3a

    Sever Status

    no pls. the entire hwarang wil have xr. LOL
  19. cor3a

    Sever Status

    i was about to chug my exp slate when sever went down. weehehe
  20. cor3a

    Sever Status

    I was upgrading Nemesis Argentina. Then i went to Nemesis Int Host for a File and Noticed ONLY 9 MB left on Disk !!! It was minutes Away to "Every 6 months server not saving/Duping" So i Closed it. Dealing Disk Space + Wtf ill add the updates today also will take me like 30~60 Minutes. Just Follow Forum+Web lol 9mb left!! my thumbdrive's even bigga than that :P thanks farjat
  21. cor3a

    Hell Fire

    so i've been dropping zems to koreans xr + ie + sb + mim. lets ban all of the following spells/weapons too. ;)
  22. cor3a

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    Sheeenez? AV guild?! lol. that means AV have 2 ie swords now
  23. cor3a

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    i had to give the event a miss due to work. anyway, anyone can to share who were the winners and what did they won? anyone won some big prize? :D
  24. cor3a

    Becoming Popular Online....

    u know how i became popular online? i'll teach u if u borrow me a xr. ps: it involves a pair of shoes/boots.. and sometimes a wand and some int.. maybe a scroll too :D
  25. cor3a

    Forum Bug?

    ty Jing. i thought i had some bug or what. appreciated. :)