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Everything posted by cor3a

  1. cor3a

    Servers Get Together!

    i miss the oldschool nem int days so much to be honest. been here since nem1 and im sure nemesis has been the best hb svr ive played ever.
  2. yes i know u'r always a bitch and u'r sucha noob. but happy birthday still brudder! :D
  3. cor3a

    Max Cic % Total

    sorry for digging up old post. can White[GM] confirm on this? would like to know if cic stacks up the % or its like pa? hit the part and the effect applies.
  4. cor3a

    Ettin Event

    make that starbucks. :P
  5. cor3a

    Do You Dare To Bet?

    weird. just make yur own bets between the players. dont see a need for this. ive been making bets on zems & stones. :D
  6. cor3a

    Monstr Spawn Indicator On Minimap

    i absolutely support this suggestion.
  7. cor3a

    Iten Evento

    I know that and I also know that Hunter does not organize an event to favor some over others. I only say this because I do not see many chars playing the game to upgrade some of its items from 14 to 21 or 21 to 28 (that hopefully pass). Just look at the answers to see what % is being discussed. Beyond this, I think a great event but would only have to be raised otherwise. If im not wrong H did said that u could trade the prize if u win.. so if some low lvl wins it, he'll get instant rich.. people with high % armours gona pay to get this prize (:
  8. cor3a

    Question About Shields

    sorry White.. can i get a reply on this pls
  9. cor3a

    Monstr Spawn Indicator On Minimap

    i think we had this on nemesis 1
  10. cor3a

    Question About Shields

    so assuming dr = higher chance of the hits missing and pa = reduce the dmg of the hits... i would like to know if is there a specific % in order for a dr set to be considered better then a dkset? im a mage though.. so would like to know if what % of dr i should get if im interested in forming a dr set better than dk.
  11. cor3a

    Question About Shields

    so lets say if im a mage.. i have a 180+% dr set with merien neck.. should i use a dr77 targe or a ns tower shield for raids.. as in pvp and not pvm..
  12. cor3a

    No More Dummies At Events

    i dont think there's gona be a big diff between doing it in town and doing it in farm
  13. cor3a

    Iten Evento

    mr91 plate here i come! :D
  14. cor3a

    Iten Evento

    H, eg: cic5 mr63 chain. does it becomes cic6 mr70 chain? :D
  15. cor3a

    No More Dummies At Events

    flames to dust~~ lovers to friends~~ why do all good things come to an end??~~
  16. cor3a

    Master Hat For Mage

    warr have pro set but a pro dr set helps a mage so much with mshield tower merien neck magic sapp blah blah. warrs have pro weapons + sb . but once amp/pfm runs out... without ie/ip a zerk wand pwns all.. just imagine hellfire with z wand.. Ohmigod.!!! :X
  17. cor3a

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    Dissident is Juli? lol
  18. cor3a

    Survey I Stop Playing Or Not?

    Dario when are u coming back to nem int. i miss talking to u ):
  19. cor3a

    Survey I Stop Playing Or Not?

    +1. at least xr wasnt passed to elv :S SHOW ME YUR PERUNNNNN
  20. cor3a

    Master Hat For Mage

    mages have cancellation and hellfire. so should warr have something that have these benefits too? pros and cons of selecting between a mage or a war..
  21. cor3a

    Nemesis World Cup Fifa Event

    ARESDEN SQUAD 1- Ulez2 2- TUby 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- Alternate 1- Cristiano ROYnaldo aka cor3a. (ps, its gona be late for me too, thats why i put myself on alt hoping i can make it. I hope this is acceptable.) Alternate 2- Alternate 3- Alternate 4-
  22. maybe we could get the mule system thing running again. goldies certainly need gears to start off with. ive given a couple of goldies some basic gear to start but only to realize i dont see them anywhere 1 week later. :(