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Everything posted by -Marclorc-

  1. -Marclorc-

    Happy Birthday Elguason!

    feliz dia loco , cuidate y diviertete :) disfrutalo ! ^_^ ^_^
  2. -Marclorc-

    Happy Bday Copa

    happy birthday bro , enjoy it :)
  3. -Marclorc-

    Noc/brothers New Owners

    JAJAJAJAJJAJAJA Ur da men Sard pr0 sard pr0 win sard 1 - cock 0
  4. -Marclorc-

    Happy B-day Jing[gm] !

    happy birthday walter ! have a good one
  5. -Marclorc-

    Goddam Elv Abbadons

    naise meng , happened to me ^_^ , i got ie neck , than ie neck , then ms30 , then bbh+5 then , ring of xel , than ban kthxbai
  6. -Marclorc-

    About Hunter[gm]

    bets of luck to hunter , have faith guys , hell be ok :)
  7. -Marclorc-

    Abaddon Drops Review.

    Oh, i will be there with MaynarD. daddy is back aresden =). uff tempting to come back now never for me , i got jiped :P
  8. -Marclorc-

    Best Idea Ever Lol

    i dont get the pic and no armor dye's . and he says 28 years so he becomes GN i knoez i tried.
  9. -Marclorc-

    Barraks To 180 Lvl!

    god damn , 28 year's . on: they should make barracks 180 on special occations
  10. -Marclorc-


    well quest are a bit boring on nemesis thats why people dont do them often and rather go eking. . how about make quest like more "Adventoruous" where you have to take time to do them , like go around places kill this and that collect this and that , go to other map's and you know , make them worthy , so when you finish them you get rewarded properly . so theres more action going on hb . something like that , i dont play warcraft but the make it something like that , like some quest that are time consuming and when you finish your going to want to do it even more . like send people on mission's you know?.. Discuss .
  11. -Marclorc-

    City Mayor

    as bright as this sound's there are always hater's which will ruin it , so im not to sure , ill love to see it work , altough i really dont give a fck. cheer's tho and GL
  12. -Marclorc-

    New Year Is Coming!

    i got fh alone
  13. -Marclorc-

    Raid Time 1 Min. ?

    you know there is a fix to vista right? :S disabling video card? that messes up your computer it burns the hard drive and it messed up the intellect out of the PC and the presorpor die's so disable it , and lets see if it was worth it :)
  14. -Marclorc-

    Ancer Banned =]

    worked together to steal what ? lmaooo holy sh!t marclorc's doing things in game when he isnt playing ! jejejeje wow this is some krazi sh1t
  15. -Marclorc-

    Nothing Last's Forever :o

    if he ever went to the top of a building ( tall enough to kill himself) that fat *censored* would die in a heart attack get a life instead of acting like this thru a game , do that inrl you get your *censored* kicked ;)
  16. -Marclorc-

    Nothing Last's Forever :o

    Well guys there comes a stage in life where the hero must die !. anywho i quit k thx bai i r luv all u guys all tho u treat me like shiznet its the reason why i played ^_^ cheers guys . idc how u react if its nice much luv :wub: all my thank's to Juli for straighting me up ahaha. much of love to Junonh , Eldon , GIMLAR( MY #1 ) [the reason why i played half the time] Jimis, Hit~Point , Medic. cor3a and its an endless count . . . Guys thank's its been nice but i must move on and get laid , helbreath pr0n is to exqusisit for me .... well yea ill probaly log in once in a while (i doubt it) but yea guy's FAREWELL btw ( MARCLORC WAS SO OFF THE CHIZARD'S PRO ) LATER NEMESIS !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.! 'PooF' and FCK ALL THE HATER'S DONT HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME I R PR0 AND I r KEVIN MARCLORC VAMPYR PEACE TTG ALL DAY myspace.com/kevgordillo
  17. -Marclorc-

    Nothing Last's Forever :o

    i already wanna go back and play ^_^
  18. -Marclorc-


    agreed quest's are quite pointless :x and more team work would be going on . and more activity in the server :) you know my name :o :o wouldnt it be awesome to be rewarder with majestic points for doing an extra hard quest? like 5 mjps for bringing 2 unicorn horns, and 5 demon leahters yes thats true . you probaly have like 333333 of those :D but i want quest's like they make you go out and collect stuff , that'd be cool that would be cool but than everyone would be dk15 in 24hours. yes thats true . you probaly have like 333333 of those :D but i want quest's like they make you go out and collect stuff , that'd be cool
  19. -Marclorc-

    Q Le Pasa Al Server?

    para todos hb no es todo loko.. mira as esto , sal afuera , camina un poko y vas a ver que hay otra vida mas linda . :)
  20. -Marclorc-


    agreed quest's are quite pointless :x and more team work would be going on . and more activity in the server :) you know my name :o :o
  21. -Marclorc-

    Christmas Wish List

    i want ollie to come back most importantly :wub:
  22. -Marclorc-

    Christmas Wish List

    i would love peace in the world for ever , no violence . no murder's , no racism . i would love everyone to get along..... thats my biggest wish but if it was helbreath like.. i would love a storm bringer
  23. -Marclorc-


    I want this topic going , guys discuss , this will help you later on
  24. -Marclorc-

    To Farjat

    if this is the case u iiz pro , but u hav no itens.
  25. -Marclorc-

    To Farjat

    kinda happy your banned ^_^ dont have to hear your mouth running in jail now.. btw how much did you offer? i bet i can offer more to not unban you. and its sad, your going to pay $_$ to get your player back . Nice lvl of lowness but w.e your banned idc