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Posts posted by Moha

  1. Oh alright you're already claiming the hp wands ( that according to Jing were changed as a prize) .



    After talking it over, we decided to lower the prize because it was indeed too high for the amount of work involved to win it. Will PM winner(s) soon with the new prize options.



    If you want we can do 3 vs 3 or 5 vs 5 ray :D!


    Maynard mFs Nyros whiteangel and Ninja! want?

    I dont like those ppl always talk shit :) i respect maynard and whiteangel because they are good player and don't talk shit, and they know how to

    respect ppl :) some of antik just sound pro and talk shit but when I asked to pvp and they scared :) u guys have better ping than me :) I don do 3v3 or 5v5 but you are welcome if 1v1 :) i don care win or lose in pvp just wanna have fun and this is just a game :)

    /to Marten



    Yeah don't lose focus about this. This is just a game and shit talking is being taken too seriously. Pvp events will come and people will be able to show skills there. I'm pretty sure even the best team will lose some times.

  3. No offense guys but for the other alternative ( transferring FNDA) would have been a great mistake. I haven't seen anyone but Cowbell on( I know Ray-Ban has been fighting also but I'm just talking what I've seen ).Cowbell is an amazing player but he isn't enough to balance things out. From what I've seen the number problem is balanced but the skill level isn't. Ares got used to win ( by numbers) and not by skills ( I can assure sas4 outskilled 95% of the players on server but still lost fights because of ares mass numbers).

  4. I don't think the problem is as bad as you make it sound.

    Yesterday I played and fought a party of around 8 survivors , ( we were 6) . And we won with 0 casualities.


    The key to sas4 and argenlandia having a good teamplay is using teamspeak and such. You should try it, our nemesis server is great.

  5. ACTIVE Aresden guilds at the moment are:


    Survivors (15-20 onlines most of the time)

    Natural Selection (10-12 onlines most of the time)

    Anti K (8-20 onlines most of the time)

    FNDA (4-5 onlines)

    YOUR MOM (new guild, 3-4 onlines)

    Heroes of Justice (new guild also, 4-5 onlines)




    ACTIVE Elvine guilds at the moment are:


    HARAPEKO LEGENDS (when all of them on, they're between 8-10)

    Hachis* (not many onlines lately, i've seen only AmonAmarth and Alegro around)

    KukaManga & Co* (7-9 onlines)

    ¥Eureka¥ (new guild, very few 3-4 i think)

    The cat likes Kira (only saw 1 in this month lol)


    Anti K is not that active , on weekends when most of us play ( saturday sade) we hit a max of 10-12 .


    In nemesis 2 when there was a large unbalance we created POOP TEAM. It was a success.

  6. For the last time, keep your comments referring to the original post and not some other thing. If you would like a rule that won't allow macros ( which doesn't exist yet) maybe we should try posting it at suggestions.


    I am unsure if the players are using Macro or something like :


    Besides at this point macro usage is allowed. We will definitely bring this up for discussion.