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Everything posted by Moha

  1. Moha

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    every change I see that is being made enhances warriors and nerfs mages. Stop this tendency. Go4mage
  2. Moha

    Quests: Some Suggestions

    +1 3) Make it so if you either take a quest or claim the prize the quest window will stay open so we dont have to talk to the guy / girl for every single quest.
  3. Moha


    My question would be : why? Ganking/surpising enemy has always been a part of HB. Invulnerability has changed COMPLETLY the way raids are done.
  4. Moha


    Thank you for your reply guys. Those two changes will solve some negative effects, but not all. You've stated that Invu is supposed to help out "slow hardware/connection" players to load all data. If any of those "slow hardware/connection " starts casting a spell. that means they are ready to go . At that point , they should INSTANTLY lose INVU. Once again, I've seen some other players reading this topic. Please go ahead and share your thoughts
  5. Moha


    I would like to ask the community to contribute on the following : OLD VS NEW. Old Classic HB. Safe-zone PROS: PVP wise, you have always a chance to stop someone from recalling(even if its a really low chance) Old good surprise attack. Classic HB raiding where you have different options like: Box shop /wh, box a tp with summons(korean style) , Box d2 , box ef/RH . No safe Tp'ing to anywhere on ML on a crusade Classic HB Some other random scenarios ( just naming a few) : -If you're being chased and you haven't gotten hit in the last 10 seconds and you change a map, you're saved. -The sweet moment when you found out where an enemy is TP'ing on crusada and you will call your guild to camp on it. -Classic ML TP boxing is rendered useless CONS: (fill in here) Invulnerability PROS: Reduces shit talking (?) CONS: You have no way to stop someone from recalling/paraing/supporting, etc. You can not get hit by anyone or anything It can be easly abused , specially if you're low ping. Not being hit in 10 seconds would mean the same as survive. Safe tping to any spot on crusade Big change in gameplay . Arguably alot more was lost thant it was gained Scenarios: -If you place a teleport point on the crusade , you can SAFELY teleport to enemys base and amp/zerk , para towers then just attack. -You teleport to d2 , then go to the way to CF(enter the tp) to find it boxed. You can SAFELY recall without any problem. -You get out of the shop after a long AFK period, shop is boxed. You can SAFELY recall without any problem. -You use tp in town but find it boxed by summons (korean style). You can SAFELY recall without any problem. -Your guildmaster selected a TP full of enemy players ( and buildings). You should be dead, but... You can SAFELY recall without any problem. I strongly believe invulnerability has great potential but I do not seem to completly grasp how the 15/7 seconds were selected. Making any teleport give you Invu is a big NO-NO IMO If reverting to normal safe-zones is not an option, I would suggest the following changes done to Invu: -Making field damage hurt you (damage from fire/spike field) -Making casting a spell stop the invu effect -Reducing time of the invulnerability -Reducing the maps that will provide that effect . For instance, If there are no more safe zones, apoca maps should'nt be safe at any point. ( additionally those maps do have safe zones according to your last reply) -Other Tp's like D2 cyc tp should'nt trigger Invu Additionally, To reduce Shit talking I would suggest some kind of restriction where you can not send more than X number of messages in red or blue chat in Y time. Or something like that, increasing sp or changing safezones has already been done . shit talking is still happening. Not sure if this has reduced this at all . The price we paid for that little reduction on shit talking (if any ) was a big gameplay change Back in the day if people couldn't stand someone's shit talking you could just use /tooff.
  6. Moha

    Variety Of War Builds

    Lo mismo se podria decir de los magos. Para pvp masivo la dependencia al blizzard es MUCHO mayor que la de un war al BBH -Same can be said about Blizzard on mages.
  7. Moha

    Game Update 03/09/2013 - V5.43.002

    Hello White That is excellent to hear I believe this "good items" 1 Ancient Piece (LU/RU/LD/RD) 1 Stone of Merien 1 Stone of Xelima 1 Zemstone of Sacrifice 1 Ancient Piece (LU/RU/LD/RD) 1 Flame+3 LLF/Golden AXE LLF 1 RM10/DF10/MS10/DM+1 1 Lucky Gold Ring/Platinum Ring Ring/Ruby Ring 1 Emerald Ring/Sapphire Ring 1 Ring of Wizard/Ogre Ring are worth less than this acceptable items 1 Sex Change Potion 1 1Million Gold Pocket 1 Unicorn Summon Potion 1 Demon Summon Potion
  8. Moha


    White, thank you for your response. From my POV the surprise factor has always been a good part of HB. -If you place a teleport point on the crusade , you can SAFELY teleport to enemys base and amp/zerk , para towers then just attack. I still remember the sweet moment when you found out where an enemy is TP'ing and you will call your guild to camp on it. Trust me that is good stuff .... Camping/boxing is not really all that is getting lost, but I would like to ask you. Is there any chance reconsidering the places where Invulnerability will work? Example: -IMHO it shouldn't work in IB , ever. Because you're already in the ML, what's safe about that? -When you use sade TP - When you get out of shop or wh. Starting to cast a spell should get rid of the invulnerability. I would like to add more examples but I'm stuck at work for the time being. I will continue this further @home Regads
  9. wow yes that sucks.. =/
  10. Moha

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    That makes sense. Right now wars have the upper hand in basically all fields. continuing to nerf a mage makes no sense to me Regards
  11. if it failed at +2 it was supposed to be erased. Right?
  12. Moha

    Increasing Ping?

    pingman detected
  13. Moha

    Nemesis 3 Experience Table

    now I understand. You're an evil man -.-
  14. Moha

    Corrupt Auto Updater

    Hey, See my update on the other post : OK I found the fix. This problem is caused because the file: NemesisAutoupdater.bat is not running correctly code says : @echo off :start tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe">NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO start DEL /F /Q "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" REN "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe_" "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" START "Nemesis Auto Updater" /B "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" EXIT Therefore, just erase nemesisautoupdater.exe , and rename the nemesisautoupdater.exe_ to nemesisautoupdater.exe make sure you kill process nemesis auto updater on the task manager if you can not erase it. regards
  15. Moha


    OK I found the fix. This problem is caused because the file: NemesisAutoupdater.bat is not running correctly code says : @echo off :start tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe">NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO start DEL /F /Q "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" REN "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe_" "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" START "Nemesis Auto Updater" /B "NemesisAutoUpdater.exe" EXIT Therefore, just erase nemesisautoupdater.exe , and rename the nemesisautoupdater.exe_ to nemesisautoupdater.exe make sure you kill process nemesis auto updater on the task manager if you can not erase it. regards
  16. Moha


    having same problem. Can not login
  17. Moha

    Mr 70 Targe

    need mp w stuff
  18. Moha

    Mr 70 Targe

    also horn dr 21 W
  19. Moha

    Update V5.43.001

    16 not bad
  20. Hello guys, As you know THE DRAGON will be hunting you down same way it has happened for the last years. Can you please let me know what town are you joining, It is hard for me to decide which one I will be joining first (until I do betray mode of course) I'm looking for old HB Neme players and friends to let me know what city you guys going? P.S. Enjoy the beta, I'm taking over when it's finished
  21. Moha

    Forum Related

    Can we reset the warning level? I have 6 warnings or something Thanks
  22. Yo fred, You're getting confused between servers on this. On Neme 2 you could do +1 without losing the item but If you failed trying to go from +1 to +2 then you lose the items. I personally like this a lot ,
  23. Moha

    Just Saying Hello

    MaynarD/Gamny here. I am not yet sure which way I Will go but I will work to get argenlandia back Cheers
  24. Moha

    Infamous Vs Desortoes

    Maconhado always banned or muted. He likes to piss off people. But after some time u learn to ignore him, dont worry. I think i like him already lol. cant punish him during beta. its stupid lol. Lol I feel the same way. Love macon
  25. Moha

    The New Invulnerable Shield And Pullers.

    It does, because of the way the buff is applied. When you are about to switch map (aka standing on the coordinate) or the final count for logout is notified to server, the server can still interact very quickly, and at the point (where is also de-initializes the character and removes targets, releases skills, abandons summons etc...) it applies the invulnerability buff if you meet the conditions to get one (aka not being hit in the past 10 seconds). So once you login, even if its boxes, you'll be invulnerable to start off with. So you're saved and can still recall if you desire, or run away... or do something else (like die to the enemy of stupidity xD) Understood. Is it possible to modify the code in such a way that. Buff effect will only happen when you were recently connected or recently changed from a different map to the current one? Meaning if you have 2 hours logged out and you log in, then you do not get a buff If you have just changed from EF to city, and you have not received DMG in the last 10 seconds , but there's someone boxing city. Will you be untouchable for them? Why don't we restrict the buff effect to specific coords, like when you enter a city or teleport to BF?