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Everything posted by Moha

  1. Moha

    Unable To Use Pretend Corpse

    I got the same problem using the default one. Re-starting client fixed it for me
  2. Moha

    Fps Mass Fluctuation

    dude I have like 250 and I do not get behind :S
  3. Moha

    Survivors Suck

    chill cajun. I'm pretty sure this might have been a communication issue. Same happened to us countless times when we ran out of spots.
  4. Moha

    Game Update 05/10/2013 At 09:00 Am

    Cleroth has made reference before that there's no such magic fix .
  5. Moha

    Trade Item

    what are you looking for
  6. Moha

    Mim Poll

    Minner with amp? Nice.. Back to original, safes, pvp, no invul, damages, upgrades.. For me if the weapon is stated you shouldnt update with guaranty with NO FIAL till +3... Its a clear advantage for wars... Mim? Yes its kind of pain in da a$s is the first magic spell to cast for mages when they see you.. There's a couple miners with amp =p
  7. Moha

    Just In - Poseidon Pulls

    Wrong. He can not abuse the force login to get away from dangerous situations. You can ask WhiteCross when he's back from vacations
  8. Moha

    Holy Crap It's Been Too Long.

    Lol I'm pretty sure you might remember me Dilroy. Maynard here :) Aresden is stronger right now so its up to you . Elv has some active asian /polish guilds Hope to see you ingame
  9. Topic has been locked. He has been given a short vacation with a warning.
  10. I will look into it and act accordingly
  11. Moha

    Dragon[Gm] Added To Staff.

    Hello guys, I hope I can fulfill your expectations of what a GM should be. I will focus on enforcing the rules as much as I can . Thank you to Neme staff for trusting in me and most of the community as well ;)
  12. Moha

    [Fixed] Server Down?

    Possible because of The update
  13. Moha

    Another Rare

    Ares took the easy exp pit ( d2 CF ) while elvs go BF , IB , DC, etc.
  14. Moha

    Poseidown Vs 140!

    no me sorprenderia si come ban... es bien sabido que usa ares para espiar, pide party con algun pete y esta espereando con poseidon en la otra pc etc etc.
  15. Moha

    Mim Poll

    You're affecting PVP way to much. Mim shouldn't be changed, safe zones shouldn't be changed . safe +3 is lame , etc etc etc
  16. Moha

    Sasfour Bug Exploitation

    I'm not sure what to think. I've fought bother a couple times and he is a good player and doesn't recall even when hes whole team got owned. Logging out and then logging back in when someone is inside so you can block him is also lame if you ask me
  17. Moha

    Kering Macro Lamer

    yeah just use run as administrator :S
  18. Moha

    Civilians Taming

    Thanks white
  19. Moha

    Civilians Taming

    Basicaly forbid it. We have a number of civilians messing with pvp by tamming summons,etc.
  20. Moha


    I believe this new features needs to be changed. I have never fully understood the whole purpose of this . The main way to exploit it is that when you're Invulnerable you still have the ability to cast: -Giving support when you're Invulnerable ,then when the time is running out , you can refresh it if you're near an entrance. Like Dungeon or IB fights. And continue supporting without even having a chance of being HIT. -If you're being chased and you haven't gotten hit in the last 10 seconds and you change a map, you're saved. We've lost some gameplay. Example: -You teleport to d2 , then go to the way to CF(enter the tp) to find it boxed. You can SAFELY recall without any problem. -You get out of the shop after a long AFK period, shop is boxed. You can SAFELY recall without any problem. -You use tp in town but find it boxed by summons (korean style). You can SAFELY recall without any problem. Sometimes I've seen the counter giving me 14 seconds of invulnerability, how is the time calculated? -Deactivating the invulnerability should be triggered by changing from peace to attack mode. Can anyone enlighten me on what did we gain by this new feature, I already know what we have lost. Regards,
  21. Moha

    Mining - Stones-

    the cagons juega en el baño
  22. Moha

    Make Fencing A Class Of Its Own!

    Fencing was a class back when max lvl was lower. Times change man =(
  23. Moha

    Civilians Taming

    Well that is a different topic and it is against the rules: Activity of Civilians and Travelers in Combat: Civilians and Travelers are not allowed to interfere in raids by bumping characters, giving the times of Pfa/Pfm/Amp, bothering boxes, etc. If you are a Civilian or Traveler, continue with your training. Don’t stay in the areas where a fright is in progress or you could be sent to Bleeding Island, and depending on the case, possibly a ban of your main account. Tamers are breaking boxes and tamming enemy summons, clearly a case of abuse. This suggestion was opened so we wouldn't allow civilians to do that since they are abusing.
  24. Moha

    Nizzie Wand Drop

    what about minotaurs?