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Everything posted by Moha

  1. Moha

    To All.

    Does that mean I can close this topic, Du^^? no the one that said that is the scammer and he still have the scammed character :S
  2. Moha

    To All.

    te explico rapido Du^^ cambio su pj por Marlorc Marclorc cambio el pj Du por Solrav hasta este momento du tiene a marc, marc a solrav y solrav a du de repente real marclorc decide scammear a du, osea recupero su cuenta original despues de un par de meses y de haber posteado en foro del trade y todo . solrav al no querer darle de vuelta el pj Du. foodeo el dk 8 wand y sword ahora cada quien regreso a su personaje original pero marclorc lo hizo recuperando el pw osea scammeando espero se entienda
  3. Moha

    To All.

    how can you say this your not supposed to un-do trades whenever you want you scammed, cheated , lied Big whoop, it isn't fair when its a gang bang all vs me now is it? Most people in Nem don't like me. The way I act? And ya for you guys its easy to say "hey what the hey lets all team up against marc" its like me fighting vs all you guys team up go to GM say ban please we have enough people, not fair huh? Hopefully GM's see the good in this , maynard please this doesn't involve with you, just hop of this topic please? you scammed some1 in my guild.... dont try to play the victim now lol Your guild** key word *your guild* not you? If it had to involve yu it would have made more sence but it wasn't you know was it huh? Shoot id be pretty mad if they scammed Juggs, as long as it doesn't involve me in it, May just go away plx? Don't want to get more probs with yu than I alrdy have ;] tbh even if he wasnt from my guild i could also post what i feel when some1 like you does something so low like you did it pisses people off i hope you are well aware that things wont be the same
  4. Moha

    To All.

    how can you say this your not supposed to un-do trades whenever you want you scammed, cheated , lied Big whoop, it isn't fair when its a gang bang all vs me now is it? Most people in Nem don't like me. The way I act? And ya for you guys its easy to say "hey what the hey lets all team up against marc" its like me fighting vs all you guys team up go to GM say ban please we have enough people, not fair huh? Hopefully GM's see the good in this , maynard please this doesn't involve with you, just hop of this topic please? you scammed some1 in my guild.... dont try to play the victim now lol
  5. Moha

    To All.

    if im not wrogn in scam cases like this one , which was very lame gms will interfere and hopefully ban marc how can you say this your not supposed to un-do trades whenever you want you scammed, cheated , lied
  6. Moha

    To All.

    he scammed both of you guys then i cant belive he is so low
  7. Moha

    To All.

    lol LOL and LOL MayMay stfu go play pokemon. you talk to much, dont put your nose where it doesnt belong. :) you traded accounts with du and used pw recovery thats so lame
  8. Moha

    To All.

    I really hope Real marclorc gets a ban he scammed the account he traded , he announced in public about the trade and he used pw recovery on it, so he scammed . Imo the account should be given to Du ( real user) and deal with marc
  9. Moha

    Inhibition Scroll?

    you should re -read whats the info of spells and fix it :P it says duration 0 :o
  10. they are not :s i checked via webpage anyway i wont spam more this thread about my personal issues i will handle out with tickets like we all should do :P
  11. im not sure how many ppl got affected but i transfered my mp set and ms18 neck and it was saved from my char , when i log the other the server didnt save anymore so it got lost in the transfer! mayb some ppl did the same when server was still saving and lost/duped more items thanks for your fast answer admins!
  12. im hoping you guys rollbacking to yesterday night or the last time it worked correctly i lost alot of items and i saw alot of ppl duping lol :S
  13. Moha

    Skill Expansion

  14. Moha

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    This was input AFTER the direction bow era on hb korea/usa (where d-bows hit twice and you could mow TWs in seconds) when everyone had a demon/xelima ring. you just have said it tw era was one big mistake and it was on hb korea not every update they do is good It was a bug, and they fixed it. Don't you think if +3 safely was bad for the balance they would've removed it as well? not after every1 updated , no
  15. Moha

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    This was input AFTER the direction bow era on hb korea/usa (where d-bows hit twice and you could mow TWs in seconds) when everyone had a demon/xelima ring. you just have said it tw era was one big mistake and it was on hb korea not every update they do is good
  16. Moha

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    it would have been nice before every1 had a rod but now its not a nice idea imol
  17. Moha

    Africans Guild Please Reply

    yeah josh was the guildmaster and i gave the char for making the guildmaster everyone in african had acces to the guildmaster cos we only let ppl we could trust in guild
  18. Moha

    Mai God Raiden- Hits Hard

    Wtf :S? i am starting to think that Raiden- is a power ranger or something.. WHOS WITH ME????!?!?! I am! GOGOGO POWER RANGERS! pink ranger :wub:
  19. Moha

    Mai God Raiden- Hits Hard

    raiden is normal lol and yeh dk14 hurts
  20. Moha

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    =[ :wub:
  21. Moha


    my dear gimlin those are logics
  22. Moha

    Server Down?

    i was very laggy before so thats why i think it was restarted :P
  23. Moha

    More Fun At Lower Level!

    pete the nicest guy ever :wub:
  24. Moha

    Crusade Accolades

    w0w nice idea eldon
  25. Moha

    Tp Commands

    lol this is not a fruity server sorry -.- next u will ask for /crits command etc-.-