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Everything posted by Moha

  1. i think somethings weird about multi client i open 2 clients and my mouse is really choppy
  2. nice one multi client ;D
  3. my guess is 400-450 MAX
  4. Moha

    A Better Armor Break

    A higher costing armor break, that costs a good amount of mana to cast, is circle 9, and goes through PFM. LOL you can post any funny picture that floggers use i dont care just keep coming the funny suggestions atleast i lol =x
  5. Moha

    Survey I Stop Playing Or Not?

    no baca , con el ma set y el hp de bacapoop quedamos a mano ni te preocupes haha xD
  6. Moha

    Dk Armors Remake

    If blizzard wasn't so stupidly over-powered, I'd agree with you. 1-5 hits, freezes, and has high damage. If it weren't so good, we could honestly do away with AMP. But that's never going to happen, because people don't like changes. Blizzard was one of many stupid introductions to the game. If you had to sacrifice something to get blizzard on mages these days, it might be more balanced. why fix something that isnt broken? on big fights the ones to aim first are always mages, they die first and alot more easier even with the super pro mshield wanz
  7. Moha

    A Better Armor Break

    rofl.. this is one of the worse suggestions i ever read
  8. Moha

    Dk Armors Remake

    i was actually refering to amp. all others wont even answer i just lol
  9. Moha

    Dk Armors Remake

    Simple, just make the mshield not available to cast magic, and disable binding mshield to hotkey. Seriously, for this scenario, let's make mshield and emerald ring as one of the rare. Wipe everybody's mshield, and we start it again. You want to reduce def/pa of mage's dkset, and also disable mshield, or making it difficult for mage to own one. On the other hand, you guys does not want any restriction for warrior to hold an mshield. As a whole, I don't think it is balance. I suggested that mshield wands and emerald rings be wiped and more rare or deleted completely already. Something I would like to see is the ruby ring to stay, and the sapphire or platinum ring be given a hidden PA stat that works exactly like the mshield wand (except WAY 8-10% PA added to the characters body armor). Mshields are taken for granted and are one of the most POWERFUL items on the server. Also Godie, you're thinking completely from a mages perspective and showing your bias very readily. A DK armor change would effect both mages and warriors. Warrior pvp would be more exciting and mages would need to be more careful instead of going into HERP DERP BLIZZARD SPAM mode. kekekek a mage raiding alone, can die easy using ice sword( abusing the MSHIELD POWARS and the tower shield) a war raiding alone( can avoid dead just by running) I really never find any1 that hard to kill for you ppl to talk like this a mage cant get unbeatable( by a war) , even when they get the best items ingame a war can , besides u can cast a spell that is sold at shop that ALSo totally nerfs a mage for a minute.. you also take this for granted when its one of the best spells ingame.( same as u said for mshield)
  10. Moha

    Item Event Week May 30-june 6

    you dont really have to.. guys stop crying if the gm couldnt make it to make some event, you have to be greatfull he is back and he is doing them for us..
  11. Moha

    Survey I Stop Playing Or Not?

    oh when baca msged me i tought it was somthing alot more serious dont worry about efreet , honestly it was probably the "cheapest" item in ur bag, about dieing in pvp , just shake it off i will revenge you vs icy nud my old padawan hahaha xD
  12. Moha

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    hahahahaha juan pete poop team -1 :(
  13. Moha

    Dk Armors Remake

    well , if your totally uncable of fighting a warrior , you shouldnt blame the game..
  14. Moha

    Item Event Week May 30-june 6

    Im aware of it, my point was just if your gona do a n event , from days may30-jun 6. probably you should pick a weekend day to do it, more ppl play on weekends
  15. Moha

    Dk Armors Remake

    ??? Helbreath is a MMORPG massively multiplayer online role-playing game
  16. Moha

    Item Event Week May 30-june 6

    Hunter is there any chance we can make this events on weekends im pretty sure most ppl can make it at weekends
  17. Moha

    Players Beware Of Hwarang

    i think you got something right xD
  18. Moha

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    that really does sound fishy! btw lol at kk aiming us huaehuahuae
  19. Moha

    Dk Armors Remake

    I like them how they are right now
  20. Moha

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    just deposit the pro gis in my wh ty
  21. Moha

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    what you mean 19 hours theres hardly 19 hours from may 23 9:38 am to may 27 4:40 am
  22. I think also something should be changed.. originally , max lvl was 120 to make an ek u needed to kill lvl 80+ guys now max lvl is 180 , and you also need to kill a lvl 80 for an ek mayb it should be changed to lvl 140 or atleast 120 this could also help low lvls now that we have more raid days
  23. Moha

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    true story anc gis pls
  24. Moha

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    i duno im clean i have just been awake the last 7 days to rep him :D
  25. Moha

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    i was the on who gave more rep sry