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Everything posted by pnavajas

  1. pnavajas

    Forum Contest 1

    Helbreath Nemesis is so Buddah that i got a ZENstone of sacrifice drop :P
  2. pnavajas

    Forum Contest 1

    Helbreath Nemesis is so delightfully satisfying that I could actually call my lawyer and start booking for a judge to end legally my marriadge :) (no offense to those girls who play here, but I don`t date gamefreaks) :P
  3. pnavajas

    What If? (dk Flam Upgrades Thing)

    Ya exepecially for a 130str f/s wepon compare dk15 sword to a bbh+3/4 bbh >>> dk+15 in critd damage and stripping its isn't a bad idea but i really dont see this beign added to game took me about a year to get dk15 aswell thats exactly the reason why a DK+30 would be the most unique weapon on the server... it is fair that achieving such a weapon should have a great cost (or great risk of losing the effort) that`s the point, really.
  4. Hey guys, team, friends, enemies, Today I was thinking about the dmg difference between mages and wars, and somewhere along the line the lightbulb over my head turned on :P I was thinking why not create a handycap for wars (and mages too, why not, but affects more the wars), anyways here I go: As we all know, DK items cannot be upgraded with xels and meriens... but what would happen if, lets say, I can upgrade any DK weapon with Xelima stones, all the way up to +7? (that is, above the +15 you upgrade with majestics) so if you have lets say a dk+15 sword with a +7 bonus (if you ever get that far, of course). there should be a few conditions for this, the one that pops in my head right now is that your DK item must be at least +10 to be able to make a xelima upgrade, and if upgrade doesnt work, BAM! you lose that DK and xelima. So that adds some risk to the situation... cuz if you would be able to upgrade a base DK weapon, itll be too easy. anyways, what do you guys think about this? ArgonXenon rules!
  5. pnavajas

    What If? (dk Flam Upgrades Thing)

    if you have a vit war, i bet you will make at least 10 DK+10 to risk, as the extra damage will be sustancial and will change your scenario from survivor to predator. ;) it woulndt be fair if you would be able to upgrade dk+0 because if you have like 50 xelimas, it?ll be possible that youll end up with at least one dk+0+4, without that much effort (above from getting the xelimas, which is unnavoidable anyhow), and not wasting any money. so then all you would have to do is to use majestic points into it... too easy. anyone can do that. on the other hand, if you are putting at risk some 50 majs at one go, Im sure youll have a serious consideration of what you are doing and risking, but then the extra dmg does the difference, so on the long run, it would be more than great to invest that much time into what could turn into a great weapon... specially for vit wars, who dont cause that much damage nowadays.
  6. pnavajas

    Farjat Banned!

    si queres te presento un amigo que puede hacer que todos esos que estan arriba tuyo en el ranking ogame pierdan magicamente todas sus flotas y defensas, lunas, etc. y en vez de ser 180 pasas a ser el primero jejeje
  7. pnavajas

    Bugs Bugs Bugs Help!

    ummm. i wouldnt put unis on town, but i would certainly put some at first maps after Druncnian city map, deep down the caves, then some at battlefield (but i guess there are some already) ive seen some at D3 and that was quite cool, but then unis are rare creatures so they shoulndt be all around (or else kloness items would become not so rare and balance is pissed and u know the rest)
  8. pnavajas


    HEY Alright ---Juggs, what is "inhibitation?" is that some sort of spepepelll??? XD XD XD some guys just make my day more fun :D
  9. pnavajas

    Bugs Bugs Bugs Help!

    While farming, sometimes when u plant some seed, you double click accidentally on the ground and you start running on top of the plant (which leads to a major bump) and the plant remains invisible until you walk off screen then come back to where you planted it. not a major bug but it still does bother when you use those ciber mouses that work like crap.
  10. pnavajas

    Because Of The Lag

    i always get 5 sec lag! i use 3g connection, like trhough a cellphone :) but i dont die that much cause of that, normally i get dc when 2 or more ppl on screen XD its like my modem is set up in "autodefense drive" LOL! anyways, i LOVE the game, so i go for it all the way, with at best some 2 sec lag. B) B) B) and I live to tell! :P
  11. pnavajas

    Dark Mage Hat

    Dude do you know what a hat is? I mean, a hat flies off your head with a bit of wind, imagine what a hammer in the head could to to it? and have u ever sent a hat for getting it fixed? it costs hellofalotofcash! so i believe it couldnt be more realistic than that! on the opposite, endurance should be half than what it is now... after all its a hat, not a helm which has a different purpose, materials and of course endurance... there are many armours left from the middle age...against just a few hats (if any)... which denotes high difference in endurance and resistance to various decomposing agents... anyways, the idea is that hats should blow off your head even with a dagger attack (unless you got Indiana Jones hat of course, there is always an exception :D ) there are my 2 cents to the cause...
  12. pnavajas

    Items Within Servers

    You can shout that you're selling items from another server. You cannot shout the server name. People can whisper you for the name if they're interested. wait a minute... you cant say another srver name? like lets say i was playing on this (imaginary name, lets say "Mommydonthitme") then I say something like this "there are very interesting hunts and incredible high drop rate at Mommydonthitme". is that a failure to the system? I mean, should I be banned for saying something like that here at forum or else at general chat? just want to make sure, I DO NOT play other servers, I am a NEMESIS FAN! but i do have friends who does and they might not know about this particular point, which could lead them to being banned. ty for your precious time GMs!
  13. pnavajas

    Happy Easter

    happy easter... wish my family were also HB junkies tho... ;)
  14. pnavajas

    Rep Hack...

    Owned... Quite literally LOL I wasn`t the one Hoofarted! or was I? XD smellz like somethings rotten huh? XD
  15. pnavajas

    Who Drop Zerm

    Dude, even retarded players know this! I know it! ;) that zem thing... its so lame... i dont use them so if anyone is getting a bit woosy I can handle them zemz without any problem., as long as I have any in wh
  16. pnavajas

    Whos The Best :d?

    Umm... I would say ME!!! :D :D :D if you dont agree. its just cuz i havent been given thge chance to prove it with a real connection and not my 3sec lag 3g connection (with which i still did own some guy called DMG-sUx or something like that B) B) B) today I`ll use a better connection so Im hoping to get in the way of those who believe theyre best to prove them so wrong! XDXDXD
  17. pnavajas

    Missing Ruby Ring

    ruby ring? thats an easy one, go to Dragonia map, and wander around hunt sites, there will be plenty DF10, MR10 necks, and ruby, sapphire, lucky golden and platynum rings all over the place... pick for free, ready to be taken, no need to be elvine, nor ares... just lvl enough to enter map... and of course the last upgrade of hb :)
  18. pnavajas

    Events And Dropping Items

    ShadowS, u racist soab!
  19. pnavajas

    Events And Dropping Items

    What is fair is fair :) GMs are not our nannies or cleaning lady or alike, so there is no valid point in asking one to "get your zem and pass it back"... Like, lets say, youre walkin around and you drop a 100 dolar bill, the wind carries it to the other side of the street and you ask the guy walking on the other side (who picked it up) to pass it to you... now... what would u do if u were the guy in front? pass the bill back or play smart and keep it? it isnt stealing, as the bill was flying towards u... better that that, its just plain LUCK! Note: if you are a smartass or else too naive, and answer that u will give the item back to the owner.. well congratulations dude! youre one in a million... which means 999.999 of the people wont do that samaritan gesture :) get the point?
  20. pnavajas

    Dk15 Templar's

    as a war, yes i have a feeling that dk15 or even bbh dont take that much dmg when the target is holding a mshield and any metal shield... even with zerk i found myself hitting targets with a damage that totally sucks (even non moving targets)... something like 12hp to 32 hp hits with an occasionally 56hp hit every 10 attempts... 10 of which i was able to connect a mere 4. No magic diamond nor dm3 or stuff like that, just dm1 and ruby ring... and i have been eked by 3 blizz (which ALWAYS hit u when targeted, something thats totally absurd taking into account high mr skill which doesnt help at all dodging or reducing sustantially dmg from magic)... which I find annoying and maybe its a general -aka collective- feeling. I mean, Neme1 was an easy place to ek a mage... maybe too easy, but mages were able to ek u too in 3 to 4 blizzes if well targeted, and as said before, if u click on the right spot, u always hit a blizz, even invi ppl. a war dont have that much advantage, cant hit invi, and most times u attempt hit someone (clicking on the right spot) and u miss. even with magic diamond on, dex angel or whatever gadget is there to make hitting prob better. I guess my overall opinion would be: I wouldnt mind low dmg if hitting probability was higher. I remember running after Kyoko with a bunchaguys, we traveled from warehouse at aresden, to left elv entrance, hitting the guy (or at least attempting) and on the run it was virtually impossible to hit better than 30... the guy didnt even need to chugg... we finally could own the guy after a very long while running around... and we did it (i must admit) cuz the real kyoko wasnt using the character, but a nooby.
  21. pnavajas

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    how about summons? can they fight for us? great defense shield allowed? seems we all need zkwands to endure this one ;) although i have been against hcs in which i did not need to use pots at all... without tanker
  22. pnavajas

    Bounty For Reporting Unattended Macro?

    I?d easily become a full time bounty hunter if i could change every 3 or 4 zems, for a merien stone ;) I havent really thought on that about lamming, but i guess it could be possible. and hard to tell then who was laming and who wasnt.
  23. pnavajas

    Dragon Sunset

    Love the smell of dragon blood in the afternoon ;) cool event Hunt, lets hope its not full-a-noobs :rolleyes:
  24. pnavajas


    jajaja! ustedes se quejan? yo juego con red 3g de Claro (el de "es choto, es claro!") se me DC cuando tengo suerte cada 5 minutos, cuando no, apenas unos 20 segundos, a veces menos... Aunque de ma?ana (cuando tan los koreanos gangbang, por desgracia, y en un horario en el que tiendo a estar lejos de una pc) puedo llegar a jugar como 30 minutos sin dc. Eso si, todo. ABSOLUTAMENTE TODO lo que cruza por mi pantalla, lo veo con al menos 3 segundos de delay... especialmente cuando castean alrededor... ejemplo 2 magos no podrian matarme nunca ya q 2 casts de blizz u alguna magia potente al mismo tiempo me manda directamente DC. y si no me conecto rapido, seguro la zafo... pero si hay poco tiempo pa jugar, uno se desespera y obviamente caigo al lugar esperado pa los magos y zaz... revival. Es el motivo por el cual no ataco elvs salvo durante una held... imaginense lo que es tratar de pegarle a un jugador q esta 3 segundos mas adelante!!! JUAS! tenes q tener la bola de cristal!! Pero tiene una ventaja... los movimientos se hacen imprevisibles, por lo que si no se pone muy grave el lag, es posible esquivar "accidentalmente" los lize y hechizos como blizz... en fin... aun no defino si tener tanto lag es una ventaja o desventaja... pero lo q si defino es q si hace DC al ritmo actual... quizas llegue a hacer un majestic para octubre del 2011! jaja! Como rareza, aclaro que en ocasiones, cuando no se cae tanto y anda mas rapido, en HDSPA en vez de WCDMA (cosa q el modem elige automaticamente, cuyo traspaso de banda es causal de la mayoria de mis DC), logre un par de cacerias completas de dragones y fire wyvs. Otra rareza o bug, cuando voy a minar, si agarro el arco, luego cambio por el pick axe, tarda en aparecer la imagen del pick axe en mi mano, y hasta que este aparece, puedo minar a distancia (2 o 3 golpes maximo) eso tambien me permitia critear si tenia archery 100 y axe 60% por ejemplo. Y la roca caia sobre mis pies aunque este a 5 casillas de distancia... una rareza realmente! :D
  25. pnavajas

    Gran Dt

    el futbol no es lo tuyo chaval. Es cierto, pero en toda la secundaria no me pudieron meter ni un putin gol... ni en situacion de 5 a 1... habria q hacer torneo de martiGol aca nel HB... onda tomar 3 casileros de distancia y darle un golpe a un chaval parado cerca de la entrada al shop o wh etc, el q emboca la "pelota" nel edificio en los primeros 2 intentos califica pa la siguiente ronda, hasta q quede uno solo. recomendale a junter. No inventaste nada, el futbol en el HB existe posta! Ya se q no invente nada, es un juego al q soliamos jugar en Neme1 con la monada... tambien haciamos concursos de desfiles de modas en el shop, caminando por la pasarela y todo fashion como giordano (no le peguen che!)... lo que me recuerda q hace rato no hay casamientos... ya no hay buenas damas en este juego? jajaja