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Everything posted by pnavajas

  1. pnavajas

    Gran Dt

    el futbol no es lo tuyo chaval. Es cierto, pero en toda la secundaria no me pudieron meter ni un putin gol... ni en situacion de 5 a 1... habria q hacer torneo de martiGol aca nel HB... onda tomar 3 casileros de distancia y darle un golpe a un chaval parado cerca de la entrada al shop o wh etc, el q emboca la "pelota" nel edificio en los primeros 2 intentos califica pa la siguiente ronda, hasta q quede uno solo. recomendale a junter.
  2. pnavajas

    Gran Dt

    ALGUIEN me dice como se juega??
  3. pnavajas

    Mardi Gras- Carnivale Event

    Beignets... hmmm... I remember New Orleans... I remember Parades, showyourt*ts, beads, trades, and then the last thing I remember (at this point thoughts and memories become a bit fuzzy... if not distorted and somehow eroded... actually absolutely absent memories... blackouts etc)... HURRICANES! (im talking the drink here)... so i guess I had Beignets after hurricane arrived Pnavajas coast... cuz I seriously dont remember anything about them... not even their mere existance... :o :o :o I do remember being hangover the next day and with a strange present on my hands (a really really big red sexy bra that could fit best cow or a hipopotamus than a model... if u know what I mean... and a name... yes... a name! Kim (like Kim bassinger... but after feedlot treatment) anyways... what was I saying? OH YEAH! SHOW YOUR T*TT*ES! umm... no... it wasnt that... OH YEAH! PAT O BRIEN?S HAPPY HOUR STARTED!!! hmmm... not that either... OH YEAH! BRING THEM MONSTERS ON HUNTER! my hammer is already vibrating craving for abbadon?s spawns flesh and blood! its like Spa thing... u know... getting stress out... breathing drops in... there u go! B)
  4. pnavajas

    Gran Dt

    Yo me prendo de una, pero todavia no me registre. A todo esto le debo la zem del torneo anterior a alguien, quien gano no me acuerdo! COmo es eso? onda MartiGol en el Shop? How is that? like HammerGoal at shop door? o sea, tratar de embocar gente adentro del chop de un martillazo that is, getting ball (someone standing) into shop by critting him?
  5. pnavajas

    A Very Meaty Event

    ummm... I think Ill start my food account and maybe I?ll have it full for next winter or spring :) so if there will be another edition of this event... Hunter... IM IN DUDE! XD XD XD the time thing is just all about having 3g connection in a third world country and a very loving wife (sometimes too loving aka. time consuming cuddly little beauty) :) btw this food hunt is really good idea... i always wondered what else uses could exist for food drops of different kinds, above from eating them of course... tried abbadon food? roasted and some chutney, potatoes and a bit of wild sage? YUMMY!!! I eat it every day... for breakfast! XD XD XD
  6. pnavajas

    Best Helbreath Drop You Ever Got

    Lighting sabre, at gargoyles. at NEME1. Map infernia or somewhere there. IP neck, too at NEME1 but at TW. and air neck or something like that, against lighting damage. sorry, NEME2 hasnt been too fond of me... :S best drop is somewhere between a Diamond when mining, and a DM+1 neck when pillaging dragonia... no actual kill but some leftover from someone elses hunt... sad, isn't it?
  7. pnavajas

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    OH MAN! the raiders ring was too good of an idea to win a contest :( :JOKE: anyways, keep it on Hunter I might have an oportunity next time! (as I enter the game thru a 3g connection I guess this is the only way to ever get a merien for crafting magic crystals) :):):)
  8. Ahem... Hunter, what happened with the so called NEMESIS- HELBREATH ACCESSORY DESIGN CONTEST? I am still waiting to see who is the winner and yet no answer, tho thread is closed. :S Anyways, thanx for your time and dedication, it was a funny and creative event for us. Keep up the good work! 4 anything else, u got us, or mastercard ;)
  9. pnavajas

    Muted 4?

    I was muted, that is obvious, and the reason was probably foul language at General Chat, but then why would someone like me use foul language in GC? very easy one to answer... spent 10 minutes spamming with several different ways to ask a very simple question, to any logged user, and got absolutely no answer! :o I mean, I tried asking for the same thing once and again, on guild, general, town chats, even asked /to Hunter[GM] in a very polite way... he was busy holding an event -which btw is the event i wanted to participate in- so I wont complain about his lacking anything cuz I know he?s overwhelmed by idiots whispering chitchat crap at him, may I be counted as one of them (idiots) :). Anyways, it would have been nice to be told at least that I was being muted, by whoever GM that actually took the time to mute me... but it could have been more interesting, if ever, if that person would have at least taken the time to answer me that simple question I was asking, that got me muted 4... which was: How do i reach BI? I now know what to do to reach BI, but I didnt then, and absolutely no one in the server had enough time to answer "go to bs and buy ticket"? DUUUDEEEEEE!!! just where the hell are we living in? Planet Robot? Planet Idontgiveadamnabouttherest? Planet suckmesideways? Cmon guys, it is not that hard to reach out a hand to those who are new, or old but out of the habit, like my case. thanx anyways... Just a thought.
  10. pnavajas

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    Heres my ideas: Ultimate Raider Ring of sacrifice this is an easy one to program (Ithink) it is a ring that when activated, whenever you recall, it sends you the portal at Ares or elv garden (beyond town) and if there is raid time deactivated, it lets you stay at oposite town. It also lets you enter the gates of oposite town when activated, without recalling to own town. Activation time: 10 minutes doesnt have any other ability than that... oh, it also drops like zem (3 drops allowed and if no zem equiped, it drops for sure) Hellclaw and Barlog drops it. Magic Mithral created by crafting, same process as crafting a magic Diamond or else. It gives from 10 to 20+ DEF and lowers impact probability when being hit by 20%. It also reduces 80 to 100 endurance points (per blow) on the weapon that hits you. Magic mithral is created with one gold nugget, 2 MithralWares and 3 meriens. Completion gives you final defense rate, and also total endurance reduction on agressor depends on completion rate. IF CRAFTING FAILS, 2 meriens dissapear. Mithralware is created with 1 gold nugget and 2 mithrals. AND THIS IS ONE I AM INTERESTED IN: pick axe of the dwarfs it is an axe dropped by tigerworms only. but its drop rate is the lowest in the server. It consists in a pick axe damage +7, consecutive damage+5, that increases by 60% the chance of getting mithrals and gems when mining. Also acts as if your axe skill was 100% and lets you crit with it. Barlog drop
  11. pnavajas

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    i agree BUT if you ask me , this is not an anything goes event , since you have 1 item not allowed Im not asking you. what is the point of an event when 1 person can eat a read slate and drastically increase their chances of winning it? That's pointless. Gaucho, an easier translation, it goes like this: Aun Hunter no sabe la fecha, pero se viene un PVP vale TODO salvo las tabletas ancient, cualquier cosa... armas relocas, resu wand y hasta panes podes tirarles si te da la gana. Entonces: pinias van, pinias vienen, los muchacho se entretienen, el que gana saca un premio lindo. Magos contra Magos y adespue Wars contra Wars y a pelarse los dedos. ganador de Magos, se lleva un MPset pipicucu ganador de wars se lleva un HPset joyanuncataxi saludos y buenas pinias!
  12. pnavajas


    December 28th is my birthday, so all GMs and players go thinking about what present you?d preffer to give me :):):D:D shame I missed the christmas event, wife has been using "possession" spell all day long, and I kept on recalling to the same spot. ;) anyways, I?ll wait for your gifts :P cya!
  13. pnavajas


    TY wetwendy, and to those who said no one knows me... I bet u do, if you are a long time player that is. Maybe u knew me as AshtonGM, aka The King of Mutes... anyways... lousy attitude... cheap at least... "I dont give you present cuz I dont know u"... thats fine, but... not even a Happy Bday greeting? then why write here? just for showing off lamehood? LOL some bastards sure are idiotic sometimes... it must be the fashion these days at the server... shame. :glare:
  14. pnavajas


    Come on! not even a MS0 3%CP wand? you guys sure are greedy! :D:D:D