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Posts posted by Aealy

  1. hey i was thinking about this idea for pretty long.. :)


    my idea is like the normal peice of stones.. ??? but only Hero stones Shape..


    its cost somthing like 100-200 eks to get them from city hall officer.. !


    and when u get them u have 100% to get a weapon but not have to be a pro weapon.. like Golden Axe Stated or pro gis or pro bh things like that.. its really hard to get the eks.. and will have to do really hard work..


    its just an excuse for ppls with fh to keep playing :)


    plz say ur opinion and if u think its sux dun laught at me :(


  2. at you have a: "Max. players today" count.

    On week days it roll from 160 to 185 ppls

    On weekends it pass the 200 on as max.


    The amount of players is pretty fine, we ned to vote more perhaps and visit our web wich give us votes on the ranking.


    Hunter couldnt come to the PL event, im sure he had a personal issue... so dont worry, we will do it but at another day.


    PS:When PL is boring, use a lvl 180 and go to ML/IB, that is what players lvl 180 do when ML/IB is boring.... they go to PL to check.



    thats not the points squall....


    we need more events and we need them quick because hunter gm gives us a date to event 20 days before...


    i dont see the point to do that :S


    when gm is coming online just do an event with out prizes of demon slayer or gbh.


    just give us merien stone or zems... i would be in event just for fun because i know the type of the event of hb nemesis... ITS REALLY DARN ROX EVENTS !


    thats what ppls want give the ppls what they wishing for :)