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Everything posted by Ceepee1

  1. Ceepee1

    Firebow Removal

    Firebow is abused a lot to escape from paralyze, so it's either removing the effect or removing the bow.This would make battles much more interesting rather than just equiping the bow and shooting your opponent to remove paralyze with 100% success(You can still escape with firewall and firefield , but you can atleast block them by using pfm,and spikefield). This is actually used by many servers and it can make a quite difference to eking experience.
  2. Ceepee1

    Are Down?

    Aresden down? It seems like the server isn't responding.
  3. Ceepee1

    Firebow Removal

    Yeah it seems that firebow is already fixed for good: +there is no effect in towns +invisible effect has been removed(can be countered with spikefield) So yeah bad suggestion :D as it is already fixed.
  4. Ceepee1

    Firebow Removal

    dumb suggestion You can still tank 5-6 maxed characters, for whole paralyze time easily ,so why would this be a bad suggestion. Firebow is actually removing the chance to kill 1 character on 5-6 characters, which is dumb.
  5. Ceepee1

    Firebow Removal

    This would make eking more skillfull rather than just depending on your crits.