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Posts posted by armin

  1. Corta la mayoria que opina aca no tiene idea los pocos que pueden hablar son..

















    ..... y alguno que otro que no me acuerdo ahora pero son contados con las manos los que podes decir que tienen las de perder y se quedan peliando.

    totalmente de acuerdo

    pero te faltan algunos, aunq no son tan activos


    Quicksilver ( whoever he uses, lately keller )

    Zeralias ;)







    Mixed top 5 best Players elv and ares


    1- Whiteangel - skilled usser great reflex, good tactics, itenz plx

    2- Rast - Owning dmg, good set, he has a lot of experience in pvp and fight situations (Mercy) not the others, they sux.

    3- Persefonea - Skilled usser great reflex good aim and good experience in pvp and fight situations...

    4- NoC - you must to see him

    5- Monono - best mr 21 set M i ever seen...



    "2- Rast - Owning dmg, good set, he has a lot of experience in pvp and fight situations (Mercy) not the others, they sux "


    lol man... me and bozo found all items mercy just play pvp why my fps is 70+ "not the others, they sux" =/





    *Inner Sanctum Guild Master!*

    U and "bozo " got the items

    that doesnt mean your good at all..



    Im real user of Erl!n (USA) and im commin back.. on this char.. cya.. =)


    mamadas :wub:

  2. Most hated JoshCOOl

    Most skilled JoshCOOL

    Best mage ever JoshCOOL

    Best war JoshCOOL

    Best bmage that could beat ANYONE in game JoshCOOL

    Best pl war JoshCOOL

    Best pl mage JoshCOOL

    Biggest cyber head JoshCOOL

    Best ek-death ratio JoshCOOL

    Worst ping in game JoshCOOL

    Biggest delay in game JoshCOOL

    African Owned by JoshCOOL

    Undefeated JoshCOOL

    only ever died 5 times without bump dc JoshCOOL (real owner)


    So yeh I R WINNAR vote over.




  3. There's one thing u gotta change! It's been helbreath's carma all this time.



    Its quit annoying to kill a GG by your self, and get for drop a wood shield n/s. or REV POT.



    You should find the way to change that. If it's gonna drop a stupid wood shield, it should be a HIGH STAT wood shield.


    Put a floor for mouster drops. It makes no sence at all like this... yea yea... tonto simentech. lol