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Everything posted by armin

  1. armin

    Therapist: An Update

    U should all listen to AndresPepe.
  2. armin

    Therapist: An Update

    omg, well good luck man. It was fun playin with u. Its very hard to run a big guild with so many ppl that think they know how to play the game.. anyways, its just a game. Who got the zwand now? (dont tell me that a korean kid)
  3. armin

    Zerkwand .10

    Lighting blade, dark executor, blood sword, bloos axe, DK15 Sword hits more than all that... (correct me if im wrong)
  4. armin

    How To Get Married?

    As usual, the kid is thinkin about items in a game, except of girls..
  5. armin

    Zerkwand .10

    Zwand hits more than DK15, and think about this, if u get a Bmage, its better a Zwand, if u dont wanna train, then Zwand, its a very usefull wand.. i think its ok how it is..
  6. armin

    Zerkwand .10

    Get 200 str, choose your stats.. DK15 on mage owns, i know that, i play in war too.. just live with it.
  7. armin

    (Fixed!) Server Isn't Saving Data

    no se q paso, pero el martes pasado lo mismo, estuvo varias horas hoy asi.. Sade incluida. Lo q me parece raro es q hagas lo q hagas no guarda la info. pero loguie en el GuildMaster para la sade, puse el tp, vuelvo con el otro pj y el tp esta puesto, Logueo al GM y el tp desaparece al toke.
  8. armin

    Ip Para Hacer /ping

    Average 13 ms Average 20ms (ARG) Average 250ms (INT)
  9. armin

    Zerkwand .10

    u think all those majestics r simple?
  10. armin

    Better Pvp War

    200, 181, 59, 50, 107. Pro char.
  11. armin

    How To Get Married?

    U can be my btch if u want
  12. armin

    Happy Birthday Cakes!

    happy Bday!
  13. armin

    What Do Players Want?

    The idea of ML is good, not the ettin pit, a pit of ettins will do mass dmg to server, maybe whole ML as a pit might work, 10, 15 ettins all the time, dunno.. so there u can fight, or u can hunt.
  14. armin

    Zerkwand .10

    i prefer DK15 (ms, hp, dmg) before Zwand ms20 lol.
  15. armin

    What Do Players Want?

    ppl will create a lot of chars.. guys, just try t help new ppl, give them some gold, low items, help them..
  16. armin

    What Do Players Want?

    Gamny: u r thinkin only in u and your brother Vampyr: as usual u r just thinkin about Eldon ey!: u r thinkin in yourself.. (i love me). I just dont have anymore ideas, the moment u opened the other.. bam!.
  17. armin

    What Do Players Want?

    mmmmm hunt zones for lvl under 180, i think u r goin to far.. make ML a place that calls more ppl! make ML the place to go all the time. If its raid time, go to ML!.
  18. armin

    What Do Players Want?

    Maybe an sc hunt with 1 big item, or some nais events, not big prizes, just fun, on sunday no held, today sade was bugged, etc.. i think those things make ppl think u dont care about server that much anymore, tho i know u do. If u need help u can ask, i belive there is a lot of ppl that plays INT that would love to help, and have the time.. maybe organize some abby hunts, etc.
  19. armin

    Raiding Live Guys =)

    omg, u guys r retard or what?
  20. armin

    Ek Lame?

    If someone has lame eks, GMs will get him.. dont worry, anyways, on the main page:, u log in with your acc (same as game) and on the left, u have the ticket system.
  21. armin

    Happy Birthday Gimlar

    Feliz cumple?os pendejo PD: All arg guild is goin to pay for a lady to Gimlar..