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Everything posted by armin

  1. armin

    Bring Back Old Wand Packs!

  2. armin

    Best Guild

    as usual, when someone asks u for pvp or something u come out with another subject. Eldon, nobody says u dont know nothing about game, in fact, as i said i respect YOUR opinion, but stop sayin u play good as a mage man.. cause u dont! get it man.. plz.. that's all i got to say cya
  3. armin

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    well for the, i think 2nd time, i agree with eldon.. there's nothing to do here, just make Oldies know they r not welcome in elv.. thats it.. the rest, is Helbreath..
  4. armin

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    Estas muy equivocado, ya que tenes acceso a los log, fijate cuantos items se llevo Funny de ese hunt en abby map. Que un miembro de tu guild te scamee tmb es culpa de Luzbelito ? off: ahora si cyas. offoff: ya que no queda nada por decir, podrias cerrar el topic. No tiene sentido seguir esta charlita. excuse me guys, im gonna answer this in spanish, sory Qko: Nadie dijo nada de eso, la ultima hunt Funny trajo los drops y los repartio entre nosotros y todo. Esta vez, volvimos todos a la city, y yo mismo le pregunte a Player, Tifa, y a Videl, q van a hacer, y lo unico q hicieron fue boludear a los demas, cosa q no se si creen q los hace kpos, y desp Player me dijo, si lo foodeo, lo foodeo entre nosotros y Argenlandia, cosa q tmb me parece mal, pero dije ya fue, si tengo la chance de ganarlo listo, pero no kiere decir q vaya a Abby 1 hora, cuando se q hay gente q estuvo mucho mas tiempo, y me paro arriba de un drop y listo, no era mas facil darselo, hacer todos fg y listo? no entiendo.. son mas lokos? o mas graciosos? si saben q es al pedo.. pero si les gusta hacerse odiar ta todo bien.. es su forma no la mia.. hagan lo q kieran..
  5. armin

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    i was there runin Argen part.. Eldon, u couldnt stop my lilt sister's hunt.. u came, and as u came u left, cause Brother logged, Morpheus died, and Medic also 2 times, nobody says u dont know nothing of the game, in fact, i respect your opinion a lot, but stop sayin u r the best mage on HB cause u r not, u always die.. Hunter dced, so there was no GM there, and Oldies took drop, u cant say anything to them, just know what r they like.. ty
  6. armin

    Kill A Gm Event!

    Stongers?? jajaj, the fun will be to ek all the ares runin behind GeeMes drops will be just for less ping players.. can u guyz make a rule about civillians runin around GMs to take drops?
  7. armin

    Best Guild

    i think my bro played on that guild.. (ErliN)
  8. armin

    Best Guild

    I can name lots of good mages and wars: elguason, inner, Mr-popo, Shion!!!, Josh, MaynarD, NoC, King, Zoro, Synz, EnjoyLife, Kefka.. thoose are all mages.. and best ones imo.. But, name guilds.. not players plz..
  9. armin

    Kill A Gm Event!

    the one they drop, or the one they use?
  10. armin

    Kill A Gm Event!

    nice H, ill be waitin for u with SB!
  11. armin


    on first formula u get 611 hp.. i play dex mage, cause i have dr set.. but, if u wanna pvp, a vit mage with dk15.. if u wanna play mass fights ill say: 30 str, 50 dex, 195 int, 200 mag, 122 vit..
  12. armin


    agree with the guys, staff is doin an amazin work, White and jaapy r doin rlly cool stuff and H keeps events up all time.. Nemesis is the reason we still play HB
  13. mmmmm many people belives that 191 dex its the same as 200, old myths of hb i think.. maybe jaapy can explain this to us.. anyways, my bbh war is 181 dex, and mage has 51 dex =)
  14. armin

    Best Guild

    its a pretty stupid concept, as in this server people switch guilds like once a month.. 2 good players go here now its the best guild? then they leave to another now thats the best guild? and a lot of people fight in groups not guild related if u dont like it, dont vote, dont open the topic, and carry on.. Oh u did.. Im cleanser, the best player bla bla.. lol u look like eldon..
  15. armin

    Best Guild

    just vote plz.. if u like an old guild put it, but also vote for the guild that r active right now plz.. ty
  16. armin

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    wow white, rlly nice job man! these r the things that make me play nemesis ty man
  17. armin

    Best Guild

    Oh, i would love to pvp 5v5 that guild.. i've heard its pr0
  18. Did you pay the wyvern to kill its self? no Josh, it was the Wyv u payed first, and then he came..
  19. armin

    Best Guild

    My votes: Fights: Argenlandia and Survivors Hunts: mmm Brothers in blood and Inevitable Team Work: Survivors Best wars: old Crematoria Best Mages Argenlandia Guild with more FH i think Argenlandia.. =)
  20. armin

    Is Today's Reset A Scheduled One?

    Oo, elv will go there.. =)
  21. armin

    Statted Bows

    lol H on: if u add something, i think statted cap and hat for mages is a good idea..
  22. armin


    sera porq cada vez hay mas gente? o solo Arg? pero si esta mas lagoso q nunca el tema..
  23. armin

    Server Offline?

    no.. just elvine.. when held starts.. =/
  24. armin

    St Patrick's Day Events (en Espa?ol Tambi?n)

    very very nice H, i want that boots lol
  25. armin

    Monster Kill Statistics

    nice job man!