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Posts posted by Cake

  1. Watch Phelps get fat now. He said he's gonna retire from the Olympics so he probably won't train as much. And I don't see him losing his 12,000 calorie diet appetite that easily. He r0x everyone though :D


    Team USA will pwnz in basketball. They are playing great basketball right now. Don't mention the past because in 2004 it looked like they've never seen a pick and roll before. Watch the games, no one in any country can stay in front of Dwyane Wade in these games. He's baaaaaack :)

  2. I was amazed on how much China spent on the Olympics, 43billion?


    Canada is an underrated Country. Seals and Igloos aren't all we have :P


    Open minded :) Canada will win most gold medals.


    I am willing to *spam* $10 to whomever says their Country will have more gold medals than Canada. If you lose, you must *spam* me $10 as well. :) (willing to spend $50 = 5 bets) :P


    I only accept USD.


    Canada > USA in gold medals.


    ill take that bet


    USA will have more gold medals than canada


    is this your first olympics?


    in 2004 USA had the most medals with 36 gold medals


    canada had 3 gold medals


    No, Canada has been secretly training with penguins and dolphins. fyi, Dolphins can walk on land.


    4 years ago. Canada will prevail and no longer be an underrated Country. :)


    Eze, It's all fun and games. (:


    azn there?


    No, AzN is from my basement where he's lived for his entire life, never seeing his own reflection. I've kept him fed and maintained him very well. He plays video games for me and I sell those accounts for money. He played HB for a while because it was profitable for me. Then he had to quit and go play WoW because of a bigger market. thnx

  3. Running to safe is not same as recall/ pull or log out, u must be quite stupid jin..


    Safe zones are there for a simple reason = You can stand there safely without giving other players chance to hit u.. SO I will use it for that.

    Recall is a spell that you can use for recalling to your own town in a safe zone

    Log out logs out your character and it takes 10 seconds to log out, in those 10 seconds u cannot take damage or the log out count stops

    Pulling means that you pull your internet cable to make your character log out from game instantly, also shutting down the game or forcing a character out is considered as pulling.


    Using these four ways to get out from fight is not the same, log out or recall straight from fight is kinda lame but it can be done and its allowed, running to safe is a smart way to escape from fight IMO and pulling is actually against rules.



    Survivors never actually leave the guild, but most of our guildsmen was in army and some didnt play for various reasons (work, hobbies, summer vacations etc..) So most of the guild decided to join Africans untill the army ends at the beginning of july.. Can you see Survivors guild active now? - YES.. not big as it used to be, but we are doing quite well.


    Thank you


    - Ruutu



    What actually are you doing quite well?


    You only said that rutuu cus your the first person to invis+ safe... and it is lame...... Safe in my opinion is for low lvls, but yeh its my opinion. All these morons sayin jin sucks and everything clearly dont play nemesis as a player that never recalls vs how many is a good thing, and he just happens to know how to play.


    didn't u leave?


    didn't U leave?


    didn't U lame?

  4. I like when people recall. So next time I see them I can say "auheuaheauheuah NOOB recaller, U SUX"

    then they say mi "STFU PVP 1V1??"

    then mi say "sry this char no for 1v1"

    they say "LOL U SCARY OF MI"

    i say "thnx for zen be4"

    they say "what zen? i recall before"

    then i finish "PWNED NOOB SS+1 I POST FORUM"


    What would HB be without these amazing conversations? NOTHING.

  5. LoL the reviews are so confusing. I used to think it was just myth who did that at first. Then there were so many in one day and it couldn't be just him lols. I do it too, I just don't use your name Z :P

    But Mr-Popo rly does lame.