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Posts posted by Cake

  1. Well the real reason I made a topic was to find out why I have a 67% warning level. If a GM could tell me, that would be nais!! I DUN WANNA BAN.


    On-topic: I say PL. I think the pvp is more fun and exciting. I can only imagine what PL would be like now if there was a huge fight. The biggest we've had was 5 on 5 or so.

  2. yes u can get 100% hammer under lvl120 just have to hit the farming crap... problem is what u said

    no1 in PL to fight... I actually think the low lvl fights are way more fun than when u are all 180s. :)

    Why can't you feel the same way now Inner!? :P

  3. Leave PL at 140...i dont see the point of making it 120...if people want to play in PL then they will just make a lvl 120 char and nothin will change..besides PL is alot of fun for those of us who dont want to level to 180 =P




    Yeah! PL rocks!! We got no dk set, lower hp, smaller map, pr0 pvp, and much much more! Lols trust me, make a PL raider and come see what I'm talking about. It really is a lot of fun.

  4. 25 140s is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm a PL raider and a lot of times PL is empty...


    And I would not like to see this happen! That would mean I would be forced to lvl to 180 so I could pvp. I hate lvling and have 0 chars at 180. Sure you could tell me stop being lazy, but I don't want to!! Besides PL is much better than ML. Everyone there is "killable" and it is more even. I suggest more people make PL raiders, iz beri funz!! :)

  5. *censored* i dont think Sexy thinked exactly the shield train thing and as it is no macro needed. Ppl can train shield AFk from now on.

    IC ppl really showed a point here and also is an example on how the things in forum can get good results if they are talked in the right way.


    A partir de ahora se puede entrenar SHIELD afk, ya que no se necesita macros.


    Closed and Thanks again.

    mi confused :(

  6. Jaja yeah I remember that Lorth. nais fite


    I don't really have a favorite ek. But I do one ek I got in PL with Breezy a few months back. I was fighting some war with Ronwe I think, I para the poor fella and sade starts. I pick warrior and pump some gladius crits into this war. I kill him for -55 with all his armor jaja. waz nais


    Oh and another one! I was fighting some dude in PL with Breezy again. We were going 1v1 for a while (Breezy is a EWS mage =/ ). After a while I can tell he's low on pots. I para him and he pfms, thinking he's safe from me now!! Not a good idea cuz he got a couple nais gladius crits and PEW PEW DED! That was a fun ek because he whispered me after he died saying that I was a speeder or something. I think I have the ss' in my laptop, but it's in my car =/ I'll post the pics later!!

  7. I played USA for a very short time. I remember this dudes name.

    mi hear he was nais

    I guess we'll find out =D

    Well, I won't find out unless you stay in PL. And either way I won't fight 1v1 since mi char SUX for that kthnx.

  8. I remember when I killed Kefka, Synny, ReaveR, Justice, SmileyFcuk, and TDot on my pr0 elv Bojangles 6v1! Ok Eze helped me kill 1 then he had to log. I promise it happened!!


    An ek I would like to get is anyone in pl I haven't gotten I guess. I only play in PL cuz I'm too lazy to lvl :)

  9. Please tell yomeamo that my character Div9ne is not edited. He doesn't seem to think; let alone, think otherwise. He keeps yelling "edited" in Promise Land, and it is very annoying.

    gbh + itenz!? U EDITZ 4 SURE MEN!

  10. I don't think the spell damage is default...

    Why would LS take more mana and do the same damage as ES? I remember on both HBInt beta and early HBUsa I had access to high mag LS mages. I hit anywhere from 75-100. I've seen LS do CRITICAL! in sades! I really think these spells need raising =/


    and make exp x80 for one day so i can get 180 plx