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Everything posted by Cake

  1. Cake

    Can Excalibur Be Fished?!

    yes it can not be fished
  2. Cake

    Pro & Cons Of Mage Builds

    50 dex ftw, ss r0x
  3. Cake

    Shockerz Enjoy Your Ban =)

    hay lookz, that summon is elf
  4. Cake

    Just For Disbelievers

    nice eks they are pretty nice aren't they. It's like looking God in the face, isn't it.
  5. Cake

    The Nemesis Guide For Beginners

    Nais. Sounds like it took a lot of time to make. Good job.
  6. Cake


    To get back on topic, welcome back Snatch lolx.
  7. Cake

    I Made It !

    Nais m3n. Sounds like you worked hard for it. Congrats!
  8. Cake

    Hapy Bday Raciel/popo/gusti

    nais, mi favorite day of the year iz here i almost forgot cuz mi memory not so pr0 Meri Berday Pedro Paca!!! u r0x this much <-----------------------------------------------> (iz a lot r0x)
  9. Cake

    Japy Bday Colo

    Meri Berdat Clololololololor0x[gn] hauehaueha i luv u
  10. Cake

    A Topic Of Pulling.

    It's too hard to tell who is using speedgear. I have a desktop and a laptop. I've had my two chars right next to each other and have casted magic on one of them. I could see a delay of less than a second, but it's still a delay (plus I have really low ping). These people aren't casting faster, the information just hasn't reached out comps yet. It makes sense that people far away from the server are casting "faster". btw Raciel hax
  11. Cake

    Nemesis Pvp Rule?

    stfu amp hacker
  12. Cake


    hejeje u funi eze Play hb and r0x iz mi opinion
  13. Cake

    Oldies Ss.

    Assasin got a pimp hat. Mi laik it beri much.
  14. Cake

    Feliz Cumplea?os Funnygirl

    Jeje Meri Berday funni! Have a nais day plx. Raciel sux.
  15. Cake

    Happy Birthday Giggles!

    Happy bday Giggz! u r0x!!
  16. Cake

    Post Stats + Bag!

    Grats on Orange cape.
  17. Cake

    Pvp Event 3:3, Sign In

    Me, Kefka, and Cowbell ftw =P I wanna see the time before I join because I probably won't make it.
  18. Cake

    Sword Of Medusa/beholder Necklace

    LoLs I was so pr0 in HBInt when I had my battle axe with 130 str and full swing hack. I had the beholder one also. Was so coolz when I fought some mage with a wiz hat, I think it was when they first came out. I had the magic cast hack for my LS mage, which my cousin haxx0red from someone jejejeje. I still remember the name, Ecstasy. One of the most useful hax I had was opening up the shop menu wherever I was. Men beta was so much funz. I got trade hack from my cousin at one point also. I forget when though. I never got any good itens because people knew trade hack was out there so they were careful =/ Dusty[GN] almost banned me when he caught me speedhacking lolx. He followed me around for like 15 min after that and saw I stopped. So then he told me don't do it again and I won't be banned joj0jo. Ahh those were some funs HB days.
  19. Cake

    Hey Guys Its Me!

    Hay mang. Welcome back to HB. Dun ek mi plis :( Jeje Om1sh was funny in Nem1. He was like Co2 in global =P
  20. Cake

    Picture Of Me (aealy/yarones)

  21. Cake

    Sorry Folks....

    Damn life getting in the way of HB and all! Like farjat said, you're always welcome to come back and should exercise that right once in a while lol. You set the standard for how people should fight and act in Nem1. You were one of the best GMs I've seen controlling his guild. So I'll just say see you later because quitting just isn't an option. :)
  22. Cake

    Need Some Ideas

    Can-0pener was definitely the best plate mage I've seen. If you have the time to lvl both DK+15, go 130 str 50 dex 195 int 150 mag 72 vit or 130 mag 92 vit. This is the build to go if you wanna actually get eks. I've played this char in Nem 1 but the hp formula was different. It must be really hard to play one here. PS: I ULWAYZ HAF SUPER HAPPY FUN
  23. Cake

    Hi From African.

    EzekieL would love to vouch to that. Jejeje :D
  24. Cake

    Picture Of Me (aealy/yarones)

    LoLs orly owl stole mi hat!