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Posts posted by Bobcat

  1. My 2 cents-

    - I think this is an awesome idea, but IMO, same map only taming doesn't seem to make much sense(as most useful summons are not on pvp maps)

    - I think free range of taming should be ok(ie upwards of hc and tw for sure) I mean a little more casualities in nemesis wouldn't hurt anything I promise you that :rolleyes:

    - And I think that(expanding on my first comment) 100% earns the right to save summons(maybe an extra slot on magic circles) for use on other maps(but of course some kind of very low % to accomplish the save or just really hard to make the summon work. I would love to see this implemented regardless, just thought I'd add my thoughts as well ^_^

  2. bob, this kind of thoughts thad made fruit servers appear, people wanting to solo tw/hc, and they kill other people in 2-3 crits


    I didn't mean in such large terms... I'm in know way suggesting to make this server able to solo tw or hc please god don't quote me on this. I'm going against lowering damage vrs raising it. :mellow:

  3. @feded:

    m.shield wands will be lowered in PA, sapph & plat rings will be enabled (this is already comming next update !)



    Increasing or changing mages power, will ofcrouse force us to give warriors a compensation.

    If FoT and/or this effect change takes place, I will work on a compensation of adding BBH as a statted drop (hb korea already has it).

    You're better off making the spells themselves weaker. Unless you want to fall into the same trap that Siementech fell into, that of making things stronger and stronger to compensate for other things.


    Don't compensate for strong things being in game, make them right the first time and PLEASE don't use HB Korea as a benchmark, that server is fruitier than fruit itself.


    -1. I mean let's be honest, there is way more fun in more damage. Don't make fights take even longer :glare:

    More damage, more spells, more drops = more fun and possibilities for everyone

  4. I don't really see this skill fitting in well in hb :wacko:

    For instance, if you steal from a monster, what stops them from attacking you, or why not kill them? And are you stealing from enemy players only?? And why steal a kill haha that's kinda lame? I don't think so sorry :unsure:

  5. Well it's no secret that I'm completely terrible with names(such as my hbusa names which I feel don't even need to be mentioned :ph34r: ) so when I was making my names the first thing that came to mind was my guildmaster from USA, Bobcat of silent~rage! And i took it haha I didn't think I'd really get back into helbreath so I didn't think it through at the time :P



    As for my Mage.. I like crystal Meth :lol:

  6. in my opinion...all weapons for wars should have some DMG increase...mages are too overpowerd (and i'm saying this being a mage), i just did a PVP to a friend of mine, he is dk war and i'm dk mage...we both play equal, and i killed him spending no heal pots. (with this, i mean that mages are very overpowered, and i'd love to see some changes :S )

    then your friend was a noob =x


    lol I expected nothing less from moha :rolleyes:

  7. IPB Image


    I see many people reading this topic...


    You guys all waiting for me to post more SS?


    Camping the topic isn't allowed :P


    I'm waiting for the UPDATE :D :D :D

    can we get like a estimate on when we could expect??? i'm seriously losing my mind over this :wacko:



  8. I don't like this idea because, well I Mean come on. I think a donations page is certainly good enough. I think balls as another currency as well as buy even more items and a wider variety will just add confusion to new comers and imo it just takes away from the actual game. Please no.

  9. I feel like raising the mana cost of dk 10-15 will cause a lot of controversy. But I think even ms32 or 34 would be good enough. The 2% is too weak for a rare. This is spose to be a decent rare for mages and I doubt any Mage would touch it over a dk8 or higher. 32 or 34 would be an awesome hunting rare and even better for 50 mag wars. It should just be upgraded to rare status imo.

  10. I wasn't saying we should balance or make changes.. I was just stating how I loved pl and the pvp style it had :unsure:

    trust me if anyone in game is classic hb, it's me. I hate changes lol I love and cherish hb completely original. Just would also like to see very minor things implemented in order to make pvp a little more fun and intense, while still keeping skill level of course. Sorry to confuse :D

  11. A war with DK Set and PFM can die against 3 mages with DK15.

    The game get balanced between warriors and mages on futher stages where there are a items and armors in game.

    If you apply this there will not be no reason to play as war anymore.


    Even with AB not going through PFM you can break his sets 'easily' timing and pfaing. If you invent a new kind of AB that goes through PFM every war would be just a free EK at least he fight 2 steps away from his BS and Shop.


    That is why is so powerful the ESW, not only because the damage and sp, because the AB part.

    If in a mass fight Static was there, your sets were always heavily damaged... imagine if any mage has a spell that AB through PFM.

    Even if you make it rare like IS, with some mages in game with that spell mould the difference in a battle.

    Right, and you make some very good points elguason.


    If you can't tell, I'm trying to find ways of "speeding" pvp up and making it more intense. At the moment, I get so bored while fighting enemies and that is sad because pvp is a big part of the game.


    So, when I actually feel like having some intense killing fun...I don't go to nemesis, I go shoot people with guns on different games.


    I want that...non-boring feeling back, you know?


    I completely agree with this. This is the reason I wish pl wasn't dead. In pl, the action was fast, intense and a small map. Bs armor and lower health where mages and wars were practically even. the perfect pvp environment imo. I want this kind of pvp back. it was FUN