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Everything posted by AzrieL

  1. AzrieL

    No Balance Is Needed Coz

    :^( Mi miss u me 2 :( x3
  2. AzrieL

    Town Balance

    dont EVER mess with balance.. it will work itself out
  3. AzrieL

    Magic Skill Raising

    lol yeah on hb usa it took like 8 of us to get a freinds Manu skill to 100 lolz i got manu macros.. all you need is the stockpile of items
  4. AzrieL

    M Shield Wand (require Int)

    truth a mage with dk set, tower, m shield, df30 is a tank lol
  5. AzrieL

    3rd City

    god i wish i helbreath had been made with 3 towns.. would be sooo much fun
  6. AzrieL

    I Hate This Stupid Game.

    thats happened to me a few times in the past
  7. AzrieL

    Any 1 Played Hb On Mac Before?

    in all honesty.. macs are a waste of money you pay 3x as much as a PC with the same specs.. and theres plenty of reliable PC brands out there.. HP, toshiba, dell, lenovo are all decent
  8. AzrieL

    Old Schoolers?

    KHELBEN!! I FISHED AN EXCALIBUR OUT OF MIDDLELAND RIVER!!! honestly the best HB times were hb int before p2p.. so many people on at all time of the day barracks and noob dungeon were so much fun too.. i had a barracks raider named Malakai lol ps. im not Malakai from this server
  9. AzrieL

    Sheild Skill Resistance Decreased

    This is definitely true. If I'm playing in a big group fight and 2-3 wars with dmg items are aiming me, if I don't get my shield up right after I'm done casting, it friggin hurts. :wacko: 195int + light tower = 122vit ftw hate useless mages without mim they think they are smart tho LOLS MIM is for pussies Any good players could give shyt about being MIM'd lol are you serious?? MIM is an extremeley useful spell.. especially on this server any good player knows that
  10. AzrieL

    Sheild Skill Resistance Decreased

    i think its definitely m shield wand
  11. AzrieL

    Monthly Ek/death Count

    not needed imo.. seems like its just for bragging rights/making fun of people lol which is sad cuz this is a video game and not a real game like soccer/basketball maybe we should have "weekly hours played".. a summary of how many hours a week each player plays helbreath now that would be a good laugh
  12. AzrieL

    Cash Shop Fund Raiser Event (target 500$s)

    i suggest u dont have the hero mage item to hero war item cuz its costs 150eks more to get hero war than hero mage.. wouldnt that be buying eks?
  13. AzrieL

    Cash Shop Fund Raiser Event (target 500$s)

    if its 400 for a lvl 180 char then 10 maj should cost like 75 usd
  14. AzrieL

    No Life?

    super saiyan phelps lolz
  15. AzrieL

    No Life?

    pl = blizz mages 1 shot killing low levels with low vit and they usually try and pop from invis to do it lol
  16. AzrieL

    No Life?

    itd be nice if you couldnt equip other chars DK items period
  17. AzrieL

    Ice Rapier

    hells yeah! dont forget a ice dagger that casts blizzard. thatd be sick like diablo2 status.. when you swing the dagger it has a certain % chance to cast blizzard lolz looking SOJ
  18. AzrieL

    Lots Of Lag Spikes Since Server Restart

    time to change service provider?
  19. AzrieL

    100 Rods = 1 Ice Sword

    DIABLO 2!!! hahaah