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Posts posted by White-Rose

  1. Posted by Elguason regarding how hard being a GM is:


    We are not babysisters, we cant be running behind every player to solve their problems when their problems came for not listening to us.
    How many times did we tell you (players) to not share accounts? to not share items?
    Your Account and items are YOUR responsability.


    If its so annoying and time consuming to be a GM then don't be one. This kind of response only succeeds to explain why HB USA and every other private server in the game of Helbreath is absolute garbage. If GM's took any pride in policing the game they run then they would put in the effort to take obvious cases (such as Omish's) seriously and deal some justice.


    Im not even Omish's friend but i have to agree that with as much evidence as he has their is an obvious conclusion to be made just by looking at a set of screen shots (which takes 5 mins max).


    This isn't only a problem with Nemesis GM's .. this is a problem that makes Helbreath a game that becomes unfun due to the bad deeds of bad people and the general laziness of GM's. Stop blaming it on people that don't "protect their accounts or items" and share or whatever because what fun is it then if you cant do things with people you trust online. If they stab you in the back .. justice should be served.



    i agree.


    the gms need to show they care from their players. !

  2. *************NOT ADVERTISING HB LUX*****************




    Anywho i was wondering why we've been #2 in top site for so long. So i decided to check out the HBLux Site.

    IPB Image



    So i discovered a few things jsut from lookking at the home page:


    - A char simulator




    Players online; /who



    summonguild; which was posted in a few threads on suggestion(this command wasnt even on their site until it was posted on forums, i think)



    -the check rep command;/rt /checkrep

    they also didnt have this command



    Raid and Sade Awaraness


    So obvious they ripped this off us

    i dont think i even have to explain this





    My point for this thread? HBLux is spying on our forums, and ripping off our ideas in the site.

    They may not have ripped off all of our ideas but cmon;

    - HBNemesis gets the best update ever

    - HBLux gets one too?(with a bunch of stuff that looks like ours)


    *****Not advertising HBLux***********

    If this thread doesnt belong here or isnt suppose to be posted in the first place

    Of course dont hesitate to move/close it. :)



    many of this ideas is not ours and the summon guild is not ur idea i played in server long time ago and it was there.. ffs

  3. ok i got BIG IDEA


    1) in ice bound (or where ever maybe east or west part of ML add a new map


    on this map would be a nuetral city. (players could join this city but a non combatants and cant leave

    the city map) the city map would be like ice bound but with more mountains (lots of stairs and that

    make it difficult to get around like eline d2) the city would be a shop and bs and wh only

    and there are no guerds. this map will also have mass zombie skeleton and lich spawns.



    on the map there will be a dungeon entr. where a powerful undead ruler is creating a large army of undead, it would be a good place to mine but, there will be zombies, skeletons and liches. (note all the

    zombie and skeletons should be larger and much harder to kill maybe like a ettin) make the dungeon have

    several levels like the dungeons now with each level being tougher.



    also have a tower on the map where vampires and liches are. we could write a story line tieing it all in to hb lore, the tower would also have other nasty undead creaturs in it.


    special items added


    blood armor (red armor)

    all armor peices avaible each one gets a % 3-12 this percent adds hp to physical and magical attacks.

    each peice however reduces your max hp by 5%


    w/ complete set a player can use a activation and when attacking a oppenent in full blood armor w/ a blood item the bleed for 60secs loosing 10% of their total hp every 20 secs.


    plaque armor (greenish brown armor)

    all armor peices avaible again each piece is pr 21 sp 21


    w/ complete set 2) abilitys

    the player wearing the set is immune to all psn dmg. and a constant psn cloud surrounds the player


    new scrolls


    summon undead mob

    - circle 6 spell this spell will randomly summon 1-10 undead creatures

    ghost coffin

    - circle 9 spell this spell would create a ghostly coffin to attack target like EWS

    the spell hits through pfm but not amp, same dmg. as meteor strike, drains sp like EWS

    corrodes armor like AB, paras for 5 secs and mass poisons the tgt.


    (basically the idea is to do a big dracula type of theme.)

    only reason to let players join this town would be for the people who dont like pvp and want to item hunt, and train skills up (these players would be limited to only 120 max lvl. so they wouldnt be able to hunt the bosses for any of the new items or existing rares)



    SO ROX IDEA but i dont think gms will do this kind of thing .. :(

  4. "this is multiple ideas not a single idea also none of them are "big" we are looking for a major upgrade

    like crusades or helidean something to do when you reach 180 and have nothing to do basicly


    these would be nice ideas for normal suggestion forum"


    oh, it seems i misunderstood what you were talking about. in game, i thought you guys were saying you just wanted some big ideas to help the game out.


    well, there's one idea i've been holding on to. i don't know if it's possible, but i'd like to see instances similar to WoW.


    maps where you need a party to enter, and it has a preset amount of mobs and even a boss that takes strategy to beat, not just numbers. each instance has its own id, so no two parties can see eachother. i think it'd be interesting in HB. guilds would try to race to complete it first.


    from what i read on hb lore, there was cities to the east and west of ML, but abby destroyed them with hcs and tigerworms. you could make those two instances full of evolved tigerworms and HCs (using the same model, only a different color and bigger perhaps), and have an enormous TW as the boss named.. iunno, Balls or something. LOL


    the boss would have no hp regen while in combat, but out of it he replenishes hp immediately.


    it'd be cool if he had phases though, like once he hits 70% hp, he starts turning around every 10 seconds and LSs the bowers. at 20% hp he enrages lol, giving him more attack power. lol stuff like that.



    liked the idea.. !!!


    idea :


    1. no more safe safe is sux .. ! cut the safe for lvls 81+ lvls 80- can be at safe but 81+ cannot be.. will make several ppls very happy !


    2. u cant recall 10 sec after taking dmg.


    3. full hero set for mage is 700 as war.. mage is no diffrent from war . !


    4. hero boots/hero shoes.


    5. more weapons.. (to mage and for war)


    6. when some1 is trying to pull.. hes player will get stuck for 1minute or more.. then he will die and no more pull for him.


    7. more maps.


    8. and my best idea is here is bit bit long:


    well my idea is that any animal will drops eggs all kind of eggs.. and sometime the server is rebot. and u need to keep the egg in bag and item will come out of it. stated golden axe/cloths/stated cape etc etc.

    i very love this idea and i hope gms will do it in server !