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Everything posted by DeeKay

  1. DeeKay

    Server Down?

    go get a life while its down. youll be suprised.
  2. DeeKay

    Helbreath Nemesis Economy Ministry #2

    i see this as a benefit for only new people..what about the older people that played for months or even years to obtain the amount of gold they had. Oh well, its GMs choices.
  3. DeeKay

    Beginner Bag

    i think gold could be raised up, just a tad lower than what it use to be. I use to get around 7-9k gold from each IG, and now its around 150-200 gold lol. I think you could raise it back t oaround 3-5k gold each IG. That doesnt seem too unreasonable. None the less, im happy either way.
  4. DeeKay

    Server Down Again

    I downloaded this client on my old computer but i still use it to x-fer items...this was a long time ago called HB prohibition or w./e, so now how do i get ride of this? i got symantech but it wont remove it just "quartine" or w/e gimme some help pls lol its alright chase, i downloaded that ish back then too. some help guys?
  5. DeeKay

    Server Down Again

    email him a punch to the face hunter!!
  6. DeeKay

    Players Who Donate To The Ma Program

    dimo, you forgot my name dude
  7. DeeKay

    Serv Down

    farjat, just let me know if you need any help. I can email them a punch or a kick to the face if that needs to be done =)
  8. DeeKay

    Ig Pit?

    ohh i tought you meant 3-4 armor drops in an hour. i dont really consider hp21 warr axes or flames to be much of a drop....i meant armor drops
  9. DeeKay

    Ig Pit?

    lol i think IG pits are fine, and no i am not being biased. I do train in IG pits a lot, and by all means i think the pit is very fair. people say drop rates are too high there but honestly, its not much better than clops pits. IG pits is like the cyclops pit for mages where as the cyclops pit is for warrs. keep the IG pit and maybe start a small ettin pit in BF somewhere. that would be nice. to the person that said he got 3-4 armor drops in an hour....youre either really lucky or simply lieing. within 4 majs i would only get around 3-4 armor drops.
  10. DeeKay

    Picture Of Me (aealy/yarones)

    haha tight, where are you from again joe? Im from LA, CA
  11. DeeKay

    Picture Of Me (aealy/yarones)

    haha alright, since everyone is doing it. i might as well post some pics as well. here are some pictures of me from different time frames. My EX and I drunk and knocked out. You think your piece is sicc Bam? Here's my bubbler At the club, being stupid. A LONG while back when i was still into cars. (Car meet) I collect sneakers, mostly nikes and vans. here is a recent purchase i made. I went all out =D Here are some pictures of the San Francisco road trip me and my friends had a few months back. Enjoy.
  12. DeeKay

    Server Manteinance.

    awesome, by the sound of it..looks like the server should be up shortly. great work farj and the other HB staffs.